
趣祝福 · 祝福语大全 · 元宵节祝福句子

趣祝福祝福语大全(编辑 勇敢的心)趣祝福精选栏目推选:“元宵节祝福句子”。


1、圆圆的美梦圆圆成,圆圆的甜情圆圆升。 The round dream is round, and the sweet feeling is round.

2、祝愿您吉祥如意,身体健康,心情舒爽! Wish you good luck, good health and good mood!

3、团圆包着快乐,平安裹着祥和,宽容混着理解,支持粘着信任,如意滚着开心,兴旺盖着天伦。元宵节,锅里碗里心里都是愉快。春节祝福短信【977139.com 高分范文网】



6、送你一束紫罗兰,愿你青春长驻。 Send you a bunch of violets, wish you youth forever.

7、Happy Lantern Festival! Everything goes smoothly!

8、正月十五元宵圆,愿你来年好运连。 The Lantern Festival is round on the 15th day of the first month. Wish you good luck in the coming year.

9、On the fifteenth day of the first month, Lantern Festival is fragrant, wishing you better health.



12、Acoustic percussion rounds of boiling一声scenes pyrotechnics and a beacon lantern on February fishes Lu:lu: breeze Chuojin you Xinwo, strings hoping to wish you: Happy Lantern Festival!zfW152.Com

13、The moon, the Lantern, Yang Chen to your laughter, the fifteenth day of your songs reverberated stressed that the Rabbit Spring filling your lively, long time my heart Lianzhao your wonderful、


15、愿此元宵佳节,您心情愉悦,身体健康,家庭和美,亲友源远,事业成功,心想事成,好梦连连。 May the Lantern Festival you happy healthy body and the family friends and family source far career success success good dream

16、一盏祝福的灯笼,赶走昔时的黑暗,光明就在眼前。 A blessing lantern, driving away the darkness of the past, the light is in front of you.


18、祝你春节开心笑! 小年到,贴窗花,粘住吉祥过年关;扫尘埃,除污垢,悄悄地放在将融的雪被下,让它们,沿着春天的秧苗生长,送给你满年的丰硕与芬芳!

19、Live a better life and make a better career.

20、正月十五月儿圆,月儿代表我的心!让明月捎去我对你的祝福:元宵节快乐!The fifteenth day of the moon is round, the moon represents my heart! Let the moon take my blessing to you: happy Lantern Festival!

21、在这快乐分享的时刻,思念亲朋的时刻,祝你——元宵快乐,团圆美满!美梦成真!At this time of happiness to share, missing relatives and moment, I wish you a happy, yuanxiao, reunion happy! A dream come true!

22、The Lantern Festival wishes peace, and good fortune is always accompanied by it.

23、天上月儿圆,地上人团圆,事事都圆!花好,景好,心情更好!祝愿你和家人元宵节快乐! Infants round on the sky the ground people happy everything is round! Take good scenery is good the mood better! Wish you and your family a happy Lantern Festival!

24、祝你元宵甜蜜蜜,团圆美满幸福溢! I wish you sweet Lantern Festival, happy reunion and happiness!

25、为你挂一盏花灯,点亮幸福的路途。 Hang a lantern for you, light up the road of happiness.

26、日圆月圆天圆地也圆,人圆梦圆事业更圆,梦圆情圆家圆爱情圆,财圆志圆达也圆。祝您元宵节团团圆圆,幸福美满! The sky and the earth round full moon, people read a dream career more round, the dream feeling round round round, love wealth round tzu round and round。 I wish you the Lantern Festival reunion of happiness!

27、元宵节送你一碗汤圆,会创业,圆的梦圆了温暖如春的爱情,幸福的家庭团聚是一个圆,圆的新年灿烂的财富!元宵节快乐! lantern festival send you a bowl of sweet rice balls, will be round dream of starting a business, round out the warm spring and love, a happy family reunion was a round, round to the new year splendid fortune! happy lantern festival!

28、牛年好,牛年妙,元宵佳节快乐抱。 Good year of the ox, wonderful year of the ox, happy Lantern Festival.

29、元宵夜你要笑开颜,好运好梦伴一年! Lantern night you should smile, good luck and good dream for a year!

30、快乐的元宵之际,谨致我的想念与祝福。 Happy Lantern Festival I would like to miss and blessing

31、元宵佳节,将幸福带回家,将快乐挂脸颊,愿你福寿安康! 端午闻见粽叶香,你我欢喜买来尝。

32、春节不吵,元宵不闹,有平安,才有团圆。 Spring Festival is not noisy, Lantern Festival is not noisy, there is peace, there is reunion.

33、圆圆的月亮的脸,甜甜的汤圆新鲜甜甜蜜精神,装得满满的盛给你一碗,装上我的美国和美国和美国的美国祝愿元宵节! round round moon face, fresh sweet sweet spirit of the sweet rice balls, packed full of sheng give you a bowl, and put on my the united states and the united states of the united states and the united states wishes for the lantern festival!




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