
趣祝福 · 文案 · 元宵的祝福语英文版



1、Japanese yen, full moon, I wish your family and friends a happy reunion!日圆,月圆,祝您亲朋团团圆圆!

2、Lantern Festival lantern hanging, every family like.元宵节日灯笼悬,家家户户好喜欢。

3、the day of the first month Shiwuru infants round, sweet blessings of Beier ah, you would like to win pretty ah, good luck often repeatedly ah, the Lantern Festival happy! 正月十五月儿圆那,祝福的话倍儿甜啊,愿你漂亮一年胜一年呀,好运好事常连连啊,元宵节快乐!

4、May you live up to your time and efforts, make you feel at ease, have a good moon, and have a happy Lantern Festival.愿不负时光,不负努力,人安心安,花好月圆,元宵节快乐。

5、May your happiness be like a living treasure, and your happy life be more wonderful!愿你快乐似活宝,幸福生活更美妙!

6、I wish you a happy and healthy Lantern Festival. Congratulations on your prosperity!祝您元宵快乐健康,恭喜发财!

7、Enjoy the lantern on the 15th day of the first month. I wish you a bright mood.正月十五赏花灯,祝你心情亮如灯。

8、The Lantern Festival is here. May you enjoy the Tangyuan and have a happy holiday.元宵节到了,愿你尝着汤圆,快乐过节。

9、Spring Lantern Festival will give you Han? Sent messages folder blessing Is willing to hold your peace, pro-health, surmise happiness, bring happiness, a warm hug, with sweet, a chain fortune, pulled auspicious, auspicious Year of the Rat元宵佳节给你啥?发送邮件文件夹的祝福。愿意持有你的平安,促健康,揣快乐,带来幸福,一个温暖的拥抱,甜蜜,链发财,拉鼠年吉祥,祥和的新年。

10、Beautiful night lights fish dragon acrobatics Coloured glaze prosperous plendid miharu Wish you have a Lantern Festival joyfully!灯火良宵,鱼龙百戏琉璃盛世,锦绣三春。祝你过一个欢欢喜喜的元宵节!

11、Fate is not far away, the source of wealth is rolling, love is continuous, reunion will never be scattered.缘分只近不远,财源滚滚而来,情缘绵绵不断,团圆永远不散。

12、Wish you a round family round round round, round things, happy flowers and happy moon!愿你人圆家圆团团圆圆,事圆福圆花好月圆!

13、May the colorful lights shine on your way forward, and everything will be smooth all the way.愿彩灯照耀着你前进的道路,一路锦绣事事顺利。

14、Eat dumplings, round and round, healthy and healthy.吃汤圆,团团圆圆健健康康。

15、I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, pig yuanyurun make Lantern Festival.预祝大家元宵节快乐,猪圆玉润闹元宵。

16、lantern festival lantern festival do not forget to eat, eat a good luck are always there, always happy to eat two to eat three the family reunion , eating four seasons safe to eat 5. . . damn small pig, this thing can be bad digestion yo!正月十五闹元宵不要忘了吃,吃了好运气总是在那里,永远幸福吃两吃三个合家团圆,吃四个赛季放心食用5。 。该死的小猪猪,这东西可不好消化哟!

17、Wish you a happy family, everything goes smoothly!愿你合家团团圆圆,一切顺顺利利!

18、May your dream come true and everything come true!愿你梦想如愿,万事都圆圆满满!

19、Let Tangyuan, stick to health stick, stick to God of wealth to send money.让汤圆,粘住健康身体棒,粘住财神来送钱。

20、lantern round, monthly child round, round and round xu a wish. an old friend from afar to sms biography, bless you: sweet sweet honey happily perfectly healthy forever!圆圆的灯笼,圆圆的孩子,圆圆的许一个愿望。一位老朋友从远方传来短信传记,祝福你: 甜甜蜜蜜,永远健康快乐!


21、2002 to 9.15 Cylindrical / you love your pity / you often linked to heart / Tonight the dumpling is very Nien / when we can celebrate.月到十五分外圆/把你疼爱把你怜/常常把你挂心间/今夜的汤圆甚是粘/我们何时能团圆/

22、Wish, wish, wish your ideal will go with the people!心愿,情愿,祝你理想天随人愿!

23、On the 15th day of January, I appreciate the lantern and have a wonderful dream.元月十五赏花灯,看了花灯美梦成。

24、lantern round, monthly child round, round and round xu a wish. an old friend from afar to sms biography, bless you: sweet sweet honey happily perfectly healthy forever!元宵圆,月儿圆,团团许一个愿望。老朋友远道而来短信传,祝福你:甜甜蜜蜜高高兴兴健健康康永远!

25、Wish your family a happy reunion and a happy Lantern Festival!祝你的家庭美满乐团圆,元宵佳节快乐!

26、Wishing you a merry song in your heart at Lantern Festival and blessings all year long! 元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!

27、The whole country celebrates the Lantern Festival, the whole family is happy and happy! Happy Lantern Festival!举国同庆元宵节,阖家欢乐积美满!元宵节快乐!

28、I wish you: spring to autumn to win everything, mountains and rivers, there will be a return to Gan. Happy Lantern Festival!祝愿你:春去秋往万事胜意,山高水长终有回甘。元宵快乐!

29、On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, I sincerely wish you a happy holiday and a happy family!在元宵佳节到来之际,诚挚祝您节日快乐,阖家幸福!

30、Wishing you good health and family reunion on Lantern Festival!元宵佳节祝你身体健康,合家团圆!

31、Wish you a happy Lantern Festival! Happiness is sweet! The future looks bright!祝远方的你:元宵节快乐!幸福甜蜜!前途似锦!

32、I wish you a happy life and a smooth career!愿你吃了乐开颜,生活圆满,事业顺利!

33、I wish you a good mood, a wonderful career and a happy Lantern Festival.祝愿你心情好,事业妙,快快乐乐度元宵。

34、Lantern Festival Night, bless your hair, wish you a happy festival, happiness is limitless!元宵夜,祝福发指间,祝节日快乐,幸福无极限!

35、May Lantern Festival be filled with happiness for you 愿你元宵节幸福无尽。

36、Happy Lantern Festival, everything goes smoothly, everything goes smoothly, and the whole family is happy!祝元宵节快乐,万事顺意,一顺百顺,阖家幸福!

37、yuan xiao lantern festival edge, 35 yuan xiao nan xiao stomach. tonight refrain from greedy glutton, i wish you a happy degrees good night!元宵节边,35元肖南肖胃。从贪婪馋嘴今夜副歌,我祝你幸福度晚安! 

38、On the eve of the Lantern Festival, I wish you peace, happiness and happiness. Everything is round!在元宵节来临之际,祝你平安,快乐,幸福。万事圆!

39、The first month is the New Year, the 15 Lantern Festival, Tangyuan Delicious Fragrance, I wish you good luck, good luck and you do not separate, everything is always happy!正月里来是新春,十五花灯闹乾坤,汤圆味美香喷喷,祝你佳节福满身,好运和你不离分,万事如意永开心!

40、The Lantern Festival is coming. I wish you happiness, good luck, good health and peace!元宵节到了,愿君开心快乐,吉祥如意,健康平安,万事顺心!


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