
趣祝福 · 文案 · 学校考试文案

趣祝福文案No pain, no gain. 天下事无难事,只怕有心人。~~你愿意和你的朋友分享吗?以下是由趣祝福为你整理的《学校考试的文案(摘录136句)》,还请多多关注我们网站!


1、The knowledge and skills I will gain from attending my dream institution will be invaluable for my future career.

2、I was nervous before the English exam, but I ended up doing quite well.

3、The idea that I'm going to attend my preferred school is nothing short of a dream come true.

4、The arduous studying and test preparation were worth it, as I was able to obtain admission to my ideal school.

5、Some of the students cheated on the English exam, which is not allowed.

6、I am committed to my academic career and I am excited to see my hard work and dedication pay off with acceptance to my dream school.



9、With my passion for learning and my determination to succeed, I am confident that I will be able to secure a place at my dream school.

10、I feel honored to have been selected to attend my preferred university and am committed to making the most of my education.


12、The exam covered topics such as literature, culture, and current events.

13、The English exam was a team effort; we studied together and helped each other out.

14、I did well on the reading comprehension portion of the English exam, but struggled with grammar.

15、Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. 成功人士做的是不愿意做的事情。


17、I'm glad the English exam is over, now I can relax.

18、It's a dream come true to be given the chance to attend my dream school and pursue my educational goals.

19、The students were encouraged to ask questions if they did not understand the exam instructions.



21、I have put in the necessary effort to excel academically and I am hopeful that my achievements will lead to acceptance to my desired institution.

22、The English exam was held in the school gymnasium.

23、Most of the students in my class passed the English exam.

24、The English exam was the hardest exam I've ever taken.

25、I am excited to take the next step towards my future career by attending my desired institution.


27、The teachers graded the English exam fairly and accurately.

28、The exam was held in the school auditorium.


30、The school held an English exam yesterday.

31、The students were not allowed to leave the exam room until they had finished the exam.


33、The English exam was a mix of multiple choice and short answer questions.


35、The exam was timed.

36、The test was challenging, but the reward was worthwhile: admission to my favored college.

37、The exam consisted of multiple-choice questions and an essay.

38、I feel truly blessed to have achieved my academic goals and secured a spot at my desired university.



40、The exam was administered by the English teacher.

41、I'm ecstatic to have received an offer of admission to my top choice of universities.


43、The fact that I was able to pass the test and get into my ideal school is a testament to my diligence and commitment.


45、I'm excited to have received the news that I have been accepted to the college I've had my sights set on for years.

46、The students were nervous before the exam.

47、The exam was challenging, but fair.


49、I'm happy to say that I aced the English exam.

50、My unrelenting devotion and dedication have paid off, and I have been admitted to my dream university.

51、The English exam was multiple choice, which made it easier.

52、I'm worried that I failed the English exam and will have to take it again.

53、I have carefully researched the schools that I am interested in and I am confident that my preferred school is the perfect fit for me.

54、I passed the English exam by studying consistently every day.





58、I thought the English exam would be easy, but it turned out to be very difficult.

59、Focus on progress rather than perfection. 注重进步,而非完美。

60、It's a small world. 世界很小。

61、My diligence and perseverance paid off, and I was successful in gaining acceptance to my top pick of schools.

62、I always get nervous before exams, especially English exams.

63、I couldn't be happier to have achieved my goal of gaining admission to the school of my dreams.

64、Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。


66、Through hard work and persistence, I have made my dream of attending my preferred school a reality.



69、I am thrilled and relieved that all the hard work I put in paid off, and I was admitted into my favorite school.

70、I am fully prepared and confident in my abilities to excel on the admission test and gain acceptance into my preferred university.

71、I am grateful for the opportunities that have prepared me for this moment and I am excited to prove my worthiness of admission to my preferred university.


73、It feels amazing to know that I am on my way to achieving my aspirations by attending my dream university.

74、The students were required to write a 500-word essay.

75、After years of planning and preparing, I am thrilled to have been accepted into my dream school.

76、The exam was open book.


77、The English exam was very challenging, but I felt accomplished after finishing it.


79、I have researched extensively on the schools that I am interested in and I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications needed to be accepted into my desired institution.

80、My teacher gave us a study guide that helped prepare us for the English exam.


82、I wish I had studied more for the English exam, but I didn't have enough time.


84、Being able to attend my dream school feels like an incredible accomplishment.

85、I am thrilled to have the opportunity to study at my dream university and pursue my passion for learning.



88、The exam covered a wide range of English language skills, including reading, writing, and speaking.

89、I'm thrilled to have received a letter of acceptance to my number one college of choice.

90、Honesty is the best policy. 诚实为上策。

91、The students needed to get a passing grade to pass the course.

92、The English exam was cancelled due to bad weather.

93、The English exam was an important part of my grade for the class.

94、I am grateful for the opportunities that come with attending my preferred school and am ready to excel.

95、The hard work was bothersome, but being admitted to my dream school was worth it all.



97、The results of the English exam will be released next week.

98、The students were not allowed to communicate with each other during the exam.


100、Some students finished the exam early, while others struggled to finish in time.

101、The road hasn't been easy, but it was all worth it when I received the news of my acceptance into my first-choice school.

102、The exam questions were challenging, but reasonable.

103、The students had two hours to complete the exam.

104、The exam was both difficult and important for the students' future academic success.


106、The students were given a break halfway through the exam.

107、My years of hard work and dedication have finally led to admission to the school I've always dreamed of attending.

108、It's an honor to be able to join the ranks of the students at my dream university.


110、I felt confident after taking the English exam, but I ended up failing.


112、Everyone in the class took the exam.

113、Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打,胜利在望。

114、I am thrilled to be part of the student body at my dream institution and am committed to furthering my academic and personal growth.





118、I barely passed the English exam and I know I need to study harder next time.



121、I have been preparing diligently for the admission test and I am optimistic about my chances of being accepted into my preferred college.

122、The exam was divided into two parts: listening and writing.

123、Keep your feet on the ground. 脚踏实地。


125、The English exam covered vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension.

126、I am excited to embark on the next stage of my academic journey and I am confident that my dream school will provide me with the best possible education.


128、I have carefully studied the admission requirements for my dream school and I am confident that I have what it takes to meet their standards.


130、I am confident that my academic record, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities make me an ideal candidate for acceptance to my preferred institution.

131、The mind is everything. What you think you become. 心态影响一切,你变成什么样的人,就取决于你的想法。


133、I have set high standards for myself and I am committed to achieving my dreams of being accepted into my desired university.

134、Each student's English exam had a different set of questions.

135、The students were graded on their grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.

136、No pain, no gain. 天下事无难事,只怕有心人。


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