
趣祝福 · 七夕节祝福语 · 七夕英文高级句子


1、Qixi is also known as the Night of Sevens or the Double Seven Festival.

2、Qixi Festival is a time when people set aside their differences and focus on the positive aspects of their relationships.

3、Some Chinese couples choose to get married on Qixi because of its romantic connotations.

4、On Qixi Festival, the sky is a canvas for the love between couples.

5、On Qixi, couples often release lit lanterns into the sky together.

6、During Qixi Festival, lovers often exchange chocolates, flowers, and other gifts.

7、The Qixi Festival is a time when people pray for love, happiness, and good fortune.

8、On Qixi Festival, many Chinese couples go to see performances or concerts together.

9、It is a time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future with hope and optimism.

10、Some traditional activities include making and exchanging handmade woven bracelets, eating fruit, and stargazing.

11、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to let go of fear and doubt, and to trust in the power of love to guide and support us on our journey.

12、In recent years, the Qixi Festival has become increasingly commercialized with the sale of special gifts and decorations.

13、Qixi Festival is an important occasion for lovers to express their affection and commitment to each other.

14、Qixi is a time when people put aside their worries and celebrate the good things in life.

15、In modern times, Qixi Festival has become an important shopping day for many people looking for deals on gifts or special offers on romantic outings.

16、For some people, the Qixi Festival is a time to explore new romantic possibilities, to take a risk and put their heart on the line.

17、May your love be as strong and enduring as the mountains that surround us, and may it bring you peace and happiness for all time.

18、May your love be as bright and lasting as the stars above, and may it bring you joy and happiness throughout your life.

19、Qixi Festival is a day to celebrate our love story.

20、May our love continue to shine bright like the stars on Qixi Festival.

21、Qixi is a day to recognize the importance of balance and harmony in our lives, as the festival is based on the traditional Chinese concept of Yin and Yang.

22、The festival highlights the importance of equality and mutual respect in relationships, and encourages us to work towards a more just and compassionate society.

23、The festival is an occasion to show appreciation for loved ones and to cherish the memories of those who have passed on.

24、On Qixi Festival, unmarried women pray for a good husband, while men pray for a virtuous wife.

25、The Double Seventh Festival is a reminder of the importance of resilience and persistence, as well as the need to stay connected to our inner strength and wisdom during difficult times.

26、The festival reminds us that no matter what challenges or obstacles we may face, we are never alone, and that love is always present to guide and inspire us.

27、Whether it's through volunteering, donating to charity, or simply being kind to those in need, we can all make a difference this Qixi Festival.

28、The festival provides a platform for young people to express their creativity and showcase their talents in areas such as art, music, and dance.

29、Qixi Festival is an occasion for forgiveness, reconciliation, and giving thanks for the blessings of life, love, and family.

30、Many people use the festival as an opportunity to make amends and heal old wounds with loved ones they may have had a falling out with.

31、May your love be as vibrant and colorful as the flowers in a garden, and may it bloom and flourish forever.

32、The festival of Qixi celebrates the love and devotion of Niulang and Zhinu.

33、The story of the heavenly princess and the cowherd teaches us that true love knows no boundaries, and that anything is possible if we have faith and perseverance.

34、This festival originated from an ancient love story about a weaver girl and a cowherd.

35、For many people, the Qixi Festival is a time to recommit to their relationship and to work through any challenges and difficulties they may be facing.

36、Qixi Festival is a time to celebrate the power of connection, to reflect on the past and plan for the future, and to cherish the beauty of love in all its forms.

37、The Qixi Festival is celebrated by many people in China, especially young couples.

38、Qixi Festival is a time when people create new, happy memories with their loved ones.

39、The most famous poem associated with the Qixi Festival is Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin's "The Song of Everlasting Sorrow," which tells the tragic love story of Emperor Xuanzong and his favorite concubine, Yang Yuhuan.

40、The festival is also a time to recognize the impermanence of all things and to celebrate the beauty and transience of life.

41、May your love be as abundant and fruitful as the fields of wheat and rice, and may it nourish your heart and soul for all eternity.

42、In some regions of China, it is believed that unmarried women can gain special powers by performing certain rituals on the night of the festival, such as burning incense or taking baths in river water.

43、The Chinese film "The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd" is based on the legend of Niulang and Zhinu.

44、Whether you're spending the holiday with your significant other, family, or friends, make sure to spread love and joy wherever you go.

45、Qixi Festival is a holiday that promotes love, compassion, and understanding among people.

46、The Qixi Festival is an important day for couples to express their loyalty and trust in each other.

47、In ancient times, Qixi was seen as a day when the gods would bless couples with prosperity and happiness.

48、Qixi is a day to appreciate the gifts of love and friendship that we have received in our lives, and to give thanks for the people who have touched our hearts and made us who we are.

49、The Qixi Festival is a time to remember the joy and passion that comes with being in love.

50、The festival has become increasingly popular in modern times, with many young people celebrating in unique ways.

51、Many businesses also offer promotions and discounts to attract couples shopping for gifts.

52、Whether it's through a thoughtful gift or a simple gesture, every gesture of love counts.

53、The history and significance of Qixi Festival can be traced back to over 2,000 years ago in China.

54、During Qixi, many Chinese people take the opportunity to make amends with friends or family members they have fallen out with.

55、On Qixi Festival, it is traditional to eat a type of food called "qiaoguo", which represents the sweetness and joy of love.

56、Qixi is also an important day for young children, who often make handmade lanterns to hang up at home.

57、This year, let's take the opportunity to show our love and appreciation for those we care about most.

58、Many people also take the opportunity to confess their love to someone they admire on this day.

59、The festival is a time to celebrate the simple pleasures of life, such as the beauty of a full moon, a warm breeze, or the sound of laughter.

60、Qixi is a day to remember the love stories of our ancestors, and to honor their legacy by passing on the gifts of love and compassion to future generations.

61、Qixi is a day to reflect on the power of love to heal and transform us, and to bring us closer to our true selves and to each other.

62、Qixi is a day for lovers to express their feelings for each other through gifts, poems, and romantic gestures.

63、Qixi Festival is an opportunity to appreciate the person we love and everything they do for us.

64、In recent years, Qixi has become a major shopping event in China, with retailers offering discounts on gifts, flowers, and other romantic items.

65、Qixi Festival is a time when people decorate their homes with flowers and lanterns.

66、The festival is a reminder that we all have the power to make a positive difference in the world through our actions and intentions.

67、May our love story continue to blossom and grow, just like the flowers in full bloom on Qixi Festival.

68、The festival is an important opportunity for families to come together and celebrate their shared heritage and traditions.

69、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to celebrate life in all its multifaceted glory and to embrace the full spectrum of human experience.

70、It's the perfect time to let your significant other know how much they mean to you.

71、Qixi Festival is a time to appreciate the beauty of romantic love and the transformative power that it can have in our lives.

72、Qixi is a day to honor the tradition of love and commitment, as couples exchange vows and promise to love and cherish each other forever.

73、I'm looking forward to spending this special day with my love.

74、In ancient China, Qixi was considered a good time to predict the end of the summer harvest and to make predictions about the future.

75、Some people celebrate the festival by participating in traditional Chinese activities such as making paper lanterns, weaving colorful ribbons, and playing games that involve guessing riddles and solving puzzles.

76、The Qixi Festival is also sometimes called the "Daughter's Festival" because it celebrates the many successful female artists and poets who emerged during the Tang Dynasty.

77、May our love never waver, just like the love between the Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

78、The Qixi Festival is a time to celebrate love and happiness, and to reflect on the beauty of nature and the world around us.

79、The Double Seventh Festival is also known as the Magpie Festival, as it is believed that on this day, magpies form a bridge across the Milky Way so the weaver girl and the cowherd can see each other.

80、It is a time to recognize the power of love to heal and transform, and to celebrate the wonder and beauty of the world around us.

81、May our love grow stronger with each passing Qixi Festival.

82、The Qixi Festival is similar to Valentine's Day in Western countries.

83、The Qi Xi festival is considered one of the most romantic holidays in China.

84、The festival provides an ideal setting for couples to create memories that will last a lifetime, whether it be a romantic night under the stars or a quiet stroll in a fragrant garden.

85、The Qi Xi festival is one of the five most important festivals in China.

86、The festival reminds us that love is not just a feeling, but a force that connects us all and gives meaning and purpose to our lives.

87、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to honor the natural beauty and wonder of the universe, as well as the intricate web of connections that bind us all together.

88、The festival has a rich history and has been celebrated for over 2,000 years, making it an important part of Chinese culture.

89、It is a time to honor the contributions of our ancestors and to celebrate the legacy they have left for future generations.

90、As we celebrate Qixi, let us remember the sacrifice and devotion of the heavenly princess and the cowherd, and let us pledge to honor their spirit of love and commitment.

91、It is said that on this day, the weaver girl and the cowherd are reunited once a year on a bridge formed by magpies.

92、This festival has a romantic legend behind it that tells the tale of a cowboy and a fairy.

93、During Qixi, Chinese families often eat a special meal together that includes dumplings, noodles, and vegetables.

94、During Qixi, many people visit temples and make offerings to the gods.

95、The festival has become a symbol of hope, love and unity, inspiring people to cherish their relationships and work towards a better future.

96、The Qixi Festival is an opportunity for couples to strengthen their relationship and renew their commitment to each other.

97、Qixi is a time when people express gratitude for the love and support they receive from their family and friends.

98、Qixi is a day to celebrate the power of love to transcend all boundaries, whether they be social, cultural, or even cosmic.

99、The Qixi Festival can be a powerful reminder of the importance of communication and honesty in any relationship.

100、Legend has it that the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl were separated by the Milky Way and could only meet once a year on the Qixi Festival.

101、The Qixi Festival reminds us that love is a powerful force that can conquer time and distance.

102、During the festival, many people also participate in traditional activities such as making colorful lanterns or watching traditional performances.

103、The Qixi Festival, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day, falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

104、During the festival, it is common for couples to renew their vows and commitments to each other, as a way of reaffirming their love and dedication.

105、Ceramic statues of the two stars are often sold as souvenirs during the festival.

106、According to legend, Qixi is the day when the heavenly princess and the cowherd are allowed to meet each other once a year on a bridge of magpies.

107、Qixi Festival is a perfect opportunity for people to reconnect with their loved ones and make new memories together.

108、Many people take the occasion to write love poems or letters, expressing their feelings for their beloved in unique and creative ways.

109、On this special day of love, couples often exchange gifts that are meaningful and personal, such as a special piece of jewelry or an item that has sentimental value.

110、I look forward to spending this Qixi Festival with my partner and celebrating our love.

111、On this day, couples exchange gifts of flowers, chocolates, and other sweet treats.

112、Many people use the holiday as a time for reflection and introspection, looking back on their romantic journey and appreciating how far they have come.

113、The Qixi Festival is an auspicious day for couples to get engaged or married.

114、In addition to gift-giving, couples also exchange letters or messages to express their feelings for each other.

115、Qixi Festival is a special day for people to express their love and affection towards family and friends.

116、The festival is a reminder of the profound power of love to transcend barriers of distance, time, and even the boundaries between heaven and earth.

117、On Qixi Festival, we honor the love we share with our significant others.

118、Qixi is a day to embrace the beauty of life, with its joys and challenges, and to cherish the love that sustains us through it all.

119、The Qixi Festival, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day, is observed on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

120、Whether we celebrate the Double Seventh Festival with grand gestures or small acts of kindness, the spirit of love and compassion that it inspires can ripple out into the world, carrying hope and healing to all who come into contact with it.

121、As we celebrate Qixi, let us strive to be true to ourselves and to our hearts, and to live each day with courage, kindness, and gratitude.

122、The Qixi Festival is a time to celebrate the unique and special bond between two people in love.

123、For many people, the Double Seventh Festival is a spiritual and emotional journey that helps to deepen their connection with themselves and with their loved ones.

124、It's the perfect occasion for couples to show their love and devotion to each other.

125、Qixi Festival is a traditional holiday, which is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and history.

126、Traditional Qixi decorations often include paper cutouts of the stars Vega and Altair.

127、On Qixi Festival, couples exchange gifts and spend time together to express their love for each other.

128、The Chinese poem "A Shepherd Boy Proves His Love" is often read during Qixi.

129、In some areas of China, lantern fairs are held on Qixi, showcasing colorful and intricate lanterns.

130、The Qixi Festival is a time to renew our commitment to the people and values that matter most in our lives.

131、The festival is also a time to honor the power of the feminine spirit and to celebrate the beauty and grace of women in all their many forms.

132、Whether you're newlyweds or have been together for years, Qixi Festival is a special day to celebrate your relationship.

133、Many people in China celebrate Qixi by sending each other gifts, such as flowers, chocolates, and jewelry.

134、Some people believe that if you make a wish on the Qixi Festival, it will come true.

135、Whether we share the festival with a large group of friends and family or celebrate it in solitude, the power of our intentions and expressions can help to create a more harmonious and loving world.

136、The Double Seventh Festival is a powerful reminder of the enduring human spirit, as well as the universal values of love, connection, and compassion that guide us all on our journey through life.

137、Couples often write love letters to each other on Qixi.

138、On Qixi, couples often visit temples and pray for a happy and healthy relationship.

139、For Chinese people, Qixi Festival is a time to express their appreciation and respect for their ancestors.

140、Qixi Festival is a day for lovers to make special memories together.

141、I hope that Qixi Festival will be a day to remember for us both.

142、Love is the essence of Qixi, and it is a time to celebrate the bond between partners, family members, and friends.

143、During the festival, it is customary to fill bamboo tubes with fragrant herbs and drop them in the river to gain the blessings of the gods.

144、The Qixi Festival is a time for couples to deepen their connection and strengthen their bond.

145、Some couples even take the day off work to spend it entirely with their significant other.

146、The festival has been celebrated in many countries with Chinese communities, including Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Vietnam.

147、Qixi Festival is a traditional holiday celebrating love and love stories in Chinese culture.

148、Qixi Festival is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

149、On Qixi, it is traditional to drink specially brewed tea made from seven different types of herbs and flowers.

150、Legend has it that on this day, a young cowherd and a fairy from the heavens fell deeply in love and were separated by the Milky Way.

151、Qixi is a time to appreciate the beauty of nature, as the festival falls during the height of summer when the weather is warm and flowers are in full bloom.

152、During the Qixi Festival, young couples often go on romantic picnics or watch fireworks together.

153、People believe that if it rains on Qixi, it is a sign that the Weaver Girl is crying for her love.

154、Whether we light candles, make offerings, or simply spend time in quiet contemplation, the spirit of the festival can help to deepen our connection to our own inner wisdom and creativity.

155、It is a time to celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and to honor the courage and determination of those who have overcome great obstacles and adversity.

156、May your love be as pure and bright as the stars in the night sky, and may it shine forever in your heart.

157、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to honor the healing power of love, and to work towards a more harmonious and peaceful world.

158、The festival encourages us to be open and vulnerable, and to express our feelings honestly and authentically.

159、The Qixi Festival is a day when people appreciate the simple pleasures of being with the ones they love.

160、It is a time to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and to cherish the moments that make life worth living.

161、On Qixi Festival, couples often exchange gifts, such as flowers or chocolates, as a symbol of their love for each other.

162、Qixi Festival is a day to celebrate the magic of love and the power of romance.

163、The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is known as Chinese Valentine's Day.

164、Qixi is a day to celebrate the diversity and richness of Chinese culture, as we come together to honor our shared history and traditions.

165、In Vietnam, the festival is celebrated by young girls who pray for love and good luck.

166、One popular tradition involves writing wishes on small pieces of paper and tying them to colorful ribbons, which are then hung on trees or bamboo branches.

167、Qixi Festival is often referred to as the "Chinese Valentine's Day" because of the similarity in themes and traditions to the Western holiday.

168、On Qixi Festival, we celebrate the bond we share with our significant other.

169、As we celebrate Qixi, let us honor the beauty and diversity of our world, and strive to create a better and more loving future for all.

170、I'm counting down the days until Qixi Festival arrives.

171、The Qixi Festival is a time to celebrate the beauty of love and the wonder of the universe.

172、Qixi Festival is a cherished tradition, passed down from generation to generation, a reminder of the enduring power of love and the importance of nurturing our relationships.

173、Legend has it that on this day, the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid, who were separated by the Milky Way, are allowed to meet once a year.

174、The Double Seventh Festival is also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, and is often celebrated with romantic gestures such as giving chocolates, flowers, or gifts to loved ones.

175、The festival is an important part of China's cultural heritage and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and passion.

176、Let's cherish this special day and make beautiful memories together.

177、The festival is also a chance to reflect on the history and meaning of the Chinese language, and to appreciate the beauty and precision of its symbols and characters.

178、In some areas of China, girls are not allowed to use needles or scissors on Qixi, as it is thought to bring bad luck to the Weaver Girl.

179、The Qixi Festival is a time to appreciate the power of forgiveness and acceptance in overcoming the challenges that arise in our relationships.

180、Qixi Festival is a day when people express their love and gratitude to their friends and colleagues.

181、On Qixi Festival, people often take the opportunity to express their gratitude for the love and support they have received from their partner.

























20、The stars are shining so brightly, just like your eyes.


































漫漫岁月长又长,你我情意缠绵绵。闪闪银河长又长,你我心意总相投。随着时间演变,七夕现已成为中国情人节。在我们平凡的生活里,大家都不可避免地要接触到七夕祝福吧,祝福语字字珠矶,或令人大笑,而令人愉悦。在写自己的七夕祝福时要注意些什么呢?趣祝福编辑特别编辑了“七夕贺卡句子”, 建议你收藏并分享给其他需要的朋友!









8、情人节的玫瑰火红而耀眼, 葡萄架下的蜜语幸福又浪漫。真诚的祝福化作喜鹊的昵喃,要你好好地照顾另一半!七夕情人节快乐!








16、Love is not only a sentiment but also an art.爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。















































4、Qixi is a night to cherish and remember forever.







11、Qixi is a time to celebrate the beauty of the natural world and its power to inspire love.

12、Whenever I'm with you, my heart feels light and free, like I'm flying on the wings of love.








20、The sight of the starry sky on Qixi night never fails to stir my emotions.

21、Whenever I'm with you, time stands still and space disappears, leaving only us and our love.






2、On Qixi Festival, we celebrate the beauty of love and its ability to bring people together.

3、Like many traditional Chinese festivals, the Double Seventh Festival is closely tied to the lunar calendar and the changing of the seasons.




7、As we celebrate this special day, let us embrace the spirit of love and compassion that lies within us all, and let us use it to create a better and more beautiful world.

8、According to tradition, women write their wishes on brightly colored paper and tie them to bamboo branches, hoping that they will come true.






14、Chinese Valentine's Day is a time to be grateful for the love that you and your partner share.





19、The festival has also become popular in other parts of the world, with many Chinese communities celebrating the day with cultural events and parades.













32、Chinese Valentine's Day is a reminder to always be kind and loving towards our significant other.

33、In some regions of China, people will light candles in the shape of stars to celebrate Qixi Festival.





38、On this auspicious day, may your wishes come true, and may you find love and happiness in all that you do.






44、May your love be as bright and shining as the sun, and may it bring warmth and light to your life on this special day and always.




48、Although it is celebrated mainly in China, the Double Seventh Festival is becoming increasingly popular in other parts of the world as well.

49、Qixi is a day to embrace our own inner beauty and power, and to recognize the divinity that resides within each of us.


51、For many people, the Qixi Festival is a time to reflect on the nature of love and what it means to truly love and be loved.






57、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to recognize the value of diversity and the richness of different cultural traditions, as well as the universal human experiences that unite us all.


59、The festival is a time for gratitude and reflection, as well as a time for hope and renewal.

60、Qixi is a day to honor the bonds of family and community, and to recognize the interconnectedness of all living beings.


62、Qixi is an important day for Chinese entrepreneurs, who pray to the Weaver Girl for success in business.



65、The Qixi Festival is a time to rekindle the passion and romance that may have faded over time in a long-term relationship.



68、The festival reminds us that love is the greatest gift we can ever give or receive, and that it has the power to transcend time, space and all boundaries, uniting us in a web of beauty and grace.

69、The Qixi Festival is a time to appreciate the dedication and perseverance that are necessary to maintain a strong relationship.



72、On Qixi Festival, couples exchange gifts, go on romantic dates, and express their love for each other.





77、The legend of Niulang and Zhinu is a popular Chinese love story.

78、May your love be as deep and profound as the ocean, and may it carry you through the ups and downs of life with grace and courage.


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