
趣祝福 · 国庆节祝福语 · 国庆节英文祝福语

趣祝福国庆节祝福语(编辑 幻想旅行家)I wish you a happy National Day and all the best! 祝愿,国庆快乐,万事如意!每年的十月一日是新中国成立的纪念日,即中国的国庆节,您是如何安排这个难得的小长假呢?有没有既有文采,又有意义的国庆英文祝福语呢?以下是趣祝福小编为大家精心整理的令人印象深刻的国庆节英语祝福语,欢迎您参考,希望对您有所助益!


1.National Day the blessings of the "ten" in: "ten" refers to be buckled love in the heart, friends relatives "ten", future skyshatter open "ten", as the sea never face buried "ten". Happy National Day! 国庆的祝福最“十”在:“十”指相扣心中所爱,朋友亲人“十”意相待,前程似海“十”破天开,永远没有“十”面伏埋。国庆快乐!

2.National Day is a good holiday, family reunions, may your National Day, all can be in the National Day to harvest happiness to your family. 国庆是一个很好的节日,合家团聚,愿你的国庆格外精彩,祝你全家都能在国庆收获幸福。

3.Celebrate National Day and celebrate the whole nation! This beautiful day, let me use the most sincere blessing to accompany you! Happy National Day! 欢度国庆,举国同庆!这美好的日子,让我用最真挚的祝福陪你度过!国庆快乐!

4.throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. In this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。在这美好日子里,让我用最真挚的祝福伴您渡过。

5.Wish you good luck. Happy National Day! 愿你吉祥如意。国庆快乐!

6.You is my chocolate, i am your chocolate, ah you see more beautiful, you would think her inability. china's national day, and i look forward to meet you!你是我的巧克力,我是你的朱古力,见到你啊多美丽,想你想到浑身无力。国庆佳节,盼望与你相聚!

7.Send you a ray of sunshine, two bunches of flowers, Sanyang Kaitai, the four gods of wealth, in addition to my sincere wishes, the synthesis of a sentence: 11 happy, happy National Day! 送你一缕阳光,两束鲜花,三阳开泰,四方财神,在加上我真挚的祝福,合成了一句:十一快乐,开开心心过国庆!

8.The most mothers would like to go around the world to the motherland.different nationalities,with a motherland.mother"s birthday,with happiness and hi.bless you in this era of peace and happiness,happy holidays! 遍祖国最想母亲,走遍世界最想祖国。不同的民族,同一个祖国。母亲的生日,同喜同喜。祝福你在这个和平幸福的年代里节日快乐!

9.Joyfully celebrate prosperous country, crossing the festival let home beauty, wish you happy every day happy, everything is all the happiness! 欢国庆祝国富民强,渡佳节愿家美人乐,祝愿您天天开心快乐,事事幸福如意!

10.I hope the motherland is more and more prosperous. I am proud of being a Chinese. I will study hard and be a moral teenager! 希望祖国越来越兴旺,我为自己是一个中国人而感到骄傲,我要努力学习,做一个有道德的青少年!

11.Holiday to make life wonderful, let the mood wonderful life, mood that make life so wonderful, my best wishes to all my friends have a wonderful every day. 节日让生活精彩,生活让心情精彩,心情让生命精彩,我的祝福愿所有的朋友天天都过得精彩。

12.I wish you a happy National Day! 祝你国庆节快乐!

13.Welcome another dawn, bring new air. The breath changes the sentiment, the greeting is full of friendship. National Day wishes you good luck. Happy National Day! 迎接另一个晨曦,带来全新空气。气息改变情味不变,问候充满情谊。国庆祝福你,愿你吉祥如意。国庆快乐!

14.National Day is good luck. Sincerely wish you happiness and happiness forever! Happy National Day! 国庆好运临,人间喜事连。真心祝你,幸福双双至,快乐到永远!国庆节快乐!

15.Seen meteor shower together, listened to the wind, drink mineral water, together with the received autumn corn, now with friend afar, miss but break down from constant overwork, must be a clockwork information to you: happy National Day not expired! 一起看过流星雨,一起听过风声起,一起喝过矿泉水,一起收过秋苞米,如今与友相隔万里,惦念却积劳成疾,必须发条信息传给你:国庆快乐不过期!

16.I will fill the letter with my best wishes and send them to you on national day. I wish you a happy National Day and a prosperous career! 我将满满的祝福塞在信里,在国庆节之际,寄与远方的您。祝您国庆节快乐,心想事成,事业蒸蒸日上!

17.On the 11th National Day, the gathering of relatives and friends is very lively, driving happily and carefree. For the sake of everyone's and their own safety, don't forget: Drinking without driving, driving without drinking, I wish you all a happy trip, safe and safe home!! 十一国庆到,亲朋好友聚会好热闹,自驾出行乐逍遥,为了大家和自己的生命安全,勿忘:喝酒不开车,开车不喝酒,祝大家高高兴兴出行,平平安安回家!

18.To live happily oneself is happiness, and to let others live happily is happiness. Happiness is rich and varied. If you only experience it with your heart, you will feel happy! Happy National Day! 自己活得开开心心就是幸福,让别人过得开开心心也是幸福。幸福是丰富多采的,只你用心去体会,就会感觉到幸福!祝国庆快乐!

19.The National Day is coming. Send my best wishes in advance. May you be happy. 国庆佳节就要到了,提前送上我的祝福,愿你幸福快乐。

20.May your happiness index remain high! Happy National Day! 愿你幸福指数居高不下!国庆快乐!

21.The motherland is beautiful, and the land of Shenzhou is full of flowers. It's hard to be in a good mood on national day. Pack some bags to travel. Take care of many things along the way, and enjoy more when you are happy. 祖国江山万里秀,神州大地花似锦。国庆难得好心情,打点行囊去旅行。一路顺风多珍重,收获快乐更尽兴。

22.Autumn years, the harvest season, I wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN! ! ! 金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!

23.Autumn is the season of harvest, fall is tempting moment. Harvest to you forever if autumn fruits, laughter to you forever if blooming flowers. 金秋是收获的季节,金秋是诱人的时刻。愿你收获永远如金秋的硕果,愿你欢笑永远如盛开的鲜花。

24.The National Day is coming. I wish you a happy holiday! 国庆已到,祝福送上,愿开心快乐过长假!


25.No country, no home; no home, no you and me. National Day is coming, let's wish the country a round home, a happy home and a prosperous country! 没有国,哪有家;没有家,哪有你我。国庆节来临,让我们共祝愿国圆家圆,家和国兴!

26.Don't forget to rest and take care of your body when you are busy. I heard that National Day is coming. I'll send you the first message. Give yourself a holiday, go out for a visit, your body will be strong, your mind will remain young forever! 再忙别忘了休息,再累别忘了照顾身体。听说国庆节到了,我把第一个信息发给你。给自己放放假,出去游玩一下,身体才会强健,心态更会永葆年轻态!

27.Do you want me to sing a song for you, solving your heart sad lonely; Do you want me to pour a glass of water for you, warm your hand and chill; Do you want me to accompany the National Day, be your life companion. I wish a happy National Day! 要不要我为您唱首歌,解解您心中忧伤寂寞;要不要我为您倒杯水,暖暖您手心细细寒意;要不要我陪过国庆,成为您一生的伴侣。祝国庆快乐!

28.National Day mid autumn reunion, family and friends together, lovers and lovers together, you and I he together, together for tomorrow better and get together! 国庆中秋相聚,亲朋好友相聚,情人恋人相聚,你我他相聚,大家一起为明天更好而相聚吧!

29.great blessing more powerful and prosperous motherland, the people of the motherland blessings every day upward. Bless you, I become more expansive pocket, bless our health beautiful wife.祝福伟大的祖国更加强盛,祝福祖国的人民天天向上。祝福你我口袋日见膨胀,祝福我们的爱人健康漂亮。

30.Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything. This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky! 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运!

31.Coming National Day, open the window you will see the stars, and the most shining the star is the National Day I give you blessing, wish you happy every day, everything. 国庆节到来之际,打开窗你将会看见满天星斗,而最闪亮的那一颗星就是我给你的国庆节祝福,祝你天天快乐,事事顺心。

32.Festival, want to eat good, to permit fast food mean stomach; Good to wear, usually ignore face; The most important thing is that, my friends want to bless each other and together, care for our sincere friendship! I wish you a happy National Day! 节日里,要吃好,慰劳被快餐刻薄的胃;要穿好,打扮平时忽略的面容;最重要的是,朋友们要相互祝福和欢聚,呵护我们真挚的友情!祝你国庆节快乐!

33.You would like to have a good day National Day holiday mood, have done every sweet dream, you always been concerned about all the people care! A dream come true and happiness! 愿你国庆假期天天都有好心情,夜夜都做甜蜜梦,让你时时有人关心、处处受人呵护!美梦成真,幸福快乐!

34.girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance. This is a beautiful motherland is where my growth。 姑娘好像花儿一样,小伙儿心胸多宽广,为了开辟新天地,唤醒了沉睡的高山,让那河流改变了模样.这是美丽的祖国,是我生长的地方。

35.The sky fluttering drizzle, a concerned, sent to your remote. Hopefully we intergovernmental concerns, is no longer a National Day holiday period. 把这满天飞舞的毛毛细雨,化着关切,遥寄给你。但愿我们间的关切,不再是国庆佳节来临的时刻。

36.Golden earth always has golden fragrance; golden fields always have golden harvest; golden sky always has golden wings; golden autumn always has golden melody. Golden Autumn and October are celebrating the National Day. Happy to you! 金色的泥土,总有金色的芬芳;金色的田园,总有金色的收获;金色的天空,总有金色的翅膀;金色的秋天,总有金色的旋律。金秋十月迎国庆,祝你开心!

37.Friends need to bear in mind, busy, a short text messages on the convenience of a telephone contact. At every turn on the phone for a more trend, but a friend, it is a lifetime thing, I wish a happy National Day! 朋友需要放在心上,忙了,一条短信,一个电话就方便着联络。手机可以动不动就换一款更潮流的,但朋友,那是一辈子的事情,祝国庆快乐!

38.Heaven is the highest, sea is the deepest, flower is the most fragrant, wine is the most mellow, dream is the most beautiful, you are the best, blessing is the most sincere: happy National Day! 天是最高的,海是最深的,花是最香的,酒是最醇的,梦是最美的,你是最棒的,祝福是最真诚的:国庆快乐!

39.Bless the great motherland and become more prosperous. Bless the people of our motherland. Bless you, my pocket expands day by day, bless our lovers health and beauty. 祝福伟大的祖国更加强盛,祝福祖国的人民天天向上。祝福你我口袋日见膨胀,祝福我们的爱人健康漂亮。

40.Wish you a beautiful life and a happy National Day! 愿你:生活美好,国庆快乐!

41.Smile, ten years old, I hope you have no trouble in life; happy, peaceful heart, I hope you are free and easy in everything; national day, rest, I hope you have everything. Happy National Day! 笑一笑,十年少,愿你人生无烦恼;乐一乐,心平和,愿你事事都洒脱;国庆节,歇一歇,愿你什么不缺。国庆快乐!

42.National Day vacation, leisure, every day in the face of the ceiling. Wish your family well-being, a happy holiday. 国庆假期好休闲,天天面对天花板。祝愿您全家都安康,开开心心过假期。

43.The sky is blue, the grass is green, and the National Day holiday inspires people. Beautiful mountains, clear water, travel everywhere hand in hand. Tie your belly and buy less clothes. This year's cost is yours! 天蓝蓝,草青青,国庆长假振人心。山秀秀,水清清,携手遍地去旅行。捆肚皮,少买衣,今年费用归你请!

44.I'm proud of being a Chinese. I want to be a Chinese who inherits and develops Chinese culture, has noble faith, rich spirit and morality. 我为自己是一个中国人感到自豪,我要做一个传承与发展中国文化,做信仰高尚,精神充实,具有道德的中国人。

45.autumn years, the harvest season, I wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happpy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN! ! ! 金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!

46.The motherland enjoys prosperity and happiness. I wish my friends a happy National Day and a happy day. 祖国繁荣享生活,阖家欢乐品幸福。祝朋友国庆快乐,幸福每天。

47.Time goes by, friends live together, and life goes hand in hand with you. Happy birthday to you on National Day! 岁月相伴,友情相守,人生四季与你携手。国庆节,祝你快乐到永久!

48.Throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through. chu: everything is, come!神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。在这美好日子里,让我用最真挚的祝福伴您渡过。祝:万事大吉,心想事成!






















国庆节祝福语 英语







































1、On this National Day, let's remember the sacrifices made by our brave soldiers and honor their service.

2、Best wishes to everyone on National Day. Let us work towards a brighter tomorrow for ourselves and our children.

3、Happy National Day! Best wishes for a successful year.

4、May the spirit of our national heroes inspire us to be brave, determined, and united. Happy National Day to all!


6、Happy National Day to all the individuals who have worked tirelessly to make our nation great!

7、We are proud to be Chinese, happy National Day!

8、Happy National Day to all the artists, writers, and scholars who enrich our culture!

9、May your National Day be filled with the warmth of family, the love of friends, and the pride of being Chinese.

10、Let us come together as one nation and celebrate the achievements and progress of our country on this National Day. Happy National Day!

11、Celebrating our country's resilience and progress this National Day, let us keep striving for the best.

12、Let's celebrate the natural beauty and wonder of our country on this National Day!

13、On this National Day, let us unite as one nation and celebrate the beauty of our diversity. Happy National Day to you and your family!

14、Let us honor our national heroes and remember their sacrifice. Happy National Day to all!

15、May this National Day be a time to honor our heroes, remember our sacrifices, and renew our pledge to build a brighter future for all!

16、Happy National Day, may our flag always inspire us to be better and do better.

17、Happy National Day! Let's make every moment count in the pursuit of our dreams.


19、Happy National Day to a country that is full of spirit, strength, and resilience!

20、Celebrate this National Day with pride and joy, and remember the sacrifices of those who made it all possible.



22、Happy National Day to all the civil servants who work tirelessly for our country's betterment!

23、Celebrating our national spirit and identity on this National Day, let us stay united and strong.

24、Let us unite as one nation to celebrate the blessings of freedom, democracy and independence this National Day.

25、May this National Day be a time to reflect on our shared history, rejoice in our cultural diversity, and rededicate ourselves to creating a more just, equitable, and compassionate society!

26、May this National Day be a reminder of our duty to create a better world for future generations.

27、May our country always be a source of hope, prosperity, and happiness for all. Happy National Day!

28、Wishing the people of China a very happy National Day and all the best for the years to come!

29、Let us all work towards building a more peaceful and prosperous world. Happy National Day!

30、Let's celebrate our country's independence and freedom on National Day!

31、May we always stand together as a united nation, loyal to our values and committed to our future. Happy National Day!

32、Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous National Day, let us work together towards a brighter future.

33、Let us take pride in our country's achievements and progress on this National Day. 在国庆节上,让我们为我们国家的成就和进步而自豪。

34、May this National Day be a symbol of hope, progress and unity for our country!

35、May the spirit of patriotism and love for our nation always be alive in our hearts. Happy National Day!

36、May this National Day be filled with love, blessings, and joy for all the people of China.

37、Happy National Day to all the citizens who have contributed to our nation's growth and development!

38、Let the celebration of National Day bring us all together in harmony and peace.

39、Let's come together to celebrate our common humanity, our unique contributions, and our shared dreams for a better world! Happy National Day!

40、Happy National Day, may our country always shine bright like the moon and stars.

41、May the spirit of patriotism and love for our country guide us on this National Day. Happy National Day!

42、On National Day, let's honor our heroes and all they have done for us.


43、Let us honor the courage and sacrifice of our forefathers on this National Day. 在国庆节上,让我们敬重我们的先辈们的勇气和牺牲。

44、May the pride, honor, and unity of our country be a source of inspiration and hope on this National Day. Happy National Day!

45、Celebrating our freedom and democracy on this National Day, let us stay vigilant and protect them.

46、Let's celebrate the diversity and richness of our country on National Day and strive for a more harmonious and united world.

47、Happy National Day! Let's make our country proud every day.

48、May your National Day be filled with the sweetness of love, the blessings of peace, and the pride of being a Chinese citizen.

49、Best wishes on National Day! May our country continue to prosper and grow stronger with each passing day.

50、On this special day of National Day, let us all come together and celebrate the remarkable achievements of our country!

51、Let us celebrate the unity and diversity of our country on this National Day. 在国庆节上,让我们庆祝我们国家的团结和多样性。

52、Wishing everyone a happy and memorable National Day celebration full of love and hope!

53、On this National Day, let's remember the sacrifices made by our heroes and honor their courage.

54、May our great nation continue to prosper and flourish in the years to come. Happy National Day!

55、On this National Day, let's remember the importance of unity, tolerance, and peace in building a strong and prosperous nation.

56、Happy National Day to all the journalists and media professionals who uphold our country's freedom of speech and expression!

57、On this National Day, let us remember our roots, cherish our culture, and embrace our diversity.

58、May your National Day be filled with the colors of patriotism, the melodies of joy, and the warmth of togetherness.

59、Happy National Day! Let us all pledge to do our best for the good of our nation.

60、Happy National Day to all the innovators and scientists who drive our country's technological progress!

61、Happy National Day, my fellow citizens! Let's make it a memorable one.

62、Happy National Day to all the artists and performers who showcase our country's cultural richness to the world!


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