
趣祝福 · 范文大全 · 新目标九年级英语课件

新目标九年级英语课件 篇1


Unit13Rainy days make sad.SectionA(1a-1c)

Hello, everyone,Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas.My topic is Section A(1a-1c , Grammar Focus)in Unit13.It is made up of seven parts.1.Analysis textbook(教材分析)

2.The teaching methods(教学方法)

3.The learning methods(说学法)

4.Analysis the students(说学情)

5.The procedures of the teaching(教学步骤)

6.Blackboard design(板书设计)

7.Self evaluation.(自评)

Part 1The analysis of the teaching material:

This lesson is about listening and speaking.It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit.By studying Section A , The students can improve their speaking ability, learn more about things that affect people.At the same time, we should get the students to understand better.The students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too.Of course, the students should receive some moral education.Let the students have positive attitude to dealing with things around them.1.Teaching objects

The teaching aims are established according to Junior School English curriculum standard provision.A.Language goals

1).Words & expressions :tense, some adjectives of feeling

2).Key sentences

Loud music makes me tense.(P103)

Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.B.Ability goals

Enable the students to talk about how things affect them.Emotion & attitude goals

Enable the students to understand the effect of things upon them.The teaching key and difficult points are established according to Section A ,Unit13 in the teaching material’s position and function.2.Teaching Key Points

the usage of make.3.Teaching Difficulties

Train the Ss to use make correctly.To improve students’ listening ability.To train students' communicative competence.:Part 2.The teachingmethods

Task-based teaching;Cooperative learning;

Part 3.The learning methods

1).Set up six steps.It is presentation– words – pairwork – listening practice–Grammar-practice

2).Ask the students to take part in class actively and develop their cooperation in the activities.Part 4.Analysis the students

The students have learned some words about feeling and they have know the word make.But they don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.Part 5.The procedures of the teaching

I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, writing , especially listening and speaking.Set up six steps.It is greeting –lead-in-presentation– words – pairwork – listening practice–Grammar – practice – homework.Step Ⅰ Lead- the Ss a picture and then show the teaching material.Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.Bring in new subject: Rainy days make me sad.Step IIPresentation.Review some words about feeling , then present the sentence structure.A:What makes him/her B:makes him sad.Purpose :Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their feelings and prepare for the new lesson.Step IIIListening(1a, 1b: P102)

Ask the students to listen to Amy and Tina talking about the two restaurants and do the exercises.Purpose :Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.Step IVSpeaking(1c: P102)

Ask the students to talk about how music affects them.Let the Ss work in pairs andtalk about how the two restaurants would affect them.Purpose :Train the Ss’ speaking ability and prepare for later exercises.Step VDo a survey.After learning 1b , 1c , let the Ss do a survey about other things that affect them.Purpose : This step can open the Ss eyesight and thought.It’s a step from textbook to real life.Step VIGrammar

1).Sum the usage of make then help them to say out the sentence structure.2).Do some exercises to consolidate the grammar.Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using language.Step VIIWriting practice

1.List 4-5 things around you and then describe how the things affect you.positionExams make me _______。

Purpose :I want to improve the ability of their writing.At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themseleves.Part 6.Blackboard design

1.make +sb/sth+adj

eg:The news made him sad.He tries his best to make his lessonsinteresting.make +sb/sth+ do

eg: He made me wait for a long hours.He made me do this exercise again.在被动语态中变为:sbbemade to do

2.rather 原意为相当,为副词

eg:It’s rather cold today.今天相当冷。

rather常与would连用 “宁可,宁愿, 还是…好些”

eg:I'd rather play tennis than swim.我不想游泳,我宁愿去打网球。Purpose:In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily.In this text, I write the usage of make and rather on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of the importance in this class.I want to use them correctly and flexibly.Part 7.Self evaluation.(自评)

In order to make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director.I designed some activities to arouse the students’ interest of studying.The students can learn the target language easily.Also ,by the

se activities , I’ve cultivated the students’ spirit of cooperating , trained the students’ skills of listening ,speaking , reading , writing , improved the students’ ability of collecting information and dealing with the information.Help the students to form a positive attitude towards life.Thanks for listening.

新目标九年级英语课件 篇2




老师通过一个一个地提问学生来复习昨天所学的目标语言。T:Have you finished yesterday's homework yet?Have you cleaned the classroom yet?Have you reviewed your lesson?Have you past the test?.也可以让学生相互问答。


老师介绍自己最近的情况。T:I am very busy recently.I have so many chores to do every day.But Iam busy with my work every day.So Ihaven't done most of them.I have already done.I haven't done.yet.



(1)介绍完自己后,马上转入本课的话题。How about Crystal?What chores does she have to do?Read 3a,underline the different chores.



a.Why didn't Crystal get back to Jake sooner?

b.When did she start her homework?

c.Why hasn't she done any of the things yet?

d.What chores did her father often do when he was akid?











(2)要求大家一起说出本星期应该做的事情。(have aclass/grade/school meeting,havean exam,run for charity,have abasketball match,make astudy plan,clean up the school,.)为以下的操练提供素材。



A:What have you done in this week?B:I have already had aclass meeting.

A:Have you had an English exam?B:No,I have had it yet.

巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension):





新目标九年级英语课件 篇3

第一课时教学设计     教学目标   1.能用所学的目标语言简单谈论或询问最近已经发生的事情。   2.能初步理解副词already和yet的用法,并能在实际情境中简单地运用。   3.能听懂听力内容,并能完成相应的练习。   教学方式   活动教学法,任务型教学法,多媒体辅助教学等等。   教学设计   引入新课(Presentation):   (1)首先,老师用英语要求一个学生上来为大家唱一首歌。T: Could you please sing a song for us? 在他唱歌前,老师问,T: Has he sung a song yet? 并把此句呈现在屏幕或黑板上,yet用红色来突出。同时,引导学生回答,S: No, he hasn’t sung a song yet.同样把此句呈现在屏幕或黑板上,yet用红色来突出。在学生唱完歌后,老师重复上一个问题,T: Has he sung a song yet? 引导学生回答,S: Yes, she has already sung a song.并把此句呈现在屏幕或黑板上,a1ready用红色来突出。   (2)然后,老师要求几个活泼的学生继续来表演几个动作。如: playing basketball, cleaning the blackboard, drawing on the blackboard, standing up, singing a song, dancing, closing the door...用同样的方式来强化目标句型和already及yet的用法。Has he done sth. yet? Yes,he has already done it. No, he hasn’t done it yet.   (3)口头练习后,让学生自己来总结already和yet的区别和用法。   (4)老师归纳,补充。already用于现在完成时的肯定句中,一般放在句子的中间;yet用于否定句和疑问句中,放在句子的末尾。   (借助于活动教学法,让学生做一些生动有趣的动作,既激发了学生的学习积极性,也很自然地引出了本课的目标句型,自然生动,给学生留下深刻的印象。)   大脑风暴(Brain storm):   老师利用多媒体课件在屏幕上呈现两张有关旅游的图片,一张是海滩的风光,一张是城市风景。老师提问,T: If you go on a beach vacation, what things do you want to pack? 让学生进行大脑风暴,说出有关的词组,同时,引出并学习本课的新单词和词组,如: bathing suit,beach towel, camera, suntan lotion, sunglasses, suitcase, hat, slippers...用同样的方法,说出有关城市观光旅游的`词组,并引出新单词和词组。如: camera, sneakers, guidebook, street map, money...   操练(Practice):   1a.谈论课本中的图画: Where is it? What are they doing? What are they going to do? What are they talking about?   1b.(1)首先学生读方框中的六个词组,确定学生明白每个词组的意思,并强调动词的原形及其过去分词的拼写。然后,提示学生:You will hear a family talking as they get ready to go on vacation.   (2)放录音,让学生根据指示语的要求选择已经做过的事情。   (3)核对答案,同时跟读录音内容。   1c.(1)学生读右边方框里的对话,老师强调yet和already的用法。   (2)要求学生根据录音内容,仿照右边方框里的对话,两人一组进行操练。老师强调yet和already的用法。在学生操练的同时,老师巡视教室,检查学生操练的情况,必要是给予帮助。   (3)抽查几对学生,要求他们在全班面前说出他们的对话,老师及时给予鼓励和帮助。   2a.首先,老师介绍图画中的内容,T: This is Mark and this is Tina. They are in the kitchen. They are getting ready to go on vacation. They are talking about chores. They have already done some chores. Listen to the tape. Who said each thing? Write “M”for Mark or “T”for Tina.然后放录音,让学生按要求完成2a,然后,核对答案。   2b.首先学生读方框中的句子,确定学生明白每句话的意思,然后,放录音,学生根据要求填上相应的数字。最后,核对答案,同时跟读录音内容,必要时对难点进行解释。   2c.(1)学生读右边方框里的对话。   (2)要求学生根据录音内容,继续完成右边方框里的对话,两人一组进行操练。老师强调yet和already的用法。在学生操练的同时,老师巡视教室,检查学生操练的情况,必要是给予帮助。   (3)抽查几对学生,要求他们在全班面前说出他们的对话,老师及时给予鼓励和帮助。   (本环节,学生通过听说两个方面,进一步操练了本单元的目标语言。)   巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension):   完成一个教学任务:要求每个小组长对自己的组员进行调查,调查他或她是否已经完成了今天要做的事情,然后,评出本小组最好的学生。强调在调查过程中,必须运用今天所学的目标语言以及already和yet。可以从这几个方面进行提问:finish yesterday’s homework, hand in your homework on time, clean the classroom, help your mother with some chores, have a test....注意动词的过去分词的拼写形式。   A: Have you finished yesterday’s homework yet.   B: No, I will do it in a minute. / Yes, I have already finished it.   (通过设计一个真实、贴近学生生活的情景,激发学生的学习积极性,让学生运用所学内容,来完成一个生活中的真实的任务,既巩固了本课所学的语言目标,又完成了现实生活中的一个真实的任务。从而,达到了培养学生综合运用英语的能力。)   作业布置(Homework):   要求学生运用本课的目标语言,写一段对话。主要内容:晚上睡觉前,妈妈询问你是否已经完成了今天应该做的事情。    

新目标九年级英语课件 篇4

maybe也许 countryside乡村 camera照相机 film胶卷

drink饮料 bring带来 weatherman 天气预报员 cut割;切

degree度数 stop阻止 pack打包/行李 snowman雪人

nothing much没什么 look forward to盼望 go climbing去爬山

It doesn’t matter.没关系 best wishes最真挚的祝愿

in the world全世界 That’s a pity!真糟糕/遗憾!

go sightseeing去游览 have a picnic去野餐

1) Listen! Tomorrow’s weather report is on the radio.


2) I hope you won’t forget us. 我希望你不要忘记我们。

3) The snowmen will slowly becomes water when it gets warm.


4) I will send you a postcard. 我会给你寄一张明信片。

5) I’m waiting for your answer. Please write to me soon.


6) Thanks for inviting me. I’d love to go with you.


新目标九年级英语课件 篇5

wind-windy风-有风的 cool凉的 summer夏天 mountain山

rain-rainy雨-下雨的 wet湿的 blow吹 sea海

sun-sunny太阳-晴朗的 hot热的 start开始 ice冰

snow-snowy雪-下雪的 most大部分 miss想念 cover覆盖

cloud-cloudy云-多云的 warm温暖的 photograph相片

last(动)持续;(形)上一个 leaf-leaves叶子(单/复数)

2、短语 :go skiing去滑雪 fall down跌倒 run away流走

How long …?多久…? in the sky在天空 the Great Wall长城

take sb’s temperature量体温 lots of许多

1) What’s the weather like in winter in Beijing?--- It’s cold and dry.

北京冬天的天气如何? --- 又冷又干。

2) How are you getting on with your study? 你的学习情况进展如何?

3) When is spring here?---It lasts for three months from February to April.这里的春天是什么时候?--- 从二月到四月持续三个月。

4) What’s your favourite season?---It’s autumn.


5) There are many different kinds of weather in China.


6) The sun shines brightly. 阳光灿烂。

新目标九年级英语课件 篇6


Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.教学设计




本单元是初中英语新教材第三册第2单元,本单元的核心话题为“talk about what they used to be like”,围绕着谈论过去自己和他人过去经常做的事,谈论自己和他人过去的外貌性格爱好,以观察图片、听力理解、阅读理解等训练方式和独立学习、合作交流、完成任务等形式完成目标语言的输入,学习句型Used to 为主要学习任务,并且设置任务型综合性语言实践活动,让学生在交际活动中,学会如何正确地用英语表达自己的意见和建议,重在培养学生的习得语言运用能力、实践能力、合作能力及创新意识。




重点词汇Used to和描述人的外貌和性格的形容词。

重点句型Mario used to be short, but now he is tall.She used to be shy, but now he is outgoing.I used to have shot hair, but now I have long hair.(3)能力目标:

1)依托本单元的语言素材提高学生听、说、读、写及自学、创新和沟通能力。熟练掌握“used to” 句型,培养学生运用语言的能力。







重点:这一单元的重点在于“used to be 句型的用法”。

难点:掌握表示性格、外貌和爱好的句子表达。used to句型在日常生活中的运用。

二. 教材处理:

根据以上对教材的分析,同时从所教班级学生实际出发,在教材处理上,将重点落在两个主要的环节上:一是人物外貌性格的描述和表达,二是used to do 的用法。同时每个环节又作了两次递进式的演练,这样可以相对降低学生的学习难度,同时也是贯彻顺序渐进的原则。从中巧妙地穿插图片帮助学生进行适当的归纳讲解,在此基础上最后进入游戏活动,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,以期达到本单元的教学目的。





学生通过谈论自己或别人过去和现在的不同之处,来练习used to be 句型。利用图画创设情境的形式来练习这个句型。例如:利用悬念法、引申法设置谢霆锋小时候的照片和现在的照片来对比,让学生对他们比较感兴趣的明星进行外貌和爱好上的描述,学生会非常的积极,以达到教学目的。

四. 教学手段:


五. 教学程序:

Step 1 Revision

Talk about the students themselves what they used to be like two years

ago.What did she / he look like two years ago ?

He used to be short./ thin / straight hair / funny./ heavy…

Step 2 Lead in and Activity 1a

some pictures about some stars,ask students to say their appearance and personality.Students are very glad.Review the words about appearance and personality.T: Who is she/ he?

S: She/ He is…

T: She/ He used to be short, didn’t she/ he?

S: Yes.She used to be thin.She used to have short hair.2.Fill in the chart below with words to describe people. two pictures about a girl.Then ask the students: “What did she use to be?” Let students say their opinions freely, “She used to be ……, but now she is ……” Lead in “used to be”. two pictures about Xie Tingfeng.Guess, “Who is he?” Lead in “He was short when he was a child, but he is tall now.” The students say, “He used to be short, but now he is tall.” Change the hobby about Xie Tingfeng.“He ”

Step 3 Activity 1b

1.Play the tape.The Ss listen and fill in the blanks.What did his friends use to look like?

2.Listen again and check up the answers.Step 4 Work in pairs, ask and answer

1.Look at the pictures and make sentences.2.Pair works

A: What did you use to look like?

B: I used to be fat, but now I’m thin.What about you?

A: I used to… but now I’m …


I used to be heavy, but now I’m thin.My friend …used to…, but now he/sheis …

Step 5 Grammar

used to do sth过去常常做某事,而现在已不做。只有一种形式,即过去式,可用于所有人称。

1.肯定句He used to get up early.The river used to be clean.2.否定句, 常用didn’t use to或used not to

He didn’t use to smoke.He used not to smoke.3.疑问句,常用Did …use to…?

Did he use to smoke?


(1)She used to work there,(2)You didn’t use to be tall, Step 6 Play Games----Lucky 52

The students choose a number from 1 to 9 and look at the picture to

answer the question.If the students answer the question correctly, he will get a prize.Step 7 Exercise

Ask the students to do some exercise.Step 8 Homework

Write an article about you, including the changes about the appearance and personality.

新目标九年级英语课件 篇7

January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月

September九月 November十一月 December十二月

T-shirt圆领衫 together一起 Party党 letter信件

2、短语: Teachers’ Day教师节 May Day劳动节

full moon满月 moon cake月饼 Children’s Day儿童节

1) There are twelve months in a year. 一年有十二个月。

2) What’s the date? --- It’s October 1, our National Day.

今天几号?--- 十月一号,我们的国庆节。

3) What day is it ? --- It’s Monday. 今天星期几?--- 星期一。

4) We’ll have a birthday party. 我们将举行一个生日晚会。

5) I’m sorry. ---Never mind! It’s all right. 对不起。--- 不要紧!没关系。

6) I’ll give a card to Mary on her Birthday. --- That’s a great/good idea.

在马丽的生日那天,我将给她送一张卡片。--- 那是个好主意。

7) Mid- Autumn Festival and Spring Festival are special festivals in China. 中秋节和春节是中国特别的节日。

新目标九年级英语课件 篇8



Unit 9 When was it invented?

Section A — 1

白城市第十三中学 刘吉华



2、教材分析:本课为本单元的起始课,主要围绕the history of inventions 这一话题进行课堂教学和语言实践。主要涉及的语法项目是被动语态的过去时和一般现在时。要求学生紧密联系史实和生活实际,谈论发明的时间、发明者和发明的用途。提高学生对被动语态的运用能力。





1、语言知识目标:掌握被动语态的用法,通过使用When was the …

invented? Who was the … invented by? What was the …used for? 来谈论发明的历史和发明的用途。








1、导入新课:由蔡伦发明造纸术引出被动句:… was invented …

2、实践训练: 1)、让学生猜测发明的先后顺序,熟悉练习… was invented before/after… 2)、播放1b,听听力,使学生感知句型及其应用。3)、竞赛:提出问题When was the … invented?让学生比赛谁的记忆力好,在比赛中强化训练学生对发明时间的问答。4)、呈现句式:划线提问,从而解决Who was the … invented by?中要有

by这一学生理解的难点。5)、提出问题:Who invented the inventions? 练习熟悉Who was the …

invented by? It was invented by …

3、联系实际,展开讨论: 1)、介绍日常生活中的几种物品的用途,呈现句式… be used for… 2)、引导学生谈论日常生活中的发明的实际用途。









完成短文“The most...invention”


Unit 9

-When was it invented?-It was invented in …-Who was it invented by?-It was invented by …-What is it used for …?-It is used for …


新目标九年级英语课件 篇9

1.aloud adv.出声地(使别人能听得到)朗读是学英语的一个好方法。

▲loud adj.大声的,声音洪亮的,loud—louder—loudest 他说话声音很大以便于每个人都能听得到他。▲adv.loud—louder—loudest don’t talk so loud.the kids are reading. 说话小声些,孩子们正在看书。(speak)louder,please!请再说高一些!▲loudly adv吵吵闹闹地,噪声地 我听到有人在使劲敲门。

they are talking loudly in the next room. 他们在隔壁说话声很大。她声音很甜美。

她提高了嗓音队便于别人能听清楚。因为咳嗽,他失声了。▲noise n噪音,吵闹 别弄出那么大的噪音。

i heard a strange noise outside. 我听到外边奇怪的声音。

▲sound n.(自然界中的)声音,响声 声音的传播比光慢。

3.memory n.(计算机的)储存器

a lot of information is stored in the memory. 计算机的储存器能储存很多信息。▲n.记忆力



▲memorize/memorise vt.记住,背过 他能很快记住很多单词。

4.frustrate vt.使失望,使沮丧 他上大学的梦想遭受挫折。

▲frustrating adj.令人失望的 他所说的话很令人失望。

她觉得看英语电影很令人失望(因为看不懂)。▲frustrated adj.失望的,沮丧的 当他再次考试没及格后,他很失望。5.add vt.增加,加

she tasted the soup and added more salt. 她尝了尝汤,又加了些盐。▲add to 增添


▲add up to 总计达„„,加起来„„ 我们班上学生的数目加起来是55人。▲vt.补充说,又说



7.speak(speak—spoke—spoken)说(语言),讲话 你会说法语吗? 你知道谁要在会上发言? 当我给他打电话时,他正在和他的朋友谈话。你们在说什么? ▲say 说(后接说的内容)他在会上说了什么? 她说下周回来。▲tell 告诉

tell sb sth 告诉某人某事(接双宾语)是谁告诉你的那个消息? ▲讲,说

tell stories讲故事,tell a lie撒谎,tell the truth说实话 我小的时候,奶奶经常给我讲故事。

don’t believe him!he is telling a tie. 别信他!他在撒谎。

老实说,我不太同意你的意见。▲adj.巧完整的,完全的 你会造完整的句子吗? 他对我来说完全是陌生的。



10.impress vt.使感动,给„„深刻印象 他的事迹给在场的人留下了深刻的印象。那个国家的美景打动了我们所有的人。、、▲impressed adj.(被)感动的 我们被他的话所感动。

11.native n.当地人,本国人

我们在巴西度假时,就像当地人那样生活。the kangaroo is a native of australia. 袋鼠是产于澳洲的动物。

▲native speaker 生来就说某种语言的人

他的英语说得太好了,我们都认为他是个本地人。▲native language 母语

马克思出生在德国,法语是他的母语。important phrases(重点词组)2.first of all 首先

5.spoken english 英语口语 8.1ater on 以后;随后

10.native speakers 生来就说某种语言的人 11.not at ail 根本不;一点也不 12.end up 结束

14.make up 组成;编造

15.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 16.take notes 做笔记 17.make mistakes 犯错误 19.read aloud 朗读

20.have trouble(in)doing sth 做某事有困难 你怎样准备考试? ▲study for a test prepare for a test 准备考试 一 昨天晚上我打电话时你在干什么? 一 我在准备数学测验。我听录音准备英语测验。

▲by 靠,用(方法,手段等),后接动名词(doing„)he makes a living by repairing bikes. 他靠修车为生。

▲listen vi.后加to再接名词。当我到家时,姐姐正在听音乐。听!有人在敲门。


▲ask sb for help求助于某人

— 如果你有麻烦,你可以求助于我。一 谢谢。我会的。

你曾经和朋友练习过会话吗? ▲ever adv.用于疑问句和否定旬中,“曾经” 你担心考试会不及格吗? 听录音怎么样? 今晚去看电影怎么样? 靠朗读来练习发音怎么样? read aloud 朗读

reading aloud is very helpful in leaning english. 朗读在学英语中很有帮助。

▲a lot 代表一个不可数名词。例如: 他虽然很小,但他知道很多。别那样和父母说话。

8.it improves my speaking skills. 它能提高我的口语技巧。

▲improve vt.改进,改善,提高 他的工作在慢慢改进。他的发音大大提高了。▲speaking skill 口语技巧 listening skill 听力技巧 听懂不同的声音很困难。

▲too + adj./adv.+ to do “太„„而不能„„”。又如: 他太小,不能上学。她跑得太慢追不上我。

▲ask sb about sth 询问某人关于„„的情况

ask her about the pen that you lost.she may have found it. 问问她你丢的钢笔,也许她捡到了。谁能告诉我记单词的最好办法是什么? 她说记流行歌曲的歌词也有点帮助。教英语是我的工作。

▲a little有点,代表不可数名词,其反义词为a lot。你的咖啡里想加糖吗? 一yes.just a little. 好,要一点点。

12.he’s been learning english for six years and really loves it. 他学英语有六年了,并且很喜欢它。

▲“has/have been doing sth”现在完成进行时,表示从过去某一时间开始持续到现在,还要进行下去的动作。又如:

she has been learning english for 5 years. 她学英语有五年了。

he has been reading for 2 hours and hasn’t finished it yet. 他看书有两个小时了,但还没有完成。

他发现看英语电影很令人失望,因为人们说话太快。i like playing basketball. 我喜欢打篮球。

▲find sb/sth + n./adj./doing “发现某人„„”,后面的“n./adj./doing”作宾语补足语。又如:



▲not„at all 一点也不,用来加强语气,又如: 我一点也不同意他的意见。

我们会因为某件事变得很激动,最后用汉语来描述。▲end up达到某种状态或采取某种行动,又如:

at first he said nothing but he ended up apologizing. 一开始,他什么也不说,到头来还是道了歉。

我正在就关于学习英语作调查。我能问你几个问题吗? ▲do a survey about sth/doing sth 关于„„作调查 上周,我们就网上冲浪作了个调查。

▲some用于疑问句时,表示希望得到肯定回答,如果只是询问信息,可以用any代替some用于疑问句和否定句中。又如: 你能借给我些钱吗?(希望得到肯定回答)did you buy her any gifts? 你给她买礼物了吗?(询问信息)17.1 often keep an english notebook. 我经常记英语笔记。

▲keep vt.记录(某事),在某物上做书面记载 她写日记有20多年了。

i have the habit of keeping notes. 我有记笔记的习惯。

most of the students love reading. 多数学生喜欢看书。

19.1 make mistakes in grammar. 我在语法方面老犯错误。

▲make a mistake/make mistakes 犯错误 当说英语时不要怕犯错误。by mistake 错误地.

你知道炸薯片是被错误发明的吗? 我不知道怎样使用逗号。我不知道该做什么。你能告诉我何时出发吗? 你为什么不加入一个英语俱乐郝来练习说英语昵? 当交通很拥堵时,你为什么不骑白行车上学呢? ▲join加入某组织成为其中的成员,take part in参加某种活动,attend参加会议,报告,演讲等。例如:

his father joined the party in 1976. 他爸爸是1976年入的党。


i attended an important meeting yesterday. 昨天我参加了一个会。我没有同伴一起练习英语。老师有话要说。

he has no room to live in. 他没有房子住。

起初,对我来说听懂老师在班里讲话都不是件容易的事。▲first of all 最初,首先

first of all she just smiled,then she started to laugh. 最初她只是笑,后来才放声大笑。对我来说学好物理很难。

it is important to learn english.学英语很重要。


▲not„every + 可数名词单数 = not all + 复数名词表示部分否定“并非所有的”又如: 你没必要记住所有的字。不是所有的学生都住得离学校远。

后来,我意识到如果有些词听不懂没关系。▲later on 后来,以后

起初事情进展地很顺利,但后来他们遇到了麻烦。▲realize vt.意识到,认识到(有一个逐渐认识的过程),不用于进行时和被动语态。例如: 总有一天你会意识到你错了。




▲be afraid of sth/to do/of doing sth 害怕/不敢/恐怕做某事 i used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去常常怕黑。

she’s afraid to go/of going out alone at night. 她害怕夜晚独自出去。▲might 表示可能性

他可能知道她的电话号码,但我不确定。▲laugh at sb 嘲笑

it’s bad manners to laugh at people in trouble. 嘲笑陷入困境的人不礼貌。


另一个我发现很困难的东西是英语语法。▲that引导的是定语从句,修饰another thing,that在定语从句中作found的宾语。又如: 我能为你做点什么?(你买什么?)然后我用学过的语法造有独创性的句子。

▲start/begin to do sth = start/begin doing sth 开始做某事 真是不可思议了,这样做很有帮助。

▲it's amazing + 从句/to do sth “„„真是太惊奇了”。在国外遇到老朋友,真是太惊喜了。



▲have trouble in doing sth 做某事有麻烦/困难 he had trouble in understanding native speakers. 他听外国人说话有困难。

新目标九年级英语课件 篇10


Unit1 How do you study for a test?

SectionA(1a-2c)Shangma Primary School Zhao Xiaoyan 教案设计

一、Teaching aims:(教学目标)Language goal(知识目标):

掌握以下词汇:flashcard,vocabulary,aloud,pronunciation Talk about how to study English Ability goal(能力目标):

学习使用“How do you study …? ”及其答语“I study by …” 句型

Emotion goal(情感目标):

Talk about the ways of studying English;(谈论学好英语的方法)Give them the confidence to learn and enjoy English.(帮他们树立学好英语的信心)

二.Teaching importance and difficulties(教学重难点)how 副词,“怎样,如何”,对于方式,手段等的提问;

by 介词,“用……的方式”, “以……的方法”,后跟名词或动词的-ing形式

How do you study for a test /learn English? I study/learn by listening to tapes/ by working with friends…/by studying with a group...三.Teaching steps(教学步骤)

Step 1 Lead-in with a free talk(自由对话导入新课)(2分钟)

Greeting with the students;Hello,everyone1Welcome back to school.I’m very happy to see you again.Most of you got good grades last term ,congratulations!Of course,don’t lose your heart if you didn’t get good grades.OK , Today ,let‟s talk about how to study for a test and how to learn English well.(展示课题)

Step 2 Pre-task(3分钟)

T:Learning to learn is very important.And learning to pass a test is also important.You know we can study by many different ways.Now Let’s ask you how to study for a test.T:How do you study for a test,Lili? S:read the textbook.T:Oh,you study by reading the textbook.让学生给出不同的回答,强调语言结构verb+by/with gerund.,教师不断强化句型,让学生有个模式进行训练。

Step 3 While-task(38分钟)

1.Task1 1a checking the ways you study

Ask a student to read the ways.T:Check the ways you study for an English test and add other ways you sometimes use.Then ask questions to check their answers.2 Task 2 1b Listen carefully for the tape(仔细听力练习)First let the students look at the picture,and say how do they study.: By making flashcard, by listening to tapes, by asking the teacher for help Then listen to the tape, write the letters from the picture above.Next check the ansers:(1)Mei studies by making flashcards, so the answer is „„a”.(2)Pierre(皮埃尔)studies by asking the teacher for help, so the answer is „„c”(3)Antonio(安东尼奥)studies by listening to the tape, so the answer is „„b”.Task3 Pairwork

Talk about the ways of stuying with your partner? A:How do you study for a test?

B:I study by working with a group.4Task4 2a Listen to the tape, check the questions you hear Ask the students to read through the questions.Then ask them to listen to the tape careful.Check the answers.2a Listen again and match the answers.Ask them to read the answers,then match the answers with the qustions above.Finally,check the answers.5Task5 2c Pairwork

Make conversations using the information from 2a and 2b.A; Have you ever studied with a group? B:Yes ,I have.I‟ve learned a lot that way./ No ,I haven‟t.Step4 Homework(1分钟)

1,Finish Self-check.2,write down the ways of learning you know.Step5 Ending words.(总结下课)(1分钟)

Well ,that‟s all our today‟s lesson.I had a great time with you..See you later.板书

Unit 1 How do you study for a test? How do you study for a test? I study by reading textbook.by making vocabulary lists.by asking the teacher for help.by listening to the teachers.read aloud

speaking skills How/What about doing sth.? too… to…

新目标九年级英语课件 篇11














restaurant饭店 bank银行 another另一个 Queen皇后

market市场 dormitory宿舍 playground运动场 lucky幸运的

in the middle of在---的中间 police station警察局 next to在---的旁边

sports stadium运动场 in front of在---的前面 in the front row在前排

1) Excuse me. How can I get to the post office?

打扰了。怎样可以到邮局 ?

2) Can you tell me the way to the train station, please?


3) Is there a No.25 bus-stop near here? 这里附近有25路车的车站吗?

4) Walk along this street./ Go straight down this street.


5) Go past the department store. 走过百货商店。

6) Turn left into Park Road. Take the second road on the right.


7) It’s five kilometers away. It’s a long way from here.


8) It’s 100 metres along on the left. 沿这一直走,在左边大约100米处。




Teaching contents:

When was it / were they invented?

Who was it / were they invented by?

What is it / are they used for?

Teaching aims:

Let students talk about the dates of inventions , inventors and functions.Teaching tools:

tape recorder and powerpoint




Are you busy ? Do you usually stay up late?

So ,we should turn on the light.Look,what are these? 引出light bulbs.通过提问Who invented the light bulb? 引出发明家Edison及inventor

由Edison invented the light bulb.到被动语态The light bulb was invented by Edison.让学生观察理解被动语态的意思和基本结构。

让学生通过问答学练结合What’s it? S: It’s a car.T: Karl Benz invented the car.S: The car was invented by Karl Benz.T:What’s it? S: It’s a telephone..T: Bell invented the car.S:The telephone was invented by Bell.这样顺其自然地导入能调动学生的积极性,能让他们思考问题且用简短的语言回答,为后面的课堂话题真正展开作好铺垫。


从本节课的收获中,我觉得由于学生接触课件比较少,所以他们感觉非常的新鲜。上演练课的时候,学生学课时教学反思的特别的认真。他们积极的、认真的读课文,听我解讲课文中的重点知识。也在积极的动脑回答、思考我所给他们出的问题。整堂课给我的感觉是学生没有一个在偷懒,都在认真的学习,哪怕是对英语一点兴趣都没有的学生。自然而然这一节课的效果是出乎我所意料的。过后, 我就在办公室里反思为什么这节课上的这么好?学生为什么对我已经学过的内容表现出这么大的反应?我的最大的感触就是,使用了新鲜的东西,学生感兴趣的方式方法来引导他们学习。这就意味着,上课要不断的给学生新鲜感,要培养他们对学习英语的兴趣。不是说“兴趣是最好的老师吗?”我就是在这一节课中给学生不同的学习方法,也可以说是他们比较感兴趣的,抓住他们的注意力。最大限度的发挥他们本身的潜力,由他们原先的被动学习变为现在的主动的学习。正因为他们对本节课充满着兴趣,所以就有很大的乐趣去学习,从而就很顺利地完成了本节课的教学任务的。



maybe也许 countryside乡村 camera照相机 film胶卷

drink饮料 bring带来 weatherman 天气预报员 cut割;切

degree度数 stop阻止 pack打包/行李 snowman雪人

nothing much没什么 look forward to盼望 go climbing去爬山

It doesn’t matter.没关系 best wishes最真挚的祝愿

in the world全世界 That’s a pity!真糟糕/遗憾!

go sightseeing去游览 have a picnic去野餐

1) Listen! Tomorrow’s weather report is on the radio.


2) I hope you won’t forget us. 我希望你不要忘记我们。

3) The snowmen will slowly becomes water when it gets warm.


4) I will send you a postcard. 我会给你寄一张明信片。

5) I’m waiting for your answer. Please write to me soon.


6) Thanks for inviting me. I’d love to go with you.





1.动词+副词 如:give up 放弃 turn off 关掉 stay up 熬夜


词和副词之间,也可放在短语动词后。2.动词+介词 如:listen of 听 look at 看 belong to 属于这种结构相当于及物动词,后面跟宾语。

3.动词+副词+介词 如:come up with 提出,想出 run out of 用完,耗尽

4.动词+名词(介词)如:take part in参加 catch hold of 抓住 1.cheer(sb.)up使(某人)高兴、振作 如:cheer me up 使我高兴 clean up 打扫 clean-up n.打扫

2.homeless adj.无家可归的 a homeless boy 一个无家可归的男孩

home n.家

3.hand out 分发 hand out bananas give out 分发 give out sth to sb.分….给某人

give up doing 放弃… give up smoking 放弃吸烟

give away 赠送 捐赠 give away sth.to ….give away money to kids

give sb.sth.给某人某东西 give me money 给我钱

give sth.to sb.给某人某东西 give money to me 给我线 4.sick adj.生病的 作表语、定语 ill adj.生病的 作表语,不能作定语

5.volunteer to do v.志愿效劳、主动贡献 volunteer n.志愿者

e up with 提出 想出 === think up 想出

catch up with 赶上 追上

7.put off doing 推迟做某事

put on 穿上(指过程)put up 张贴

8.write down 写下 记下

9.call up 打电话

make a telephone call 打电话

10.set up 成立 建立

The new hospital was set up in 2000.这座医院是在2000年成立的。11.each 每个 各自的 强调第一个人或事物的个别情况 常与of 连用

every 每个 每一个的 一切的 则有“全体”的意思不能与of 连用

12.put …to use 把… 投入使用,利用

They put the new machine to use.他们把新机器投入使用

13.help sb.(to)do 帮助某人做某事 help him(to)study help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 help him with English help do 帮助做某事 help study 14.plan to do 计划做某事

plan + 从句

I plan to go to Beijing.=== I plan(that)I will go to Beijing.我计划去北京。15.spend … doing 花费…做… I spent a day visiting Beijing.我花了一天的时间去参观北京。

spend… on sth.花费…在… I spent 3 years on English.16.not only … but(also)… 不但… 而且… 用来连接两个并列的成分

(1)引导以 not only …but(also)… 开头的句子往往引起部分倒装。

因此 ⑴Not only do I feel good but(also)….是倒装句。


①Not only can I do it but(also)I can do best.我不仅能做到而且做得最好。

⑵Not only…but(also)… 接两主语时,谓语动词随后面的主语人称和

数的变化 也就是就近原则 如:

①Not only Lily but(also)you like cat.不仅莉莉而且你也喜欢猫。

②Not only you but(also)Lily likes cat.不仅你而且莉莉喜欢猫。常见的就近原则的结构有:

Neither… nor…即不…也不…(两者都不)Neither you nor I like him.我和你都不喜欢他。

Either… or… 不是…就是…(两者中的一个)Either Lily or you are a student.Not only …but(also)…

There be 17.join 参加(指参加团体、组织)如:join the Party 入党

take part in 参加(指参加活动)如: take part in sports meeting 参加运动会 18.①run out of == use up 用完 用尽

I have run out of money.== I have used up money.我已经用完了钱。

②run away 逃跑 The monkey has run away from the zoo.这只猴子已经从动物园里逃跑了。

③run to + 地方 跑到某地

19.take after(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像

be similar to 与..相像

take after 相像

look after 照顾

take care of 照顾 out 算出 结局

The situation worked out quite well.情况的结局非常好 Have you worked out this math problem? 你已经算出这道数学问题了吗? 21.hang out 闲荡 闲逛

I like to hang out at mall with my friends.我喜欢和我的朋友一起去购物中心闲荡。22.be able to do 能 会

be unable to do 不能 不会

23.thank you for doing 谢谢做某事 如: thank you for helping me 谢谢做帮助我


1.aloud adv.出声地(使别人能听得到)朗读是学英语的一个好方法。

▲loud adj.大声的,声音洪亮的,loud—louder—loudest 他说话声音很大以便于每个人都能听得到他。▲adv.loud—louder—loudest don’t talk so loud.the kids are reading. 说话小声些,孩子们正在看书。(speak)louder,please!请再说高一些!▲loudly adv吵吵闹闹地,噪声地 我听到有人在使劲敲门。

they are talking loudly in the next room. 他们在隔壁说话声很大。她声音很甜美。

她提高了嗓音队便于别人能听清楚。因为咳嗽,他失声了。▲noise n噪音,吵闹 别弄出那么大的噪音。

i heard a strange noise outside. 我听到外边奇怪的声音。

▲sound n.(自然界中的)声音,响声 声音的传播比光慢。

3.memory n.(计算机的)储存器

a lot of information is stored in the memory. 计算机的储存器能储存很多信息。▲n.记忆力



▲memorize/memorise vt.记住,背过 他能很快记住很多单词。

4.frustrate vt.使失望,使沮丧 他上大学的梦想遭受挫折。

▲frustrating adj.令人失望的 他所说的话很令人失望。

她觉得看英语电影很令人失望(因为看不懂)。▲frustrated adj.失望的,沮丧的 当他再次考试没及格后,他很失望。5.add vt.增加,加

she tasted the soup and added more salt. 她尝了尝汤,又加了些盐。▲add to 增添


▲add up to 总计达„„,加起来„„ 我们班上学生的数目加起来是55人。▲vt.补充说,又说



7.speak(speak—spoke—spoken)说(语言),讲话 你会说法语吗? 你知道谁要在会上发言? 当我给他打电话时,他正在和他的朋友谈话。你们在说什么? ▲say 说(后接说的内容)他在会上说了什么? 她说下周回来。▲tell 告诉

tell sb sth 告诉某人某事(接双宾语)是谁告诉你的那个消息? ▲讲,说

tell stories讲故事,tell a lie撒谎,tell the truth说实话 我小的时候,奶奶经常给我讲故事。

don’t believe him!he is telling a tie. 别信他!他在撒谎。

老实说,我不太同意你的意见。▲adj.巧完整的,完全的 你会造完整的句子吗? 他对我来说完全是陌生的。



10.impress vt.使感动,给„„深刻印象 他的事迹给在场的人留下了深刻的印象。那个国家的美景打动了我们所有的人。、、▲impressed adj.(被)感动的 我们被他的话所感动。

11.native n.当地人,本国人

我们在巴西度假时,就像当地人那样生活。the kangaroo is a native of australia. 袋鼠是产于澳洲的动物。

▲native speaker 生来就说某种语言的人

他的英语说得太好了,我们都认为他是个本地人。▲native language 母语

马克思出生在德国,法语是他的母语。important phrases(重点词组)2.first of all 首先

5.spoken english 英语口语 8.1ater on 以后;随后

10.native speakers 生来就说某种语言的人 11.not at ail 根本不;一点也不 12.end up 结束

14.make up 组成;编造

15.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 16.take notes 做笔记 17.make mistakes 犯错误 19.read aloud 朗读

20.have trouble(in)doing sth 做某事有困难 你怎样准备考试? ▲study for a test prepare for a test 准备考试 一 昨天晚上我打电话时你在干什么? 一 我在准备数学测验。我听录音准备英语测验。

▲by 靠,用(方法,手段等),后接动名词(doing„)he makes a living by repairing bikes. 他靠修车为生。

▲listen vi.后加to再接名词。当我到家时,姐姐正在听音乐。听!有人在敲门。


▲ask sb for help求助于某人

— 如果你有麻烦,你可以求助于我。一 谢谢。我会的。

你曾经和朋友练习过会话吗? ▲ever adv.用于疑问句和否定旬中,“曾经” 你担心考试会不及格吗? 听录音怎么样? 今晚去看电影怎么样? 靠朗读来练习发音怎么样? read aloud 朗读

reading aloud is very helpful in leaning english. 朗读在学英语中很有帮助。

▲a lot 代表一个不可数名词。例如: 他虽然很小,但他知道很多。别那样和父母说话。

8.it improves my speaking skills. 它能提高我的口语技巧。

▲improve vt.改进,改善,提高 他的工作在慢慢改进。他的发音大大提高了。▲speaking skill 口语技巧 listening skill 听力技巧 听懂不同的声音很困难。

▲too + adj./adv.+ to do “太„„而不能„„”。又如: 他太小,不能上学。她跑得太慢追不上我。

▲ask sb about sth 询问某人关于„„的情况

ask her about the pen that you lost.she may have found it. 问问她你丢的钢笔,也许她捡到了。谁能告诉我记单词的最好办法是什么? 她说记流行歌曲的歌词也有点帮助。教英语是我的工作。

▲a little有点,代表不可数名词,其反义词为a lot。你的咖啡里想加糖吗? 一yes.just a little. 好,要一点点。

12.he’s been learning english for six years and really loves it. 他学英语有六年了,并且很喜欢它。

▲“has/have been doing sth”现在完成进行时,表示从过去某一时间开始持续到现在,还要进行下去的动作。又如:

she has been learning english for 5 years. 她学英语有五年了。

he has been reading for 2 hours and hasn’t finished it yet. 他看书有两个小时了,但还没有完成。

他发现看英语电影很令人失望,因为人们说话太快。i like playing basketball. 我喜欢打篮球。

▲find sb/sth + n./adj./doing “发现某人„„”,后面的“n./adj./doing”作宾语补足语。又如:



▲not„at all 一点也不,用来加强语气,又如: 我一点也不同意他的意见。

我们会因为某件事变得很激动,最后用汉语来描述。▲end up达到某种状态或采取某种行动,又如:

at first he said nothing but he ended up apologizing. 一开始,他什么也不说,到头来还是道了歉。

我正在就关于学习英语作调查。我能问你几个问题吗? ▲do a survey about sth/doing sth 关于„„作调查 上周,我们就网上冲浪作了个调查。

▲some用于疑问句时,表示希望得到肯定回答,如果只是询问信息,可以用any代替some用于疑问句和否定句中。又如: 你能借给我些钱吗?(希望得到肯定回答)did you buy her any gifts? 你给她买礼物了吗?(询问信息)17.1 often keep an english notebook. 我经常记英语笔记。

▲keep vt.记录(某事),在某物上做书面记载 她写日记有20多年了。

i have the habit of keeping notes. 我有记笔记的习惯。

most of the students love reading. 多数学生喜欢看书。

19.1 make mistakes in grammar. 我在语法方面老犯错误。

▲make a mistake/make mistakes 犯错误 当说英语时不要怕犯错误。by mistake 错误地.

你知道炸薯片是被错误发明的吗? 我不知道怎样使用逗号。我不知道该做什么。你能告诉我何时出发吗? 你为什么不加入一个英语俱乐郝来练习说英语昵? 当交通很拥堵时,你为什么不骑白行车上学呢? ▲join加入某组织成为其中的成员,take part in参加某种活动,attend参加会议,报告,演讲等。例如:

his father joined the party in 1976. 他爸爸是1976年入的党。


i attended an important meeting yesterday. 昨天我参加了一个会。我没有同伴一起练习英语。老师有话要说。

he has no room to live in. 他没有房子住。

起初,对我来说听懂老师在班里讲话都不是件容易的事。▲first of all 最初,首先

first of all she just smiled,then she started to laugh. 最初她只是笑,后来才放声大笑。对我来说学好物理很难。

it is important to learn english.学英语很重要。


▲not„every + 可数名词单数 = not all + 复数名词表示部分否定“并非所有的”又如: 你没必要记住所有的字。不是所有的学生都住得离学校远。

后来,我意识到如果有些词听不懂没关系。▲later on 后来,以后

起初事情进展地很顺利,但后来他们遇到了麻烦。▲realize vt.意识到,认识到(有一个逐渐认识的过程),不用于进行时和被动语态。例如: 总有一天你会意识到你错了。




▲be afraid of sth/to do/of doing sth 害怕/不敢/恐怕做某事 i used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去常常怕黑。

she’s afraid to go/of going out alone at night. 她害怕夜晚独自出去。▲might 表示可能性

他可能知道她的电话号码,但我不确定。▲laugh at sb 嘲笑

it’s bad manners to laugh at people in trouble. 嘲笑陷入困境的人不礼貌。


另一个我发现很困难的东西是英语语法。▲that引导的是定语从句,修饰another thing,that在定语从句中作found的宾语。又如: 我能为你做点什么?(你买什么?)然后我用学过的语法造有独创性的句子。

▲start/begin to do sth = start/begin doing sth 开始做某事 真是不可思议了,这样做很有帮助。

▲it's amazing + 从句/to do sth “„„真是太惊奇了”。在国外遇到老朋友,真是太惊喜了。



▲have trouble in doing sth 做某事有麻烦/困难 he had trouble in understanding native speakers. 他听外国人说话有困难。



Unit1 How do you study for a test?

SectionA(1a-2c)Shangma Primary School Zhao Xiaoyan 教案设计

一、Teaching aims:(教学目标)Language goal(知识目标):

掌握以下词汇:flashcard,vocabulary,aloud,pronunciation Talk about how to study English Ability goal(能力目标):

学习使用“How do you study …? ”及其答语“I study by …” 句型

Emotion goal(情感目标):

Talk about the ways of studying English;(谈论学好英语的方法)Give them the confidence to learn and enjoy English.(帮他们树立学好英语的信心)

二.Teaching importance and difficulties(教学重难点)how 副词,“怎样,如何”,对于方式,手段等的提问;

by 介词,“用……的方式”, “以……的方法”,后跟名词或动词的-ing形式

How do you study for a test /learn English? I study/learn by listening to tapes/ by working with friends…/by studying with a group...三.Teaching steps(教学步骤)

Step 1 Lead-in with a free talk(自由对话导入新课)(2分钟)

Greeting with the students;Hello,everyone1Welcome back to school.I’m very happy to see you again.Most of you got good grades last term ,congratulations!Of course,don’t lose your heart if you didn’t get good grades.OK , Today ,let‟s talk about how to study for a test and how to learn English well.(展示课题)

Step 2 Pre-task(3分钟)

T:Learning to learn is very important.And learning to pass a test is also important.You know we can study by many different ways.Now Let’s ask you how to study for a test.T:How do you study for a test,Lili? S:read the textbook.T:Oh,you study by reading the textbook.让学生给出不同的回答,强调语言结构verb+by/with gerund.,教师不断强化句型,让学生有个模式进行训练。

Step 3 While-task(38分钟)

1.Task1 1a checking the ways you study

Ask a student to read the ways.T:Check the ways you study for an English test and add other ways you sometimes use.Then ask questions to check their answers.2 Task 2 1b Listen carefully for the tape(仔细听力练习)First let the students look at the picture,and say how do they study.: By making flashcard, by listening to tapes, by asking the teacher for help Then listen to the tape, write the letters from the picture above.Next check the ansers:(1)Mei studies by making flashcards, so the answer is „„a”.(2)Pierre(皮埃尔)studies by asking the teacher for help, so the answer is „„c”(3)Antonio(安东尼奥)studies by listening to the tape, so the answer is „„b”.Task3 Pairwork

Talk about the ways of stuying with your partner? A:How do you study for a test?

B:I study by working with a group.4Task4 2a Listen to the tape, check the questions you hear Ask the students to read through the questions.Then ask them to listen to the tape careful.Check the answers.2a Listen again and match the answers.Ask them to read the answers,then match the answers with the qustions above.Finally,check the answers.5Task5 2c Pairwork

Make conversations using the information from 2a and 2b.A; Have you ever studied with a group? B:Yes ,I have.I‟ve learned a lot that way./ No ,I haven‟t.Step4 Homework(1分钟)

1,Finish Self-check.2,write down the ways of learning you know.Step5 Ending words.(总结下课)(1分钟)

Well ,that‟s all our today‟s lesson.I had a great time with you..See you later.板书

Unit 1 How do you study for a test? How do you study for a test? I study by reading textbook.by making vocabulary lists.by asking the teacher for help.by listening to the teachers.read aloud

speaking skills How/What about doing sth.? too… to…


新目标英语九年级Unit 8第一课时说课稿

今天我说课的题目是初中英语人教版九年级Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.本课的中心话题是提供帮助。引导学生关注社会,利用自己的特长为他人社会做事情。整个说课我将分成四个大部分进行讲述:即教材分析、教法分析、学法指导、教学过程。






Knowledge and Ability objects(知识与能力目标):(1)重点词语 :重点掌握如下描绘性的形容词 clean up hunger homeless cheer up give out(2)重点句型:I'd like to work outside. You could give out food at a food bank(3)培养学生能够运用所学的语言目标进行简单的语言训练的能力.(4)能够听懂磁带上的每句话.Course and Methods(过程与方法):可采取小组讨论的方法进行知识与技能的训练,调动已有的知识、根据情景推测句子的含义。Moral object(情感态度与价值观目标):通过对本单元的学习,增强爱心,同情心,以及社会责任感。

Teaching Key Points and Difficulties(教学重、难点)

1、Key point:一般将来时的应用.2、Difficult point:一些动词短语的用法.Teaching Methods(教学方法):Watching and describing methods listening method Pairwork Teaching Aids(教具):Tape pictures small blackboard



《新目标英语》中的具体语言目标是通过各种各样的Tasks来实现的;学生需要运用具体而特定的行动来完成一定的交际任务。整个教学过程中,各种语言结构与语言功能与不同的学习任务有机的结合。任务活动所谋求的效果不是一种机械的语言训练,而是侧重在执行任务中学生自我完成任务的能力和策略的培养;重视形式在完成任务过程中的参与和在交流活动中所获得的经验。因此本节课我将始终引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验,让学生在用中学,在学中用(Learning by using, learning for using)。2.教学手段

多媒体辅助:用flash 软件将本课所需要的动画、录音、图片、文字、图表和音乐制成CAI软件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情景,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。












Step1.Discuss and write(导入新课)

1.Ask questions: 1)Have you ever helped others? 2)How do you feel about helping others?

3)Can you tell us your experience of helping others? Ask the students to discuss in small groups

Step2.Guessing games(猜游戏--新单词)

Show some pictures with the new verb phrases, let the student guess the meanings of the phrases in small groups.Divide the whole class into six groups, have a competition.Step 3.Brain storm(头脑风暴自主学习)

Ask the students to look at the bulletin board and then list other ways they could help people.Step4.1b.Listen and complete the sentences(听的技能)

Ask the student just listen for the first time, then write for the second time.Check the answers.Then ask students to read the four conversations with their partners

Step 5.Summary(梳理归纳)

clean up.cheer up.give out.Use the game to practice the phrases.Step6.1c.Pairwork(英语交际能力)

Call their attention to the example in the speech bubbles in 1a,ask them to make up similar the conversations to class.Step7.Homework

Tell the students to do the homework:

1.Make up one sentence with each of the following phrasal verbs:

clean up.cheer up.give out.2.Practice conversations with partners after class


Unit 8 I’ll hel p clean up the city parks.The Period 1 Phrasal verb:

1.clean up—make a place clean and tidy, put things in order We should always clean up the dirty parts of the sea.2.cheer up—make someone feel happy The good news cheers everyone up.3.set up —We are going to set up a food



Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks

(section B)






这套教材采用任务型语言教学(Task-based Language



“I will „”,“I would





●put off, hand out, call up, give away, run out of, clean up,set up, take after, fix up, cheer up, give out, hunger, sign, repair


● I ’d like to work outside.● I”ll help clean up the city park.● You could give out food at a food bank.2)、依托本单元的语言素材提高学生听、说、读、写及自学、创新和沟通能力。熟练掌握“I will „”,“I would








(3)情感 态度及价值观




3.Pair work

重点:“I will „”,“I would like„”句型及部分重要动词短语。








为达成上述教学目标,根据Go for


stories、Discussion和Role playing的学习策略,掌握重要短语和句型,提高听说读的能力。



































Offer help: I’d like to …

I will …

I want to …

You could …

Being a volunteer work you could do and then make a conversation.。is great!

The story of “Bike boy”:

how to help others(listening)—problem

How to solve the problems

(reading)—solution.Phrasal verbs:

put off, hand out, call up, give

away,run out of, clean up, set up, take after,fix up, cheer up, give out, sign, repair




1) 掌握以下单词: rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather.

Moscow. Toronto. Boston.

掌握以下句型:—How's the weather in Beijing?

—It's sunny.

2) 能用所学的知识描述不同城市的天气情况。


1. Key points:

1) The vocabulary and useful expressions.

2) —How’s the weather?

—It's raining/ windy.

2. Difficult points:





1.本节课我采用任务型教学方法,引导学生自学,并在自学中善于质疑,探究,以及小组合作等形式完成任务。这一过程的实施使学生在学的过程中体现了强烈的求知欲,并积极踊跃举手发言。 另外利用课件创设贴近学生生活的真实情景,让学生比较直观的掌握知识。如在学习描述天气的句型时,首先利用多媒体课件吸引学生的眼球,让他们通过这些图片机械模仿,以便能形成初步的语言感知,然后利用一副天气预报地图,并让学生做主持人来预报天气,这一过程最大限度地调动了学生的求知兴趣。

2. 本节课的也有值得改进的地方:首先,时间分配还不够合理,有些环节用时较多,以致其他环节用时较少。其次,本单元主要谈论天气,可以结合地理方位,国家名称来扩大学生的知识范围,更加开阔学生的视野。在活动方面,学生的主动性还没有完全发挥。最后,在学生探索问题时,对学生进行引导的技巧,在教学机智方面还有待于进一步学习和积累。


Filling the blanks with the correct words.

1. ---How is the weather in Zhumadian?


2. Do you like ________(wind)days?

3. Today is _______(sun).Let's go shopping.

4.______it________(snow)in Moscow now?

5. What _____the people_____(do)in the picture?

6._____it often____(rain) here in summer?

7. Look! There are lots of ______(cloud)in the sky.


Section A (1a-1c)

1. —What's Uncle Joe doing?

—He is playing basketball.

2. —How's the weather in Beijing?

—It's sunny.

频道小编推荐: |




◆ 掌握部分有关电视节目以及表示装饰的词汇,如:soap opera, sitcom, sports show, host, super, agree, hair clip, key ring, belt, wallet etc. ◆ What do you think of,,? 句式在不同人称中的使用及其几种不同的答语方式,并能简单陈述理由。 ◆ 掌握运用love, like, don’t like, don’t mind, can’t stand恰当表达对有关事物的观点和态度。


◆ 学会陈述自己的看法和意见。 ◆ 学会谈论自己的喜好。 ◆ 谈谈流行文化,了解各类电影和电视节目的名称。 ◆ 了解一些日常生活用品,描述对其喜好程度。

3、策略目标 利用不同媒体获取相关的学习资源,通过合作、探究的方式学习;学会正确评价自己的学习行为和学习效果。

4、情感目标 ◆ 学会客观地评价事物。 ◆ 正确表达自己的意见。 ◆ 正确认识流行文化。 ◆ 了解中西文化在表达自己的观点时存在很大差异——我们比较委婉,而西方人则更直接一些。


1、重点 学习及掌握陈述自己的看法,意见及喜好的词汇和基本句型。

2、难点 正确运用What do you/does he/she think of,,?及I love/like/don’t like/don’t mind/can’t stand ... He/She loves/likes/doesn’t like/doesn’t mind/can’t stand ...等句型结构来表达对客观事物的评价。




Step1 Warming up

学生观看Movie。 观看Movie,引起学生的兴趣,促 使学生尽快进入英 语状态,同时也作 为一个lead in的活动。

Step2 Presentation(1)

1,由Magic English的观看,提出“Do you like Pluto’s music?”及” What do you think of Pluto’s music?”引出话题。

2. 在多媒体上呈现电影“Harry Potter”等学生们熟悉的电 影Posters,谈论对这些影片的喜好,句型结构如下: What do you think of ,,? I don’t mind it. I don’t like it. I can’t stand it.

3. 借助2中的Posters,运用what kind of movies do you like?及What do you think of,,?练习复数状态下的结构。

话题贴近学生生 活,学生能运用已 有的知识进行交 际,并自然地运用 新的知识点交际。 导入由易而难,遵循语言习得的规 律Learning by doing第一层次的 机械操练。

Step3 Practice

在多媒体上呈现一些现象,如随地吐痰、打架、乱扔废纸、排队候车等等,进行巩固练习。 操练,同时进行了一次有效的moral education。

Step4 Presentation(2)

1,由社会现象进入周末活动的谈论,what do you usually do on weekends?当有学生谈到watch TV时,开始介绍电视节 目的种类,播放电视节目的片断或图片。表达对各种电视节目的看法,可供选择的电视节目有: Talk shows, game shows, sports shows, soap opera, sitcom

2. Do 1a and 1b


Step5 Pair work

就电视节目谈论彼此的观点,做pair work前,老师要先给学生一两个model,然后学生有准备过程,再进行pair work show。 练习的面广,给一般的同学创造安全的课堂。

Step6 Guessing game

(可用各种不同的计时方式) 老师陈述TV shows的情景,如:

1.A man is playing basketball.(sports show)

2.A funny show. The people on TV do or say things that make TV watchers laugh.(sitcom) 调节气氛,缓和学生的视觉及听觉疲劳,培养学生的判断力和信息的捕捉能力。


TV shows survey 学生可以在四人小组内,也可以离开座位询问其他同学,完成表格,再进行report。

Report: My friend,,likes,,. He/She also likes,,. But he can’t stand,,

Step8 Homework

1,Copy the new words and new sentences.

2.Make your report better. 课堂任务活动向课外延伸,同时课外作业贴近学生生活,激活了学生的兴趣和创新精神。

3. Survey what your family think of different TV shows, and make a new dialogue about that with your partner.



with, of, for, to, about

1. My father works in the bank. How

______ your father?

2. Thanks _____showing me your nice


3. Hello, everyone! Welcome ____ our


4. What does she think ____ the new


5. Ms Chen agreed ________ what I said.


1. - 你认为情景喜剧怎么样?

- 我非常喜欢它们。

2. - 他认为肥皂剧怎么样?

- 他无法忍受它们。

3. 布朗夫人不介意别人对她的看法。

4. 这些女孩喜欢用英语唱这首歌。

5. 我无法忍受做饭。


Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?

What do you think of talk shows?

I don’t mind them.

What about game shows?

I love them.

Do you like sitcoms?

Yes, I do.

频道小编推荐: |



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词: newspaper, use, soup, wash, movie, just


① —What are you doing? —I'm watching TV.

② —What's he doing? —He's using the computer.

③ —What are they doing? —They're listening to a CD.

④ —This is Jenny. —It's Laura here.

2) 能掌握语法:现在进行时态的用法。

3) 能运用所学的知识,描述人们正在干的事情。


1. 教学重点:

1) 词汇、词组搭配和现在进行时的用法。能用现在进行时的各种形式进行准确的描述和表达正在发生的动作。

2) 能掌握现在进行时态及一些表示具体动作的词组搭配,如: doing homework, using the computer, watching TV, eating dinner… 等

2. 教学难点:





Ⅰ. Warming-up and Lead in

1. Greet the Ss and check the homework.

2. Watch a video program.

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Present the new words and expressions.

2. Ss watch and learn the new words and expressions.

3. Give Ss some time and try to remember the new words and expressions.

4. (Show some pictures on the screen and ask some students to perform the actions.)

e.g. T: What are you doing?

S: I am doing homework. (Help him/her to answer)

T: What is he /she doing?

Ss: He /she is doing homework.

Teach: watching TV, cleaning, reading a book, eating dinner, talking on the phone...as the same way.

5. Work on 1a. Ss read the activities and look at the pictures. Then match the activities with pictures.

6. Check the answers with the Ss.

Ⅲ. Game (guess)

1. T: Now let's play a game. What's she/he doing? You must watch the big screen carefully.

(Show some pictures on the big screen quickly) Let Ss guess what's he/she is doing?

2. Ss watch and guess the actions.

3. Ask and answer about the pictures.

—What's he/she doing?

—He's/She's …

Ⅳ. Listening

1. T: What are Jenny, John, Dave and Mary doing? Now let’s listen to the tape, find out the right activities from 1a.

2. Play the recording for the Ss twice.

3. Ss listen to the recording and write the numbers from 1a.

Ⅴ. Pair work

1. Ask the Ss to read the conversations in 1c with a partner. Then look at the pictures in 1a. And conversations about other person in the picture.

2. Ss make conversations by themselves and practice the conversations.

Ⅵ. Listening

1. Work on 2a;

T: Jack and Steve are talking on the phone. What are they doing now? Listen to the conversations and match the answers with the questions.

(Play the recording for the first time, students only listen carefully. Then, listen to the recording again, and match the answers with the questions. )

Check the answers.

2. Work on 2b.

Let Ss read the conversation in 2b first. Then play the recording for the Ss twice.

The first time Ss only listen and write down the words in the blanks. Then play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers. (If necessary, press the Pause button to help.)

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. Now, role-play the conversation with your partners.

2. Let some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class.

Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Ask Ss to read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions below.

① Are Jenny and Laura talking on the phone?

(Yes, they are.)

② What's Laura doing now?

(She's washing her clothes.)

③ What's Jenny doing?

(She's watching TV.)

④ When do they meet at Jenny's home?

(At half past six.)

2. Ss read the conversation and answer the questions above.

3. Check the answers with the Ss.

4. Let Ss work in pairs and role-play the conversation.


1. Review the words and expressions in this period.

2. Understand the knowledge about the present progressive tense.

3. Make five sentences on what are you doing now.


一、Teaching aims (教学目的)



二、Key points (本课重点)

1. Words:pen pal, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, the United states, Singapore, the United Kingdom, country, Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo

2.Where is your pen pal from? He‟s from Australia.Where does he live? He lives in. Paris3.Where is John‟s pen pal from ?

三、Teaching aids (教学方法)

Using what you know, deducing。Some cards with cities and countries.

四、Teaching procedures (教学过程)

Step 1 Greeting T: Good morning! S:… T: Let‟s start now.

Step 2 Presentation

1.教师让学生合上书,认真听老师与学生的对话,教师找一名学生与自己对话T: Good morning ! What countries and cities do you know? ( Ss can speak in Chinese.)S: ………Learn the new words.Countries:China, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, SingaporeCities: Shanghai, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, Paris, New York, London, Singapore

2.同样的方法,通过师生对话的方式引导出新句型,Where are you from ? I am from China . Where „s your pen pal from? He is from ……

2 Step 3 Practice



Step 4 Consolidation

1.Listen and circle the countries in 1a , 2b,2c.

2.Play a game: Find the right cards with countries and cities .


S1: Hello S2: Hello S1: My name is xxx. Where are you from ? S2: I am from xxx. Oh, where are you from ? S1: Where do you live ? S2: I live in ……Where do you live ? S1: ……S2:……Step 5 Summary


2.预习下一节(Section A 3a—4)Homework:



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1. Match the vocabulary:New York City,Central Park,exam.

2. Master and use:Where did you/ they /he / she go,vacation? I / They /He /She went to the mountains\New York City\beach\summer camp.

Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did.No, I didn’t.


通过例子Who went to the movies last Saturday?引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过去时态。大面积操练,采用学生提出间题,学生解决问题,借助媒体来提高学生的主动性。




l. The vocabulary:New York City, Central Pads,exam.

2. Language:Where did you/they/he/she go on vacation? I/They/He/She went to the mountains/ New York City/ beach /summer camp

Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did. No, I didn’t.


Use the language to talk about past events.




step 1Organization1’

Organize Ss by saying hello to each other.

Step 2Free talk(2’)

Ask the question:

Who is on duty?

Is everyone here today?

Step 3Section APresentation

la 1.(Ask questions about what students

did last Saturday)

(1)Who went to the movies last Saturday?

(Point to one student who raises his or her hand.)

Sara went to the movies last Saturday.

(Repeat.Write this sentence on the board. Underline the word went.)

(2) Ask:Who visited a friend last Saturday?

(Point to one student who raises his or her hand.)

Carlos visited a friend last Saturday.

(Repeat.Write this sentence on the board. Underline the word visited.)

2.(Point to the words went and visited in the sentences on the board.)

Say,We use these words to talk about things that happened in the past.

(Write these pairs of words on the board:go--went, visit --visited)

Ask: Can you point out the words that talk about the past?

This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Step 4Practisela3’

1.Focus attention on the picture.Ask:

What at can you see?Say, Each picture shows something a person did in the past.Name each activity and ask students to repeat;Went to the mountains,went to New York City, went to summer camp,visited my uncle,stayed at home,went to the beach,visited museums.

2.Point to the numbered list of activities.Say each one again and ask the students to repeat.

3.Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures.Say,Write the letter of each picture next to the name of the activity.Point to the sample answer.

4.Check the answers.


1.e 2.B 3.D 4. c 5.a 6.F 7. g

step 5Listening(lb)(6’)

Presentation This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

1.Point to the picture.

on the screen

say, look at Picture A,Where did Tia go on vacation? Yes,she went to the mountains.

Ask,What did the person do in each scene?

2.Play the recording the first time.

3.Play the recording a second time.

say,There are three conversations.

The people talk about what they did on vacation.listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes in the picture.

Please write only 5 numbers. Point out the

sample answer next to the picture showing went to the mountain.

4.Correct the answers.


(1) went to the mountains

(2)visited my uncle

(3)stayed at home

(4) went to New York City

(5)went to summer camp

Tape script:

Conversation 1

Xiang Hun: Hey, Tina. Where did you go on vacation?

Tina: I went to the mountains.

Xiang Hua: Cool.

Tina: Where did you go, Xiang Hua?

Xiang Hua:I went to New York City.

Conversation 2

Girl: Where did you go on vacation, Sally?

Sally:No where. I stayed at home.

Girl: And where did you go, Brad?

Brad: I visited my uncle.

Conversation 3

Boy 1:Where did you go on vacation, Tom?

Tom: I went to summer camp. It was great.

Pronunciation note

Write to play---played, visit ---visited on the board.Say,We studied the pronunciation of these --- ed endings in Unit 5.

They are both spelled --- ed,but we pronounce one /d/ and the other /Id/.Ask students to repeat these pairs:play-played,visit一visited.

Step 6 Pair work 1 c(task 1)3’

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

1. Point out the example conversation.

Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

2. Say,Now work with a partner. You’re your own conversation about the pictures.

3. Say the dialogue in the picture with a student,Do a second example to the class.

4. Have students work in pairs.

As they talk,move around the room monitoring their work.

Offer language or pronunciation support as needed.

Step 7 Consolidation(4’)

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

2c, group work

(Task2) 1.Say, Get into getups of three. One of you will he Nancy,One will be Marco, and one will be Julie. Ask each other about the vacations. You can talk about the activities from the chart in 2b or about any other activities you like.

2.As Ss talk, move around the room, monitoring the conversations and offering support as needed.

3. Have a group of Ss present their conversation to the class.

Step 8Test 4' Loot at test

Step 9 Summary Grammar Focus4’

1. Review the grammar box. Ask Ss to say the questions and answers.

2. Review the difference between regular –ed past tense verbs (stay –stayed, visited). Then say the past form sentences with the form below.

I go to the summer camp

They go to New York City

He stay at home

She visit her uncle

Go to Central Park

Step 10Homework

Practice the dialogue according to the picture on Page 1






Unit 10 Where did you go on vocation?



Key words: short, curly, long, tall, straight hair, a medium build, thin, heavy, bald;

brown, blonde;

glasses, hair, beard, mustache.

New language:

What do you look like? I’m short. And I have curly hair.

What do they look like? They’re medium height. And they have short hair.

What does he look like? He’s heavy and he wears glasses.

What does she look like? She’s thin and she has long hair.


Importance: Describing people. Such as tall or short… and who has long hair and short hair…

Difficulties: use the sentences correctly to describe the physical appearance.

III. Teaching Steps:




Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Ask some students to name some ways of describing people. Start students off with examples such as tall and short. Point out various students in the class and ask students to say if they are tall or short.

Step 3 Some new words about this part

(1a) This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Ask students to read the list of words. Point to the letters next to the people in the picture. Point out the sample answer. At last, check the answers.

(1b) This activity provides guided listening and writing practice the target language.

Play the recording the first time, then , play it again, this time, students fill in the blanks in the speech bubbles.

Correct the answers.

Language points: 1.He’s the tall boy with the curly hair.

(1c)This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Ask the students to ask and answer the questions. Then have students work in pairs. As they talk, move around the room monitoring their work.

Language points:

2.What does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样?

look like “看起来像,看起来是……的样子”like 作介词,意为“像….”

eg. What’s he like?

Jack is very like his father.

look like 看起来像 The girl look like her mother.

look 看起来 后加形容词作表语 His sister looks happy.

look the same 看起来很像 The twins look the same.

(2a)This activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.

Point to the list of nice phrases and ask a students to read them to the class. Play the recording twice. And complete the answers. Then correct the answers.

(2b)Ask the students to listen to the descriptions and write the words in the correct column after each person’s name.

(3)Writing practice: Have students do the activity individually. Offer help as necessary.

(Grammar focus) Review the grammar box. Ask students to read the questions and answers. Point out: ①does, goes-----you, they do, go--------he, she.

②I’m, they’re, he’s and she’s -----height

(3a)This activity provides reading practice using the target language. Have a student read the first description. Check the answers.

Language points:

3.She has a medium build, and she has long hair. 她体格中等,留着长发。

①medium ,adj.中间的,中等的,普通的 a man of medium height medium size

②build 多用作动词,但在句中是名词,意为体格。

His uncle is a man of strong build.

They are building a new school.

③hair 常用作集合名词,“头发,毛发”

Mr Green has blond hair.

His mother’s hair is turning gray.


My father has quite a few gray hairs.

4.She’s good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet. 她很漂亮,但是有点不大爱说话。

①a little bit 常用于口语中,“稍微,有些,少许”相当于副词。接近于a little.

It’s a little bit cold today.

I feel a little tired now.

This shirt is a little too large for me.

②quiet 是形容词,“寡言的,稳重的,温顺的”

His daughter is a quiet child.

③good-looking, beautiful, pretty与handsome

good-looking 常用于指容貌美,beautiful 表示接近和谐理想的美; pretty并非表示完美无缺的意思,而是着重表示“可爱,令人怜爱”;handsome 指容貌端正英俊的,形容女性时,作“健美的”。他们常用于一些特定的人或事物。

项目-词汇 beautiful pretty good-looking handsome

women(女性) √ √ √ √

man (男性) × × √ √

child(小孩) √ √ √ ×

bird(鸟) √ √ × ×

flower(花) √ √ × ×

village(村庄) √ √ × ×

picture(画) √ √ × ×

dress(服装) √ √ × ×

voice(声音) √ × × ×

5.Xu Qian loves to tell jokes .俆倩喜欢说笑话。

①love 在本句中为“喜欢, 热爱”常可用于“love+doing/ to do”的结构中。

His brother loves jazz.

Miss Read loves her cat more than anything else.

They all love to dance .

love 作动词还常表示为“爱,疼爱,爱惜”

They both love each other.

②tell jokes 意思为“说笑话”,类似的短语还有 tell a story, tell a lie, tell the truth.

6.She never stops talking.他从来都是喋喋不休的说。

①never 是副词,意思为“决不,永不,从未,一点也不”

never 通常置于一般动词之前,be动词、助动词之后。

I never get up early Sunday morning.

She is never late for school.


They spoke never a word to each other.

never 可依置于命令动词之前。

Never eat too much.

②stop doing / stop to do

stop 后接动名词,表示停下动名词所指的动作; stop 后接不定式,表示停下其他事情,去做不定时所指的动作。

He stopped drinking water. 他停下(不再)喝水。

He stopped to drink water. 他停下(停下手)来喝水。

7.He likes reading and playing chess. 他喜欢读书下棋。

①read 多指看文字性的东西,“看”实际上就是“读”,作及物动词和不及物动词都可以。

Children usually like reading picture-books.

Don’t read in the sun.

②look 为不及物动词,后面接宾语时,需用介词at,表示看的过程,强调有意识的动作,多用来唤起别人的注意。

Look! Who’s the man under the tree?

③see 能用作及物动词后接宾语,也可用作不及物动词,着重于看的结果,“看到,看见”


Can you see the kite in the tree?

固定搭配:see a doctor see a film

④watch 为及物动词,用来指非常仔细的、有目的或特意的动作,表示“注视、观看、监视”。

My parents often watch me do my homework..

The teacher often watch them playing games.

注意:看电视,看比赛 习惯上多用watch表示,即:watch TV, watch a game.

⑤play chess 意思为下棋,play常可作“比赛,竞赛”等,但要注意,play 与比赛、游戏用在一起时,比赛游戏前不加冠词。

Let’s play football after school.

Look! They are playing cards under the tree.

(3b)Practice the target language.

Have two students read out the example dialogue in the speech bubbles. And then have several pairs present their dialogues to the class.

(4)Ask some students to describe a person while their classmates guess who it is.

Step 4 Do some exercises to practice.

Step 5 Blackboard design

Step 6.Homework.

① Read all the words and remember the key words and can use freely.

②Say some sentences about one person’s appearance.







Teaching aims (教学目标)

1. 学习祈使句的否定形式。

2. 学会使用祈使句表示规则。

3. 能够熟练使用can和can’t表示许可。

4. 能和同学谈论校规。


Language points (语言点)

1. 词汇:1)名词n. rule, hallway, hall, fight

2) 动词v. arrive, listen, fight, wear

3) 形容词 adj. sorry, outside

4) 词组 be on time, dining hall, listen to…

2. 句型:What are the rules? We can’t …./Don’t …/We have to …

Can we … ? Yes, we can./No, we can’t.

What do you have to do? We have to …

Difficulties (教学难点)


2. 如何谈论规则。


Teaching steps (教学步骤)

1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

(1)Greet the class.

(2) Listen to a song.

T: Do you like this beautiful song?

Can we listen to it in class?

T: Can we listen to music in the classroom?

What can we do in the classroom?

What can’t we do in the classroom?


2. Presentation (呈现新知识)

(1) Present the new words: classroom, hallway, dining room, fight, arriv e late for class.

Show some pictures of the new words on the screen. Have Ss read these words.

classroom, hallway, dining room, fight, arrive late for class

(2) Flash some pictures quickly on the screen. Have Ss say the words according the pictures as quickly as they can.

(3) Show some pictures of different activities that are happening in the school.

Help Ss understand the school rules.

T: Can you run in the hallways? Don’t run in the hall ways.

T: Can you fight? Don’t fight.

T: Can you listen to music in class? Don’t listen to music in class.

T: Can you eat in the classroom? Don’t eat in the classroom.

You can only eat in the dining hall.

T: Can you arrive late for class? Don’t arrive late for class.

You must be on time.


3. Drill (练习)

Show the pictures as quickly as possible. Have Ss say the new words. Then use the new words to make conversations.

T: Let’s play a game. Please say the new words as quickly as you can. Then make a conversation like this:

A: What are the rules?

B: Don’t …


4. Work on 1a (完成1a)

(1) Which rules are these Ss breaking? Write the number of the rule

next to the student.

(2) Talk about the picture with Ss using the target language.


5. Work on 1b (完成1b)

(1)Listen. What rules are these Ss breaking? Write the numbers after the names.

(2) Student A is a new student. Student B tells Student A about the rules. Make conversations with your partner.

A: What are the rules?

B: Well, we can’t arrive late for class. We must be on time.


6. Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b)

(1)T: Please turn to page 20. Look at the activities in 2a and read them aloud.

(2)T: Listen. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.

(3)T: Can you get the answers? Listen again and check your answers.

(4)T: Listen again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or can’t.


7. Work on 2c (完成2c)

Student A is Alan and Student B is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a.

A: Can we listen to music, Cindy?

B: We can’t listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside.





noodles beef mutton chicken cabbage tomato potato special

2.掌握would like (‘d like)的用法及句型What kind of…would you like?(你想要什么种类的物品啊?)




教学重点(Teaching Key Point)


---Can I help you?

---Yes, please.

---What kind of noodles would you like?

---I’d like beef and tomato noodles.

教学难点(Teaching Difficulty):





Step 1 Greetings and free talk

Step 2 Show the learning aims. Meanwhile explain some words using real objects or pictures.

Step 3 Leading in Course

Show students a toy dog and ask them if they like it.

Ask students: What kind of animals do you like ?

Students answer: I like …

Ask students: What kind of animals would you like?

Students answer: I would like…

(Tell students “would like” is similar to “want”. But “would like” is more polite than “want”.)

Step 4 New lesson

1.Show students a screen with some more animals. Ask each animal’s name . Then use the sentence structure” What kind of …would you like? I’d like …”Finally, pointing to any animal, get boy students to ask and girl students to answer.

2.Show students another screen with some vegetables. Do this task as the former step .to help students consolidate the structure.

3.Show students a screen with some kinds of food. and continue to practice the structure.

4.Show students a screen with some different kinds of meat. Students practice the structure.


5.Pair work

Students use the sentence structure to make their own conversations.

---What kind of …would you like?

---I’d like …

6.Design a scene:

“I work in a restaurant. I am selling several kinds of noodles. (Some specials) A costumer comes to order noodles.”

(1).Show the specials to students and explain the ingredients of each special.

(2).Get students to listen to a conversation and choose one of the specials the costumer orders

(3).Students work in pairs or in groups to practice conversations, trying to order food.


Order some sentences to form a conversation.

8.Summary of this lesson


Get students to finish the self-assessment chart


Dispense a healthy lunch for yourself.

Make a bowl of noodles for your parents when you get home.






I’d like some noodles.

noodles What kind of …do you like?

beef I like …

mutton What kind of …would you like?

cabbage I’d like…




unit3 last weekend

第四课时 教学设计


本课时的主要教学内容是不规则动词go的过去式以及有关环保的一些常见标志。本课时中,教师可以首先通过free talk带领学生一起巩固前几节课的动词短语过去式和句型;然后,通过教师介绍自己昨天的活动引入不规则动词read及go的过去式,went to a park, went swimming, went fishing, went hiking都是有关go的过去式,因此,教师可以只向学生介绍其中一个短语的过去式,然后让学生自己分析并举一反三;最后,通过看图讨论一些重大发明来进一步巩固过去式短语及句型。



听、说、读、写短语:went to a park, went swimming, read a book, went fishing, went hiking。

听、说、认读句子:What did you do yesterday I went hiking.(二)能力


能够理解并会唱 “At the Zoo”。

能够熟悉Good to know中的标志。


通过熟悉Good to know部分,增强学生的环保意识。


短语went to a park, went swimming, read a book, went fishing, went hiking的听、说、读、写。



1.Let’s learn部分短语图片及Good to know部分四个标志牌的图片。






1)Daily Greeting

2)Free talk

T: What day is today?

A: Today is…

T: What day was yesterday?(强调 yesterday)

B: Yesterday/ It was…

T: What did you do yesterday?

C: I(did)…yesterday.(用前几课时已经学的词组)

3)教师播放歌曲本单元歌曲 “At the Zoo”,让学生欣赏。


1)Let’s learn

T: What did you do yesterday?

T: Who read a book yesterday?(教师做出读书的动作,帮助学生理解)…

教师分别说句子:I often read a book in the evening.I read a book yesterday.让学生去发现两个句子中read发音的不同。

教师一张张呈现go to a park, go swimming, read a book, go fishing, go hiking的图片,让学生先复习这些动词短语原形。

教师让学生看课本P31 Amy和Bai Lin的对话:

教师扮演Amy,让一名学生扮演Bai Lin,进行对话:

S: What did you do yesterday?

T: I went hiking.教师重复两边I went hiking.教师让学生发现went与go的关系。


T: What did you do yesterday?



2)Let’s play

将学生分组,4-6人一组,按照Let’s play部分自制表格,人物为该小组的成员。边对话边记录,然后做成表格再进行对话练习。


3)Let’s sing

T: I went to the zoo yesterday.What did I see? Do you want to know?

Ss: …

T: Ok, let’s sing the song and let’s see what saw at the zoo.教师播放歌曲录音,学生听录音哼唱两边后跟录音齐唱。


4)Good to know

教师出示准备好的各种标志牌,请学生讲讲各标志的含义(本部分的四个标志牌分别表示:No fishing, No swimming, No dogs peeing, No dogs pooping),和学生一起讨论环境保护的重要性。鼓励学生课下自己设计一些标志图,下节课带来全班一起传阅。







完成本课时活动手册的相关练习,评价学生对不规则动词过去式形式的掌握情况。另外,教师在学生完成Let’s play任务及看图讨论中体现学生的自我评价及教师对各小组的评价。





1. 谈论规则

2. 祈使语气

3. 表示允许

4. 能够用口头或书面描述规则



重点掌握祈使语气的用法,包括表示允许的Can及其当情态动词用的 have to do;以及各种可以用在表述规章制度的动词和句型。难点在于情态动词的用法,以及祈使句与它的应答。




Task One:

Talk about school rules to “feel” Imperatives

Goal:Get to know about the structure to express rules

Step 1: Talk about the school rules they know / remember

Step 2: Look at the picture and read the rules in Section A – 1a, telling the difference between yours

Step 3: Add more rules to your school, which you think necessary

Task Two:

Listen and find out what Ss can do and what they cannot

Goal: Try to understand the rules by listening

Step 1: Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what students can do and what they cannot do

Step 2: Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what Alex and Christina can do and what they cannot do→Section A (2a / b)

Step 3: Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what rules students break

→Section A (1b)

Step 4: Listen to the different rules that different people have to follow→Section B (2a / b)

Task Three:

Learn to read the signs for rules

Goal: Learn about the rules by reading the signs

Step 1: Learn about the rules by reading the pictures→Section B1

Step 2: Learn about the rules by reading the signs→Section B (3 b)

Step 3: Talk about the similarities or the differences about the signs between China and abroad

Task Four:

Write rules for libraries, labs, computer-rooms, and swimming pools etc.

Goal: Learn to take care of public things

Step 1:

Read the letter →Section B (3 a)

Find the rules in the letter

Write them down

Step 2:

Talk in pairs about the rules for public places, such as libraries, labs, computer-rooms, swimming pools, etc.

Discuss in groups about the rules for these public places

Write down what have been talked about / discussed






Unit 12 Don’t eat in class

频道小编推荐: |




重点掌握祈使语气的用法,包括表示允许的Can及其当情态动词用的have to do;以及各种可以用在表述规章制度的动词和句型。难点在于情态动词的用法,以及祈使句与它的应答。


*---Don't run in the hallways.

---Sorry,Ms Mendoza.

*Don't watch TV after school.

*Don't go out on school nights.


*Don't talk loudly.

*Do your homework after school!

*Practice your guitar every day.


2.Can for permission,such as:We can do….

We can't do….

Can we do…?

*---What are the rules?

---Well,we can't arrive late for class.

*---Can we listen to music,Alex?

---We can't listen to music in the hallways,

but we can listen to it outside.


*---Can we eat in the classroom?

---No,we can't.

*---Can students wear hats in school?

---Yes,they can.






4.利用本单元所学祈使语气的用法,包括表示允许的'Can及其当情态动词用的have to do,根据常识或观察,为图书馆、生化实验室、语音室、机房、健身房、游泳馆等公共场所制定规章制度或使用规则。


Talk about school rules to“feel”Imperatives Goal:Get to know about the structure to express rules Step 1:Talk about the school rules they know/remember Step 2:Look at the picture and read the rules in Section AC 1a,telling the difference between yours Step 3:Add more rules to your school,which you think necessary Task Two:

Listen and find out what Ss can do and what they cannot Goal:Try to understand the rules by listening Step 1:Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what students can do and what they cannot do Step 2:Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what Alex and Christina can do and what they cannot do→Section A(2a/b)

Step 3:Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what rules students break

Step 4:Listen to the different rules that different people have to follow→Section B(2a/b)

Task Three:

Learn to read the signs for rules Goal:Learn about the rules by reading the signs Step 1:Learn about the rules by reading the pictures→Section B1 Step 2:Learn about the rules by reading the signs→Section B(3 b)

Step 3:Talk about the similarities or the differences about the signs between China and abroad Task Four:

Write rules for libraries,labs,computer-rooms,and swimming pools etc.

Goal:Learn to take care of public things Step 1:

Find the rules in the letter Write them down Step 2:

Talk in pairs about the rules for public places,such as libraries,labs,computer-rooms,swimming pools,etc.

Discuss in groups about the rules for these public places Write down what have been talked about/discussed









1. 可行性:教案课件的设计应该符合实际教学的需要,能够在教学过程中起到指导和辅助的作用。

2. 清晰度:教案课件应该清晰明了,符合学生的学习逻辑和认知规律,避免信息过多或者过少,确保学生容易理解和吸收。

3. 合理性:教案课件需要符合科学的教学原理和方法,能够充分发挥学生的学习主动性和参与性。

4. 针对性:教案课件应该根据学生的实际情况和学科要求,进行相应的个性化设计,使其更加符合学生的学习需求。

5. 创新性:教案课件应该具有一定的创新性,在内容、形式和方法上能够给学生带来新鲜感和挑战,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。


九年英语课件 篇1



一、教师寄语:Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it.二、学习目标 知识目标:复习掌握这五单元重要的词汇及短语 能力目标:能运用这五单元的语法解决实际题目。





2.导入:We will learn and review Unit6 to Unit 10





1._______(learn)English is very useful in the future.2.Manytrees must _______(plant)in spring..3.You should pay a_______ to your writing.4.F____ of all, you must learn some English words.5.He likes music that has great l___.(二)翻译短语:最有用的发明___________随着跳舞的音乐__________ 到去年末为止_____________一个中国的古代传说____________ 错误地____________推迟做某事______________






1.Look,how strange!A man can _____(run)after an alien.2.Hurry up, or we ________(not catch)the bus.3.Xiao Ming is afraid of ____(stay)at home alone.4.You look _______(worry).What’s the matter?

5.There must be someone ____(visit)the homes in our neighborhood.6.You can’t wake up a person who is ______(pretend)to be asleep.7.We don’t believe him because he’s _____(honest)

8.I don’t like staying with these children.They are quite__(noise)

9.He pretended______(be)ill yesterday.10.Be_____(care)ofthe dog thatdoesn’tbark.(五)典例分析

1.Reading English ________is very important in learning English.A.too aloudB.too loudC.loudlyD.aloud

【解析].aloud 与loudly都是“大声地”的意思。但loudly 含有“不耐烦’的意思,所以本题应 该选D.2.We can do it_______, we will do it well.A.differencesB.differenceC.differentlyD.different

[解析]。本题为副词修饰动词do,所以应选副词形式。故应选C.3.____________(speak)skills are important in learning English

[解析]“口语技巧”应为speaking skills.要注意不要用成spoken skills.(六)中考链接

1.—Would you mind if I sit here?(2008年,四川攀枝花)

—______.it is for the old woman here.A.Never mind.B You’d better notC.of course notD.not at all

2.—Will you please ______ it to me on Friday?(2008年,山东)—What about Saturday? My computer doesn’t work well these days.A.sendB.D:bring

3.___what is the matter, kangkang?(2008年黄冈)

—Oh, I feel very sorry.to hear more than __people lost their lives in the earthquake(地震)in Sichuan.A.sixty thousands ofB.sixty thousandC.sixty thousand ofD.thousand of


九年英语课件 篇2

通过本单元教学,使学生初步学会说:什么东西或什么人在什么地方,即人或物所在的位置。并要求学生尽可能在交际场合使用。本单元只教学生静态位置的表达。(动态位置以后再学)要学习be动词,介词in, on, near, behind, under以及定冠词the和不定冠词a/an的用法。

of, classroom, answer, blackboard, some, schoolbag, flower, find, window


broom, raincoat, cap, Hong Kong, Macao, SAR


/i:/ e /e/ e /k/ k /^ / g /s/ s /z/ s

本单元主要学会表达大范围 (Where is Beijing?) 和小范围 (Where is my desk?) 的空间关系。小范围的空间关系,可利用教室里的物品练习句型。老师可不断的变换物品的位置让学生熟悉前面提到的几个介词。



辅音音标的发音不必一步到位。如; /s/, /z/


Where is/ Where’s …?

It is/ It’s on/ in/behind/near/under the…

Where are/ Where’re …?

They are/ They’re on/ in/behind/near/under the…


b、介词in, on, near, behind, under的用法; 可组成介词短语。

如:in the morning, at night, in the desk, on the table, near the door等。

Look at the picture。 What can you see …? I can / can’t see… Can you see …?

Where is /Where’s…? It is / It’s in, behind, near, under the…

Where are /Where’re …? They are / They’re in, behind, near, under the…

classroom, blackboard, schoolbag, raincoat,football 均为合成词。可让学生利用所学过的单词知识,自学这些单词。

学生能自学的词尽量让学生自学,老师可稍加引导,以下单词可迁移,让学生自己读 behind → find room →broom

本单元的口语训练应放在空间关系上。并应当贯穿始终。口语训练重要的一环就是正确引入“位置”所谓概念。这与中文有较大的差异。中文说:在… 里,(上,后面,附近)的结构,英文只用一个介词,不同的介词比表达了不同的位置,而且一般要与定冠词the连用。向学生们介绍介词时,多用直观展示,适当用中文。



2、寻找一个非设计空间表达不可的动机。如:寻找一个提问者看不见的东西。 老师上课找不见黑板擦,问一个学生。---- Where’s the brush? ---- It’s under the teacher’s table。老师也可自问自答。尽量从交际出发,减少纯句型练习。





T: Go to my office and fetch your notebooks。

S: Where are our notebooks?

T: They are on my table。

S: Where is your table?

T: It’s near the second window。







in the bag, under the table, on the desk , on the table等。


可利用本单元所提供的内容,Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, SAR, 进行爱国主义教育。



冠词是用在名词前帮助说明所指的人或事物。其分为不定冠词(a, an)和定冠词(the)。

1、指人或事物的某一种类。例如:He is a student。。他是学生。

2、指人或某事物,但不具体说明何人或何物。例如;A boy is over there。

3、表示数量“一”的概念。例如:I have a bike, a computer and a small room。 我有一辆自行车、一台电脑和一个小房间。

4、用于某些固定词组中。例如:have a look, have a seat等。

九年英语课件 篇3

单元背景 本单元是继第六单元定语从句重点语法学习的基础上,重点学习定语从句中先行词在从句中做状语的情况,即关系副词wherewhenwhy的选择使用。单元以旅行为话题展开学习,教学重点是关系副词的使用,难点是旅行中对所遇到的景观和人物等的表达。根据教材编排顺序和教学的需要我把教材分为四个课时:第一课时语法讲解和听力练习;第二课时话题展开和学习,包括3a的两篇短文阅读;第三课时Reading部分,重点培养学生的阅读理解能力;第四课时练习巩固。主要采用多媒体和学生的亲身经历的点滴事迹来展开学习,达到学生会说会用的目的。本节课是第一课时

课时设计说明 1.必备单词:capital,beach,jungle,fall,sight,tower,cathedal,church,wine,firm,pacific,programming,translator,conclusion

常考短语:by taxi,be supposed to do,take it easy,in general…

经典句型: I love the places where the people are really friendly

For your next vacation,why not consider visiting paris

It’s best to travel with…


1.七八年级我们已经学过Where did you go on vacation? What are you doing for vacation? Have you ever been to amusement park?来谈论假日的活动,对这种接近生活的话题有较大的兴趣,新的表达方式也不难,加上操练,应该很容易掌握。


学习目标 1、知识目标:重点词汇--educational, fascinating, thrilling, peaceful, jungle等;

重点句型---Where would you like to visit?

---I'd like /love/ I hope to visit...


Maybe some words can not be read out correctly

Leading to read is useful to master the words.

1)Qs:where did you go this summer vacation?what do you think of the **?do you like it?”

2)Make Ss read the new words by themselves in 2 minutes;

Correct the wrong place;

Ss descdibe the place in the picture using the new adj.

Ss lead to read the words appeared just now 认真完成老师布置的预习作业,在上课前摆好课本、练习本,并安静。

And in 3),it is a little difficult to guess the vacations and change the simple sentences to Complex Sentence 1)1a, Q:what do you think of the vacations in 1a?

Read adj.together twice.

Guess where sam/gina would like to visit?

Let's listen,check where they would like to go and why?

Check the answers.

2)2a,Q:where would you like to visit this winter vacation?why?

Listen,some friends are talking about their plans, number them in the order,then check the answers.

3)2b,listen again,why do they decide not to visit these places? check

show pictures and guess my friends’vacation plan.(Garfield,Ba Jie,Backkom,dore emeng) 认真听课,积极进行课堂学习活动。并有自已独立的见解。

Practice the new sentence patterns Pairwork: show pictures on places in the worlds and work in paris,practice,then act it out 积极参加小组活动,爱动手、动口、动脑能力强,与同学合作愉快。

Read aloud Read Grammar focus Preview section A 3a 按时保质保量独立完成。

课后反思 本节课较为成功之处有以下几点:




九年英语课件 篇4

Where is it

教学目标(Teaching Aims)

通过本课教学,使学生初步学会说:什么东西或什么人在什么地方,即人或物所在的位置。并要求学生尽可能在交际场合使用。本课只教学生静态位置的表达。(动态位置以后再学)要学习be动词,介词in, on, near, behind, under以及定冠词the和不定冠词a/an的用法。

词汇学习: 掌握: of, classroom, answer, blackboard, some, schoolbag, flower, find, window

理解: broom, raincoat, cap, Hong Kong, Macao, SAR

语音: /i:/ e /e/ e /k/ k /^ / g /s/ s /z/ s


本课主要学会表达大范围 (Where is Beijing?) 和小范围 (Where is my desk?) 的空间关系。小范围的空间关系,可利用教室里的物品练习句型。老师可不断的变换物品的位置让学生熟悉前面提到的几个介词。



辅音音标的发音不必一步到位。如; /s/, /z/




Where is/ Where’s …?

It is/ It’s on/ in/behind/near/under the…

Where are/ Where’re …?

They are/ They’re on/ in/behind/near/under the…


特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 是动词 + 主语 + 问号

b. 介词in, on, near, behind, under的用法; 可组成介词短语。

介词 + 定冠词 + 名词

如:in the morning, at night, in the desk, on the table, near the door等。

2. 日常交际用语

Look at the picture. What can you see …? I can / can’t see… Can you see …?

Where is /Where’s…? It is / It’s in, behind, near, under the…

Where are /Where’re …? They are / They’re in, behind, near, under the…


classroom, blackboard, schoolbag, raincoat,football 均为合成词。可让学生利用所学过的单词知识,自学这些单词。

学生能自学的词尽量让学生自学,老师可稍加引导,以下单词可迁移,让学生自己读 behind → find room →broom


本课的口语训练应放在空间关系上。并应当贯穿始终。口语训练重要的一环就是正确引入“位置”所谓概念。这与中文有较大的差异。中文说:在… 里,(上,后面,附近)的结构,英文只用一个介词,不同的介词比表达了不同的位置,而且一般要与定冠词the连用。向学生们介绍介词时,多用直观展示,适当用中文。



2.寻找一个非设计空间表达不可的动机。如:寻找一个提问者看不见的东西。 老师上课找不见黑板擦,问一个学生。---- Where’s the brush? ---- It’s under the teacher’s table.老师也可自问自答。尽量从交际出发,减少纯句型练习。







Teacher: Could you help me?

Student: Sure.

T: Go to my office and fetch your notebooks.

S: Where are our notebooks?

T: They are on my table.

S: Where is your table?

T: It’s near the second window.

S: OK.








a. 第一次提到用a/an。

b. 定冠词特指后接单述或复数名词。

可指教室里存在的东西,如:地面、时钟、桌椅等, 大家都知道的物品。

c. 位置介词的用法。

in the bag, under the table, on the desk , on the table等。



可利用本课所提供的内容,Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, SAR, 进行爱国主义教育。



冠词a/an, the的用法

冠词是用在名词前帮助说明所指的人或事物。其分为不定冠词(a, an)和定冠词(the)。


1、 指人或事物的某一种类。例如:He is a student..他是学生。

2、 指人或某事物,但不具体说明何人或何物。例如;A boy is over there.

3、 表示数量“一”的概念。例如:I have a bike, a computer and a small room. 我有一辆自行车、一台电脑和一个小房间。

4、 用于某些固定词组中。例如:have a look, have a seat等。


1. 用来特指某些人或某些事物。例如:The books on the desk are our teachers(books被on the desk所限定).桌上的书是我们老师的。

2. 常用在上文提到过的人或事物的名词前。例如:There is a chair in the room. A woman is on the chair. The woman in lilys mother.房间里有一把椅子,一位妇女坐在椅子上,那位妇女是莉莉的妈妈。

3. 用来指说话人双方都知道的人或事物。例如:Where is the teacher?老师在哪儿(双方都知道指的是哪个老师)?

4.在世界上独一无二的事物前。如:the moon

5. 在序数词和形容词级前。如:the youngest boy(最年轻的男孩) the first lesson(第一课)

6. 用在乐器类前。如:play the violin(拉小提琴)

7. 用在“姓”前,且“姓”后面加-s,表示“一家人” 如:The Greens are not here

8. 用在一些习惯用语中。例如:in the morning, in the same class等。


1. 在专用名词前。例如: in China; in Grade One等。

2. 名词前已有了做定语用的形容词、某些代词、名词所有格等修饰词语时。例如:this pencil; his knife等。

3. 表示一类人和事物的复数名词前。例如:These are oranges.

4. 在称呼语或头衔的名词前。例如:This is Miss Gao/ Mr. Wang/ Mrs. Liu.

5. 在某些习惯用语中。例如:go home; go to school等。

九年英语课件 篇5


1.识别there be句型和have/has的区别。

2. 熟练掌握 there be句型,包括肯定、否定和疑问形式。


词汇: bottle, noodle, wow

词组: a carton of

句型: There is (not) a banana on the table.

There is (not) too much sugar in them.

There are(not) many potatoes on the table.



Step1 呈现

1. 呈现课本P67(或相似)的图片,让同桌间就该图进行对话操练,引入there be 句型。

A: What can you see on the table?

B: I can see …

A: Are /Is there …on the table?

B: Yes, there are/is.

No, there aren’t/isn’t.

在此过程中,鼓励学生能用完整的句子对there be 句型进行回答,如There are/is …on the table./ There are/is not…on the table.

2. 指导学生就教室中的物品用there be句型进行对话操练。

A: What can you see in our classroom?

B: I can see …

A: Are / Is there …in our classroom?

B: Yes, there are/is.

(There are/is …in our classroom.)

No, there aren’t/isn’t.

(There aren’t /isn’t …in our classroom.)

3.指导学生根据以上对话操练归纳出there is 和there are 句型的区别。

4.给出一系列和there is/are及have/has有关的句型,让学生用这些词(组)的正确形式填空。

5.指导学生归纳出there is/are及have/has的区别。

Step2 练习

1.完成一组用there is/are或have/has的正确形式填空,以检验学生是否已掌握什么情况下用there is, there are, have, has以及它们各自的不同用法。

1). How many days _______ in a month? _______thirty or thirty-one days in a month.

2). How many legs ______ the chair _______ ? It ______ only two . It is broken.

3). What’s in the shopping mall ? _______ a supermarket, some restaurants and different kinds of shops.

4). Look! The clocks _______ round faces and on the faces _______ three legs.

5). Can you see the tall building in the centre of the city? It _______ 38 floors .

_______ many companies and shops in it .

6). ________ some chicken on the plate.。 _______ any noodles in the bowl .

7). _______ you _______ much homework to do every day ? Yes. _______ no time for us to

watch TV.

8). Who ________ a Chinese-English dictionary? Nobody________ . I think _________ some in the teacher’s office.

2.指导学生完成课本67页练习,掌握there be 句型的正确用法。

3.用there be句型的正确形式完成一组新对话。

Kitty: I am hungry.

Amy: Me too.

Kitty: _________ a restaurant around here?

Amy: I don’t think so. ________ not one that I know of.

Kitty: Then _________a supermarket nearby?

Amy: Let me think. Well, ________ a big supermarket at the end of this street.________ a lot of things we can eat there.

Kitty: That’s great, but _______always many people there too?

Amy: I think so.

Kitty: Oh, I hate too many people. Look, _______ a snack bar over there. Shall we go there?

Amy: OK.

4.学生运用已学的there be 句型,参照以上练习中出现的对话自由发挥,同桌间编对话进行操练。

Step3 Homework

九年英语课件 篇6

提起 this 、 that 和 it ,大家对它们并不陌生。 this 、 that 既可作为形容词,又可作为指示代词,而 it 只能作代词用,使用时要注意它们的区别。

1. this 指离说话人较近的人或物, that 则指离说话人较远的人或物。如:

This is a book. 这是一本书。(指近处)

That is a banana tree. 那是一棵香蕉树。(指远处)

2. 向别人介绍某人时,要说“ This is …”,而不说“ That is …”,也不能说“ He is …”或“ She is …”。如:

This is Li Mei. Li Mei,this is Wei Hua.


3. 叙述在一起的两样东西时,先说的用 this ,后说的用 that .如:

This is a computer. That is a TV set.


4. 在回答 this 或 that 作主语的疑问句时,要用 it 代替 this 或 that .如:

- What's this? 这是什么?

- It's a ruler. 这是尺子。

- Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗?

- Yes, it is. 是的。

其实,我们平时在第一次提到某物时,常用 this 或 that 来指代,后文中再出现此物时,就用 it 来代替 this 或 that 了。

5. 有时候,人们在打电话时,向对方介绍自己用 this 指代“我( I )”,询问对方则用 that 指代“你( you )”。如:

- Hello, is that Mike? 喂,你是迈克吗?

- No, this is Tom. 不,我是汤姆。

此时切不要用“ I am …”、“ Are you … ? ”或“ Who are you? ”等句式,但可以用 it 替换 this 或 that .如:

- Hello,is it Mr Green? 你好!你是格林先生吗?

- Yes,it is Mr Green. Who is it?


6. 当指性别不明的婴儿、身份不明的人或是只闻其声不见其人的时候,用 it 而不用 this 或 that .如以下敲门时的对话:

- Who's it? 是谁呀?

- It's me. 是我。

最后提醒同学们注意: this 和 is 不能缩写,但 that 、 it 与 is 连用时可分别写为 that's 和 it's .如:

This is a bike. (不可写成: This's a bike. )

It is a pencil-box. (可以写成: It's a pencil-box. )

九年英语课件 篇7



2.重点短语:spoken English,reading speed,make mistakes


I can't pronounce someof the words.

I don't know how to increasemy reading speed.

I often make mistakes ingrammar.

—I don't have a partner to practiceEnglish with.

—Maybe you should join an English club.








3.速度________ 4.搭档________









Step 1 情景导入

Teacher:Do you have any problems learningEnglish?

Students:Yes,we do.

Teacher:Can you talk about your problems?

Student1:I can't remember the new words.

Student2:I read very slowly.



Step 2 完成教材1a-1b的任务





1.If you are more careful,you will make fewer mistakes(mistake).

2.It's very difficult topronounce(pronunciation) the new words.

3.It's easy for us to understandspoken(speak) English.

4.I read very slowly.Howcan I increase(increase) my reading speed(speed)?


Step 3 完成教材1c-1e的任务


2.认真听第一遍录音,把Paul 在英语学习中遇到的挑战补充完整。(2分钟)





A:I don't have a partner to practiceEnglish with.

B:Maybe you should join an English club.


(B)1.Why don't you ________an English language club to practice English?

A.take partB.join C.join in D.attend

(B)2.一I don't have a partner ________.

一Maybe you should join a study group.

A.to practice English B.to practice English with

C.practicing English D.practicing English with

(D)3.I don't know how ______across the river.

A.swam B.swims C.swimming D.toswim

Step 4 问题探究

1.It's very difficult forus ________(pronunciation) the words.

答案应该为to pronounce,本题中含有句型:It's+adj. for sb. to do sth..pronunciation为名词,所以要用它的动词pronounce,因此本题的正确答案为to pronounce。

( )2.Did you make a mistake ________again?

A.spell B.inspell C.in spelling

答案选择C,make mistakes 意为“犯错,出错”,常与介词in连用,又因为in为介词,所以后面的动词要用现在分词形式,答案为C。



九年英语课件 篇8



2.重点短语:on your own,bit by bit,instead of

3.重点句型:Are you stressed out each time youhave a test?












Step 1 情景导入

Teacher:We have learnt some ways to learnEnglish well.Can you remember them?Nowplease say some good ways to learn English well with your partners in groups.


Step 2 完成教材3a的任务




There are three good waysto learn English.I think you should be interested in what you do.If you

are interested in something, your brain will bemore active and remember it very quickly.It's also a good idea to watch Englishmovies.You can watch the actors say the words.In this way you can remember the wordsvery well.You could also try to improve your English by joining an English club,there you can speak Englishwith other people.It can improve your spoken English.I am sure that if you finda good way and don't give it up,you will do well in English.


Step 3 完成教材Self Check的任务

1.组长领读SelfCheck 1中的单词和短语,组员跟读并弄懂每个单词和短语的意思,为短文填空做好铺垫。(2分钟)


3.根据3中Jane,Li Ming和Meiping的问题给出自己的建议,完成后小组内互相交流答案。(5分钟)


Step 4 问题探究

( )1.We can learn English bit ________bit,dayby day.

A.buyB.withC.to D.by

答案选择D,bit by bit 意为“逐渐地,一点一点地”。

( )2.The box is very heavy.I can't carryit ________ my own.

A.on B.with C.to D.by

答案选择A,on my own=all by myself意为“靠我自己”。


请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Unit2 Ithink that mooncakes are delicious!

九年英语课件 篇9

本节课以“谈论自己和他人的变化”为话题,让学生学会描述自己和他人在外貌﹑性格等方面的变化。并让学生学会使用used to结构来表示过去经常存在的习惯或状态而现在已不存在的习惯或状态。

在教学中,我先采用的.是“What do you look like?”及“What do eshe/she look like?”这两个句型去描述人的外貌及性格,从而对前面知识也是一个复习的过程。然后向学生出示一些新旧照片进行对比,导出本节课的重点“used to”句型。首先,通过用实物导出“usedto”句型,让学生明白这一句型的含义,在懂得此含义之后,试图找几位较好的学生作示范,让他们来带动其他学生,从而达到大部分学生的理解和运用,接下来通过听力来加深学生对“used to”句型的印象,让学生团结协作完成对话,来巩固这一句型,最后让学生明白人是在不断变化的。

在整堂教学中,我发觉学生的兴趣浓厚,通过复习﹑图片导入,学生对人的外貌性格这一变化产生浓厚的兴趣,大部分学生通过自身和周围人的变化来谈论,很乐意的去学。在课堂练习中我发现学生对used to do或used to be两者混为一团,我想可能在讲解﹑分析时不够透彻,应该再通过小黑板出示相应的习题加以巩固,如果能让学生再欣赏一首歌曲《Yesterday on cemore》的话,相信课堂氛围、教学效果会更佳。

九年英语课件 篇10


知识目标:能正确使用Module 6 中的单词和短语;




重点:1. 掌握句型It’s+adj.+to do sth.;

2. 掌握短语throw away, instead of, do harm to, make a difference to,stop…from …的用法;

3. 初步了解前缀和后缀。

难点:1. for example, such as 与like的区别;

2. instead of 和rather than的辨析;

3. 前缀,后缀构词法的构成。




1. waste

【用法1】n. 浪费

【例句】These meetings are a waste of time. 这些会议真是浪费时间。

【用法2】v. 浪费

waste sth. on sth. 在某物/某事上浪费钱财、时间等;

waste time (in) doing sth. 浪费时间做某事。

【例句】Why do you waste money on clothes you don’t need?

You are wasting your time (in) trying to explain it to him.

【用法3】adj. 无用的;废弃的

【例句】Waste paper can be recycled.

注意:wasteful adj. 浪费的

如:It’s wasteful to throw away your old book.



【考题链接】It’s bright enough, turn off the light, please. We shouldn’t w___________ electricity.



2. environment

【用法】n. 环境

它是由动词environ(包围)+名词后缀-ment 构成的名词。类似的词有:development, excitement

【例句】The children have a happy environment at school.




We should prevent the pollution of the e_______________________.



3. product

【用法】n. 产品,制品

【例句】The company sells plastic products.


如:Many kinds of machines are produced in this factory.




We have to find the right p_______________ for the market.




① It’s w_______________ to keep the light on in the bright room.

② Those factories are causing a lot of e____________________ pollution.

③ Our factory produces a kind of new p______________. They are very popular to people.

④ Don’t w_______________ money on junk food.



1. throw away


【例句】You should throw away these chairs and buy new ones.


【易错点】throw 的过去式和过去分词形式。



He asked me what you _______________________ just now.

答案:threw away

解题思路:此题考查throw away的时态,句中“你刚才扔掉了什么”是一个宾语从句,要用陈述句的语序,由表示时间的just now可知要用一般过去时,故填写threw away。

2. instead of


【例句】What about eating fish instead of meat today? 今天不吃肉改吃鱼怎么样?

You should go out instead of staying at home. 你应该出去而不是呆在家里。

注意:instead adv. “代替,反而”,单独用时放在句末。

【例句】Why not play football instead?

If you can’t go, let him go instead.

【考查点】instead of的用法。

【易错点】instead of 与rather than易混淆。

辨析:instead of 和rather than的区别:都有“而不是”的意思

instead of:“代替,而不是”,重点词是of,它是介词,所以后接名词,代词和v-ing形式,尤其需注意的是动词该用动名词形式,即v-ing;

rather than:“(是……)而不是……”,它是连词,前后成分在形式上必须保持一致,所以后面的结构应该与前面一样,就有可能出现代词主格,动词的各种形式等,不一而足,但关键是要和与它对比的结构形式一致!

【例句】I’ll go there instead of him.

I rather than he(与I一致)will go there.

Yesterday he walked here instead of driving here.

Yesterday he walked here rather than drove(与walked一致)here.



Some waste is reusable, so we’d better sell it for recycling ________________________.

答案:instead of throwing it away/ rather than throw it away。

解题思路:此题考查“而不是”的翻译,由于“而不是”可译为“instead of”或“rather than”,需要注意它们后面动词的形式,instead of后只能跟动名词,故写为instead of throwing it away;而rather than后的动词要和前面的动词形式保持一致,故写为rather than throw it away。

3. do harm to


do harm to sb./ sth. = do sb./ sth. harm “给某人/某物造成伤害,伤害(某人),损害(某物)”

do no harm to sb./ sth. 对某人/某物没有造成伤害

九年英语课件 篇11



2.重点短语:put on


Bill wonders whether they'llhave zongzi again next year.

—What do you like best about the DragonBoat Festival?

—I love the races,I think that they're funto watch.

I've put on five pounds!

I wonder if it's similarto the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.

People go on the streetsto throw water at each other.

You will have good luckin the new year.



2.that,if 和whether 引导的宾语从句


that,if 和whether 引导的宾语从句




4.亲戚________ 5.磅________



2.Bill 想知道明年他们是否还能吃粽子。








Step 1情景导入

Teacher:There are many traditional festivalsin China,likethe Chinese Spring Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival,the Lantern Festival andso on.Do you know when the festivals are and what people do on the festivals?Now please discuss with your partnersin groups.


Step 2完成教材1a-1c的任务








A:What do you like best about the DragonBoat Festival?

B:I love the races, I think that they'refun to watch.


(A)1.—I'm not sure ________there are living things on other planets or not.

—Even scientists aren't sure aboutit.


(B)2.I can't decide ________to buy this bike or not.

A.when B.whether C.if D.where

(A)3.I've decided to goto London next weekend.Iwas wondering ________ you could go with me.

A.if B.when C.that D.where

(C)4.He knew ________ heshould work hard.

A.if B.when C.that D.where


Step 3完成教材2a-2c的任务


2.认真听Wu Ming 和Harry的对话,根据对话内容圈出句子中的正确单词,完成后集体核对答案。(3分钟)



5.学生利用2a, 2b中的信息仿照2c 的形式编练新的对话,并要求多组同学表演对话。(5分钟)


A:What did you do on your vacation?

B:I visited my cousins.I think thatwe ate five meals a day!I've put on five pounds.

A:I guess the food was delicious,right?


(A)1.She asked ________I was a teacher.

A.if B.when C.that D.where

(C)2.He said ________ hewas doing his homework.

A.if B.when C.that D.where

(B)3.The boy likes eatingmeat and never exercises,and he ________ two pounds every month.

A.puts down B.putson C.puts up D.putsoff

(C)4.He enjoys ________his summer holidays with his cousin in Qingdao.

A.spend B.spendsC.spending D.tospend


Step 4完成教材2d的任务


1)When will Clara go toChiang Mai?

2)What does Ben want toknow about the Water Festival in Chiang Mai?

3)What do people do onthe Thai New Year?





I wonder if it issimilar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.


We should help eachother.


Good luck to you!


Step 5问题探究











注意:与不定式连用,做介词的宾语从句为选择疑问句或与or not连用时要用whether。

如果主句是表现在的时态 (包括一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态可根据实际情况而定,(包括一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,一般将来时等)






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岳阳楼观后感 12-18
