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--湖北省应城市杨岭高中杨 柳老师






(1) From the passage we know that ______.

(2) The best title of the passage should be ______.

(3) The main idea of the Paragraph is to _______.

(4) The main purpose of the passage is to _______.

(5) Which of the following best describes the main point of the passage?



(1) According to the passage, the author mentions _______.

(2) Which of the following does the author discuss?

(3) Choose the right order of the events.

细节问题询问的是作者说了些什么,其答案在本文中已明确表述过,此时最好的办法就是在文中找出相关的细节,虽然答案中有的细节在文中很清楚,但可能与问题无关。如果问题采用的是反向思维,题中含有not 或except等表示否定意义的词,则要更加注意。


(1) This article is particularly written for ______.

(2) The writer is trying to tell us ______.

(3) When the writer says----, he really means ______.

(4) The writer regards -----as ______.

(5) The writer’s attitude toward ----is _______.

做推理判断题时,要透过字里行间把握文章的真正内涵,客观地反映文章的思想,克服主观臆想。特别注意那些最能反映句子之间,段落之间的逻辑关系的连词。深刻而准确地把握文章 的重点内容。


(1) The author uses the word “……” to mean ______.

(2) According to the passage , “……” probably means _____

(3) The word “……” in paragraph ---- refers to _______.

(4) The underlined word “……” means ______.

(5) The underlined phrase “……” means _____.



Text A

hONG KONG----Students from Hong Kong and Taiwan are clamoring(喧闹) for places in mainland universities following China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, a news report said on Monday.

The number of students from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao applying for postgraduate course on the Chinese mainland leapt(跃过)71.5 per cent in to 1,828, according the Hong Kong based South China Morning Post.

The number of Hong Kong students applying for degree places on the mainland has risen from 40 in 1992 to 252 last year, according to the territory’s (边境) examinations authority.

while the number of Taiwan applicants has exceeded(超过) 700, more than double last year,s total of 296, Xinhua reported.

The most popular universities are Beijing’s Peking University and Qinghua University, where US President George W. Bush delivered a speech to students on February 23, Jinan University in Guang zhou, Shanghai’s Fudan University and the Shanghai Medical University .

The newspaper quoted Deng Penghuai, head of School of International Education Tianjin University, as saying China’s WTO entry boosted(提高,促进)interest in Chinese universities in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

“ Many multinational(跨国的)corporations have entered or are about to enter the Chinese mainland,” he said. “They need people who know both sides of the world. Hong Kong and Taiwan students have advantage in this respect.”

“ So we see a lot of them now coming to the mainland to study. Many of them will then work for these companies on the mainland.”

1. The students from HK and Taiwan who come to study in mainland mainly ______ .

A. postgraduates B. university graduates

c. fresh-men D. middle-school students

2. More HK and Taiwan students have come to mainland for study mainly because ______ .

A. the territory examination is not out so strictly now

b. the mainland have more well-known universities

c. they want to help increase the understanding of the two sides

d. China’s entry of the WTO has provided more chances of employment

3. The rate of _______ students applying for degree places on the mainland increases the fastest.

A. Hong Kong B. Taiwan C. Macao D. Singapore

4. It can be inferred that after graduation some of the HK and Taiwan students will _____ .

A. come back home B. work in the mainland governments

c. settle down in the mainland D. stay and work in the multinational corporations

Text B

have you ever wondered what you would look like if you were an Asian, Middle Eastern, black, white or Indian person? By stepping into the Human Race Machine, you can find out. When you sit inside it, the machine creates a digital image (数字影像) of your face. After pushing certain buttons, the machine uses various photos of people of a certain ethnic group mixed with your own facial features. From this, it can come up with an image showing how you would look as a member of a different race.

The machine is part of a traveling retrospective (回顾展) called “ Seeing and Believing: The Art of Nancy Burson.” Burson is a famous American photographer and inventor. The show of 100 photos and multimedia works was on view at the Grey ArtGallery in New York on April 20.

“ It is a strange feeling, just like stepping into someone else’s skin.” Said Hathy Zajchenko, a museum visitor from Pennsylvania, US. As soon as she sat down, she tried out a range of ethnic groups. “ The Middle Eastern image worked pretty well for me,” she said with a smile.

According to Burson, the machine is a prayer for unity. It is about seeing through differences to find the things we all share in common. Burson added the database (资料库) of Middle Eastern faces, both Arab and Jewish, after the terrorist attacks (恐怖袭击) on September 11. “ I have always wanted to allow people to see differently. I am a photographer. I am recording the unseen, because what we can not see is so much more interesting than what we can see,” Burson said.

for those who missed the show, the Human Race machine will be on view at the New York Hall of Science in the Queens district full-time as of June.

5. The Human Race Machine can ____ .

A. tell you what you would look like if you were a member of another ethnic group

b. create a digital image of your face and change it

c. turn your pray into reality

d. let people step into someone else’s skin

6. The phrase “ come up with” in the first paragraph means ____.

A. get nearer B. produce C. come out D. change

7. When Kathy Zajchenko said that the Middle Eastern image worked well for her, she meant that ____ .

A. she would like to change her face B. she had a strange feeling

c. she was satisfied with what she looked like as a Middle Eastern person

d. she could buy the Human Race machine

8. The sentence “ The machine is a pray for unity” means _____ .

A. the Human Race machine can unite the facial feather of a different ethnic group with your own

b. the machine shows that no matter what race people are , there are some things we all have in common

c. one can pray before the machine

d. if you want, the machine can change your face

9. Burson added the database of Middle Eastern faces after the September 11 attack because ____.

A. she wanted to show people what terrorists look like

b. she wanted to record what people can not see

c. she wanted to be famous as a photographer

d. she wanted to let people see the foreign people

Text C


Products for a Safe Environment


You are going to love this natural soap. There are no chemicals in it. It is very good for your hands and face. D4545-GARDEN SPRAY

Insects are going to run away from our new chili garlic spray. It is safe and natural.


You are not going to need 5 or 6 chemical cleaners. You have Dr Clean! It is safe and strong, and it cleans everything in your house!


You are going to say, “ No paper or plastic!” You have this excellent heavy canvas shopping bag.

Item Code Price

natural shampoo T6762 $3.00

Garden spray D4544 $2.50

canvas bag A2104 $4.00

hand soap A2477 $1.00

home cleaner B2377 $2.25

Postage: $3.50

10. Dr clean is _______.

A. an expert in cleaning everything B. a newly-invented machine

c. a can of cleaning powder D. a magic cloth for cleaning

11. According to the ads, where can you mail your letter to if you want something to kill ants?

A. D4545 Garden Spray B. Sunshine Company

c. Safe Environment Product D. The Dr Clean’s

12. According to the ads. How much do you have to pay for three shampoos and two canvas bags totally?

A. $ 12.25 B. $ 20.50 C. $ 13.50 D. $ 17.00

Text D

Pat Brown went to her bank to ask for an ATM card. It looks like a credit card. A few weeks later, the bank posted her a card and a four number personal identification number (PIN) .Her PIN is 1234。

As Pat was getting ready for bed one night, she remembered that she had only$2 in her bag. The next day she had go pay$10 for a lunch for a co-worker. She didn’t want to get up early to go to the bank. So she went to the bank that night. She used her ATM card to withdraw (take out) $50 from her checking account.

These are the steps she followed to withdraw money. First, she put her card in the lower slot on the right side of the machine. She made sure her card was facing the right way. Second, the computer screen (window) said,“Please enter (put in) your PIN.”Pat pressed the numbers 1,2,3,4. Next the screed said,“Please select the type of transaction you want by pressing the correct keys.”Pat pressed the bottom key for withdrawing money.

Then the screen said,“From which account?”The choices it gave were “Checking”,“Saving”,and“Money market”.Pat pushed the key for “Checking”.Next, the screen said,“Please select (choose) amount of transaction.”Pat pushed the number“5”and then“0”three times, until the screed read,“50.00.”The scr5een then read,“Please wait.”In less than a minute , it read,“Please lift (rise) the lid and take your money.”

Pat lifted the lid marked“Withdraw”.She counted her $50 to make sure the ATM hadn’t make a mistake. Then she waited for her withdrawal slop to come out of the slot at the upper right corner of the machine. Pat checked the slip to make sure was correct. Then her ATM card was returned through the card slot. She put it in her bag and walked away. If Pat had made a mistake at any point by pressing the wrong button (number), she could have pressed “Cancel”and started over again.

13.What did Pat do immediately after choosing the account?

A. Selected whether to withdraw, deposit, of transfer money.

b. Lifted the lid and removed her money.

c. Selected the amount of money she wanted to withdraw.

d. Got back her ATM card.

14.When did Pat enter her PIN?

A. Right after inserting her card.

b. Right before selecting the account.

c. Right before selecting the amount of money.

d. Right after selecting withdrawal.

15.When did Pat enter her PIN?

A. Right after selecting which account she wanted.

b. Right before receiving her withdrawal slip.

c. Right before selecting the amount.

d. Right after recording her PIN.

16.What did Pat do when the screed said,“Please lift the lid …”?

A. Got out her card. B. Took her $50.

c. Selected the type of transaction she wanted.

d. Picker up her withdrawal slip.

Text E

one hundred new bookstalls that will sell newspapers as well as books have been making their debut on city streets since Saturday morning.

The newsstands are part of the city’s efforts to improve the appearance of streets and neighborhoods. The news-stands’ design, featuring large glass window, will help the customers to see what is on sale at a glance.

An electrical screen on the newsstands will announce immediately the arrival of the latest papers. The newsstands will also help collect utility fees. There will be 1,000 newsstands by the end of the year. The newly formed Oriental Books and Papers Service Co. Ltd will manage the stalls. According to sources from the company, over 80 percent of the people hired to operate the stands will be recruited from laid-off workers. This means the project will help ease the city’s unemployment pressure, sources said.

All recruited will undergo a training programme and be clad in green uniform. Municipal Vice-part Secretary Gong Xueping said the installation of the 100 stands was just the first step towards the objective of setting up 1,000 stands in the city by the end of the year.

he said the creation of the stalls would be of particular significance to the enhancement of the city’s spiritual civilization. He also made some suggestions regarding the location, design, and construction of the new stands, and the renovation of the existing newsstands.

17. One hundred new bookstalls are set up to _______ .

A. classify the bookstores B. beautify the streets and neighborhood

c. enrich people’s minds with knowledge D. increase people’s purchasing power

18. The newsstands are made of large glass windows to ______ .

A. beautify the streets B. differ from other shops

c. let the customers browse through what they want

d. reduce the expenses of the construction

19. Which sentence is not true?

A. The newsstands also help gather together other public service charges

b. The newsstands will make known the arrival of the current issue of paper.

c. These kinds of newsstands will widely set up.

d. The newsstands just sell newspapers and magazines.

20. What is the other purpose of building these newsstands? Give the laid-off workers a chance

To _______.

A. make a living B. take up hobbies

c. ease their pressure D. enrich their minds

Text A

1B。 因为是申请读研究生,所以这些申请人自然是大学毕业生

2D。 由第六段可以推出。

3A。 香港申请的学生增长了212人,增长率为530%,为三地最大。台湾增长率为50%,其他两地没提到。

4D。 从文中最后一句可知。

Text B






Text C

10C。 在B2377-HOME CLEANER中提到You have Dr Clean! It is safe and strong, and it cleans everything in your house!


12B。这是一道计算题3*3+4*2=17, 17+3.5=20.5,别忘了加邮资

Text D

13C. 根据第一段第二段内容可知答案为C


15D。PIN=person identification number, 结合第一段,故选D


Text E

17B。 根据第二段to improve the appearance of streets and neighborhoods, 可以判断答案为B

18C。根据第二段 the newsstands’ design, will help the customers to see what is on sale at a glance. 可知答案为C。

19D。文章告知sell newspapers and books, 故D为错误。


Text A

Art Exhibition: The 16th Asian International Art Exhibition from Dec.18, 2001 to jan.10, at the Guangdong Museum of Art.

The exhibition will highlight over 300 works from Japan, Korea, China Mainland, China HongKong, China Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippine, Indonesia and Australlia.

rMB 70,90,100

booking Tel: 88677766

concert: Christmas Concert performed by German organist Thorsten Macder and the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Yu Feng.


8pm on Dec 23,

Symphony performing Hall. Guangdong Xinghai Concert Hall.

booking Tel: 87352222

hotel: Thailand cuisine festival: in the Greenery Café at Garden Hotel from Dec.20,2001 to Feb 20,2002.

booking Tel: 87675443

Performance: The night between him and her

At Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall; 8pm on December 6,7,9

rMB 100,160,200,260

Tel: 89785656

21. The group of the advertisements are mainly on ______ in Guangzhou Morning Post.

A. sports B. business trade C. city life D. city guide

22. If you want to go to the concert with your two friends, you will at least carry ______ yuan with you.

A. 240 B. 160 C. 80 D. 190

23. The countries in the 16th Asian International Art Exhibition are all in Asia except ______.

A. Korea B. China Macau C. Indonesia D. Australia

24. If you want to enjoy yourself on December 7, you will probably dial the telephone number ___ ____.

A. 89785656 B. 87675443 C. 87352222 D. 88677766

Text B

Michael, a typical American, stays home on workday. He plugs into his personal computer terminal in order to connect with the office. After work he puts on his headphones, watches a movie on his home video recorder or plays baseball on the computer. On many days, Michael does not talk to any other human beings, and he does not see any people except the ones on television. Michael is imaginary, but his life style is very possible. The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.

The world of business is one area which technology is isolating us. Experts say, for example, that many people will soon be able to work at home. With access to a large central computer, employees such as office clerks, insurance agents and accountants could do their fobs at display terminals in their own homes. They would never have to actually see the people they’re dealing with. In addition, the way employees are paid will change. Workers’ salaries will be automatically paid into their band accounts, making paper checks unnecessary. No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks. Personal banking will change, too. Customers will deal with machines to put in or take out money from their accounts.

Another area that technology is changing is entertainment. Music, for instance, was once a group experience. People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings. For many people now, however, music is an individual experience. Walking along the street or sitting in their living rooms, they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them.. Movie entertainment is changing, too. Movies used to be social events. Now, fewer people are going out to see a movie. Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or are borrowing videotapes to watch at home. Instead of laughing with others, viewers watch movies in their own living rooms.

25. The sentence,“Michael is imaginary, but his life style is very possible”means _______.

A. Michael is a person full of imagination and he can make his dreams come true.

b. Michael is not a real person but the life style does exist.

c. Michael has ambitions but he can’t make his dreams come true.

d. Michael is a person full of imagination and his style is common nowadays.

26. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Clerks will be able to work at home.

b. One can play baseball on the computer.

c. One can listen to music without disturbing others.

d. One can borrow books from libraries at home.

27. What will the author most probably discuss after the last paragraph?

A. Games and sports. B. Personal banking. C. Music and films.

d. International business.

28. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. We may no longer need to communicate with other human being.

b. Modern technology seems to be separating human being.

c. We any no longer need to work in the office.

d. Modern technology makes it possible for us to work and entertain ourselves at home.

Text C

The Internet is a system of electronic communication. It helps people share information, communicate with family and friends, and start businesses. But these people must have use for a computer, and know how to use it. And they must have a connection, usually through a telephone line or an Internet center. All of this costs money. For many poor people, a so-called“digital divide”exists. People who cannot connect to the Internet become poorer, while those who can become richer.

The United Nations is working to solve this problem. In December, it will hold a conference in Geneva, call the World Summit on the Information Society. Political and business leaders will come together will delegates from nongovernmental organizations, educational groups and others.

They will discuss the fast-growing information technology industry and its effects on the world.

UN organizers say they hope the gathering will lead to a political declaration and action plan. The goal is to bridge the digital divide between rich and poor nations. A second conference, to examine progress, will take place in Tunisia in .

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan recently spoke to business leaders at a meeting in New York. Mister Annan urged them to take part in the World Summit on the Information Society. He told them that industry can play an important part in limiting technological differences between countries. He noted that some companies already made efforts to improve Internet skills among poor Americans. The UN Secretary General urged businesses to also look for projects in developing countries.

cisco Systems in San Jose, California, is one company that already does that. In , Cisco began a special program to teach Internet technology skills to people around the world. Today, the Cisco Networking Academy has spread to 145 nations.

Mister Annan says more ideals like this are needed to close the digital divide. He says information technology is not a magic answer for poor nations, but it can lead to peace and development. He says news and information provided through the Internet help build trade, employment, good government and democracy around the world.

29. According to the passage, the so-called “digital divide” here mainly refers to it that _______.

A. people in poor countries do not know how to use computers

b. the rich countries have more money than the poor countries

c. there is not Internet system in poor countries

d. as a result of economic factor, poor nations can not share information technology with rich nations equally

30. According to Kofi Annan, we can know ________.

A. without question information technology can provide a chance for the development of the world

b. all the business leaders will look for projects in developing countries

c. all the people in rich countries have mastered Internet skills

d. poor countries can have magic power on the Internet

31. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The World Summit on the Information Society will be good news for developing countries

b. All the people with enough money can enjoy the Internet.

c. Perhaps there is a long way to go for the development of poor nations

d. The company Cisco has done a good job in teaching Internet technology skills to people around the world .

32. Which of the following can be the proper title for the passage?

A. The poor Becomes Poor, the Rich Richer

b. Digital Divide in Developing Nations

c. Meeting on Internet Technology

d. Internet Technology in Developing Countries

Text D

will be the year of the first human clone? An Italian fertility expert says a patient will give birth to a cloned baby early next year but experts, including one who helped create Dolly, the sheep, are skeptical.

dr. Senerino Antinori told a news conference in Rome on Tuesday that the cloned baby is due in January.

The maverick doctor gained fame nearly a decade ago when he helped a 62-year-old woman give birth following fertility treatment with a donated egg, but he has revealed few details about his latest project. All he would say was that the cloned fetus was healthy and weighed roughly 6 pounds.

other experts in the field have grave doubts.

cloning experts doubt Antinori or his unknown colleagues have the expertise to clone a human. Although sheep, mice and pigs have been cloned, scientists have not yet produced a carbon copy of any primate.

Antinori did not produce any evidence so scientists do not know if he has achieved anything or if he is just seeking publicity.

dolly, the sheep was cloned using a technique called nuclear transfer. The nucleus of an egg cell was removed and replaced with the nucleus from a cell of the animal to be cloned.

It is a skilled and risky technique. Only a small percentage of clones result in pregnancies(怀孕) and there is a high percentage of miscarriages (流产) and deformities (畸形).

Even animal clones that look healthy may have genetic abnormalities (变态) or be predisposed (偏向于) to a decreased life span because the cell used in the cloning process acquire DNA damage as they age.

Antinori has not given any clues about how the human embryo was cloned nor who the progenitor, the person who has been cloned, is. “ We will wait and we see what the DNA studies show if a baby is born.” One of the experts said, “ I just hope it will not have abnormalities.”

33. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Scientists Welcome Birth of Human Clone

b. Scientists Doubt Birth of Human Clone

c. Dr. Severino Antinori, the Great Cloning Expert

d. The First Human Clone Is Coming

34. From text, we know that the writer ________.

A. is sure the cloned baby is due in January

b. is not sure whether the cloned baby is due in January

c. is glad the cloned baby is due in January

d. feels sorry the cloned baby is due in January

35. The underlined word “ skeptical” probably means ________.

A. believable B. doubtful C. certain D. excited

36. Experts doubt Antinori because ________.

A. he is just seeking publicity

b. he has revealed few details about his latest project

c. he does not have the expertise to clone a human

d. they are not sure whether he has the expertise

Text E

In one very long sentence, the introduction to the United Nations Charter (宪章) expresses the idea and the common aims of all the peoples whose governments joined together to form the United Nations. “ We the people of the UN determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold suffering to mankind, and to reaffirm (重申) faith in fundamental fights, in the dignity (尊严) and worth of human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for obligations arising from treaties (条约 )and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in large freedom, and for these ends, to practise tolerance (宽容) and live together in peace with one anther as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and instruction of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save (except) in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all peoples, have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims.”

The essential functions of the UN are to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate internationally in solving international economic, social, cultural and human problems, promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and to be a center for coordinating the actions in attaining these common ends.

no country takes precedence over anther in the US. Each member’s rights and obligations are the same. All must contribute to the peaceful settlement of international disputes, and members have pledged to refrain from the threat or use of force against other states. Though the US has no right to intervene in any state’s internal affairs, it tries to ensure that nonmember states act according to its principles of international peace and security. UN members must offer every assistance in an approved UN action and in no way assist states against which the UN is taking preventive or enforcement action.

37. The first stated aim of UN was _______.

A. to assist the developing countries

b. to prevent a third world war

c. to revise international law

d. to watch and direct peace treaties

38. Under its Charter, the UN guarantees (保证)________.

A. never to use arms

b. better standards of life

c. to promote economic and social advancement

d. to employ international machines

39. The basic functions of the UN ________.

A. are including coordinating actions where necessary

b. B. are only concerned with human fights

c. Are economic and cultural

d. Are limited to discussions and debates

40. A country’s native politics ______.

A. are often changed by the UN

b. must be controlled by the UN

c. are not allowed to benefit from UN advice or assistance

d. can not be changed by force by the UN




24A。文中有 “At Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall; 8pm on December 6,7,9”.所以选 A。



27A。文章中谈到了B,C选项的事情,接下来作者最有可能谈A项中的事情,文章 中主要谈现代科技对个人生活方式的种种影响,故排出D

28B。文章 第一自然段中提到The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings. 此句是全文的中心,故最佳答案是B









37B。全文讲述联合国宪章与宗旨,有一定的难度,但各题在文中都能找到 supporting sentence. 本题是细节判断题。第二句提到建立UN的初衷,其后有“ 拯救后代不受战争蹂躏,它已两次给人类带来难言的灾难”,从中可以判断选B,其它三部分没有提到。



40D。 推理判断题。第三段说任何国家不能凌驾于其它国家之上,UN也无权干涉他国内务,但所有非成员国也必须以世界和平与安全为宗旨。










































例如:The patient has not tasted food for two days.


【用法二】link v.(连系动词)尝起来(有……味道),吃起来(有……味道)

例1:Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth. 良药苦口。

例2:This kind of food tastes like beef.这种食品尝起来像是牛肉。

例如:A sick man has little taste for food. 病人吃东西没什么味道。

例如:He has a taste for pop music. 他喜欢流行音乐。

表示五种感官的其它四个词:feel, smell, look, sound

1) feel:①vt. 触,摸,感知;②link v 感觉;③vt. 想;认为 ④n.摸

例1:I failed to feel where the handle was in the dark.


例2:I felt the branch touch my face.


例3:I felt cold that day.


例4:I feel as if it were going to snow.


例5:I feel that we shall win.


例6:I felt the branch touch my face.


2) smell:①n.气味, 臭味, 嗅觉 ②v.嗅, 闻到, 散发(...的)气味, 有(...的)气味

例1:There is a smell of fried chicken in this room.


例2:He smelt the flowers.


例3:They were all hungry and the food smelt good.


例4:I can smell something burning in the kitchen.


3.)look:①n.看, 脸色, 外表 ②vi.看, 好象 ③vt.注视, 用眼神(或脸色)表示, 期待

例1:The teacher told us to look at the blackboard.


例2:That dog looks dangerous.


例3:That looks like an interesting film.


例4:The children were looking for a ball.


例5:Look to it that this doesn't happen again.


4) sound:①n.声音, 听力范围 ②adj.可靠的, 合理的 ③adv.彻底地 ④ vi.听起来

例1:Here in the morning we can often hear the sound of birds singing.


例2:How sweet the music sounds!


例3:This sounds like a fiction.


例4:Your idea sounds a good one.

例1:Holding the note in his hand, he stood there still.


例2 : There stands a tall tree. 那里有棵树。

例1:He can’t stand the hot weather. 他不能忍受炎热的天气。

例2:We have stood the test of history. 我们经受住了历史的考验。

例如:We stand in need of help. 我们需要帮助。

例如:The stands were packed. 看台上座无虚席。

例1:CPC stands for the Communist Party of China. CPC表示中国共产党。

例2:We stand for peace. 我们为和平而奋斗。

例1:They are constructing a bridge over the river.


例2:Please construct a sentence with the word.

例如:They are ship constructors.他们是造船师。

例如:The new library is under construction. 新图书馆正在施工。

例如:He made a constructive suggestion. 他提出了一个建设性有建议。

4. despite pre. (= in spite of) 不管,尽管

例如:Despite what she says, we’ll go there. 不管她说什么, 我们都要去那儿。

despite (in spite of) 是介词,后面只能跟名词、动名词或代词;


例1:Though/Although it is raining, we won’t give up our work.


上面的句子也可改写成:Despite/In spite of the rain, we won’t give up our work.

例2:Old as he is, he still works hard. 尽管他年纪大了,但仍然工作努力。

例如:Are you fond of hard work? 你喜欢费力的工作吗?

例1:It was rather difficult to find work then. 那时找工作相当难。

例2:His father was out of work.他父亲失业了。

例1:What a beautiful piece of work! 多美的一件工艺品!

例2:The villagers sell their work to the tourists. 村民们把他们的工艺品卖给游览的人。

例如:Lu Xun’s works have been translated into many languages.


例如:The glass works was set up in 1987.玻璃厂建于1987年。


例1:I was beginning to think that the experiment wouldn’t work.我开始认为实验不灵。

例2:Does animal testing work? 动物实验有效吗?



例1:It is easy for her to get a job.


例2:It was so hard for him to find work as he was disabled.

例如:It goes against my principles. 这与我的主张相反。

例如:She went against her mother’s wishes. 她违背了她母亲的意愿。

例如:The war went against them. 这场战争对他们不利。

例如:WE all go against animal testing. 我们都反对动物试验。

例1:He was leaning against the wall. 他斜靠着墙站。(lean against)

例2:The rain struck against the window. 雨点撞击着窗户。(strike against)

例3:They fought against the enemy.他们抗击着敌人。 (fight against)

例4:What are you against? And what for? 你反对什么?你赞成什么?(be against)

例1:A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind man.


例2:He acted as interpreter in the conference.


例3:He used tow light pieces of wood that acted as bones of the skeleton.

例如:He acted as if he were smoking. 他装作在抽烟的样子。

例如:Let’s act out the story of the Three Bears once more.


3) act the part of (= play the role of)扮演……角色

例如:In the play he acted the part of the king. 他在剧中扮演国王。

例如:AS the chairman is ill, I’m asking Mr Sharp to act for him.


请比较:He acts as father. 他充当父亲的角色。(担当起了父亲的责任)

He acts like a father. 他表现得象位父亲。(他不是父亲,也没有担当父亲的职责)

例如:The dictionary belongs to me. 词典是我的。

例如:China belongs to the third world. 中国属于三世界。

例如:It didn’t take me long to arrange my belongings. 整理行李没花我多少时间。


判断:The USA and Japan are belongings to the developed countries. (误)


(belong 和to不能分开来用,并且没有被动语态和进行时态。)

4. join…to… 把……和……连接起来 (被动式:be joined to …)

例1:South America is joined to North America and only a narrow strait separates North America from Asia. 南美洲的北美洲是连在一起的,北美洲和亚洲只相隔一条狭窄的海峡。

例2:He completely joined one pipe to the other.

例如:Where do the two roads join up?两条路在哪交汇?

例如:I would rather not join in the discussion.人宁愿不加入到讨论中。




例如:A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him. 我优秀学生必须把他所读到的东西与他所身边见到的东西联系起来。

两者都有“加入”的意思,但join是表示“成为(某一团体或组织中的)一员”,面join in表示“加入到(某一活动中)”和take part in 相类似。

例如:Look! They are playing football. Lets’ join them.


例如:She set the magazine aside for reading later. 他把那本杂志放到一边准备以后阅读。

例如:Setting aside my wishes in the matter, what would you really like to do?


例如:The government has set aside those laws. 政府已废除那些法律。

例如:They set about solving the problem.

例1:Set the baby down here. 让小孩坐这儿。

例2:We set down the facts.我们记下事实。

We are setting off for Europe next week. 下周我们开始欧洲之旅

例如:He set out to understand why the plan had failed.

例1:They were setting up a new machine.

例2:We’ve decided to set up a charity in our city.


两者有相同的意思“开始,着手”,但set out后要跟不定式,set about后要跟动名词。

例如:Last night he set out to work on his new novel. 昨晚他开始修改他的新小说。

例如:The PLA man saved the boy from drowning.



1)protect…from… 保护……免于/不受……

例如:He wears sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.


2)keep/ stop/ prevent … from 阻止……做……

例如:Who can keep us from getting married now that you are of age?

过去分词做宾语补足语,常构成句型:“S + Vt + O + V-ed”。这里(“S”表示主语,“Vt”即及物动词做谓语,“O”表示宾语)“V-ed”就是宾语补足语,说明宾语的状态,与宾语一起构成复合宾语。此时它前面的宾语就是它的逻辑主语。


1. 做宾语补足语的动词一般为及物动词。

例1:She can’t make herself understood. 她不能表达清楚自己的意思。

例2: We found the door locked. 我们发现门锁了。

2. 如果把过去分词做宾语补足语的句子改成被动句,原宾语补足语变成主语补足语。

例1:We found the door locked.(宾补)

例2:I saw a boy knocked down by a car.(宾补)

The boy was seen knocked down by a car.(主补)

3. have和got 这两个动词之后的宾语补足语经常是过去分词,用来表示这个动作是由别人发出的。试比较:

例1:He wants to have his hair cut. 他等着理发。

He cuts his hair.他自己理发。

例2:She got her tape recorder repaired.她请人把录音机修好了。

She has repaired her tape recorder.她自己把录音机修好了。
















































































1. 语言知识: 使学生理解文章中表达情感变化词汇;熟悉有关机器人方面的话题。(把重点词汇列出来)

2.语言技能: 能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息;能通过上下文克服生词 困难,理解语篇意义。

3.语言运用: 能运用语言就学生想要机器人为自己做点什么。

4.文化意识: 帮助学生更多的了解机器人及有关阿西莫夫的信息。

5.情感态度: 培养学生的想象力和对未知世界的探索精神。

6.学习策略: 借助联想建立相关知识之间的联系;



1. 语言知识: 使学生理解文章中表达情感变化词汇;熟悉有关机器人方面的话题。(把重点词汇列出来)

2.语言技能: 能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息;能通过上下文克服生词 困难,理解语篇意义。

3.语言运用: 能运用语言就学生想要机器人为自己做点什么。

4.文化意识: 帮助学生更多的了解机器人及有关阿西莫夫的信息。

5.情感态度: 培养学生的想象力和对未知世界的探索精神。

6.学习策略: 借助联想建立相关知识之间的联系;


Step 1Warming-up and lead-in 5 mins

老师带着学生回顾上一节warmingup中的有关有机器人能为人类做点什么并且机器人存在人们生活的方方面面。接着老师设计了一个问题询问学生。“Will it be possible for human beings to fall in love with a robot? ”



 Step 2. Skimming 3mins


T: Find out the main Characters in the story.

Larry Belmont — employed in a company that make robots.

Claire Belmont — Larry’s wife, a housewife

Tony — the robot

Gladys Claffern— a woman that Claire envies


 Step 3. Careful reading 23 mins

students read the passage carefully and finish the table.

[意图说明] 本题是对该单元文章主要内容的缩写,给学生提供了篇章的语境,锻炼学生快速阅读培养学生细节理解能力为以后活动的开展和任务的实现扫除语言障碍,同时使学生梳理一下Claire对Tony的情感变化过程。

2. Have students think about why Claire’s feeling changed. How did Tony help her to defeat hersense of failure?

最后引导学生思考一下三个问题Was Claire satisfied with Tony? Why shouldTony be rebuilt? Who is not satisfied with it ?

[意图说明] 因为reading的标题是satisfactionguaranteed , 所以用反问的形式让学生真正去思考Tony包君满意了吗?以此来思考标题。目的在于让学生学会用已知的信息用英语思维并去理解语篇的意义。

 Step 4 Discussion 7 mins

Have students discuss “If you have a chance to have your own robot,whatdo you want him to do ?”


 Step 5 homework 2 mins

1. Guess the meanings of difficult words and sentences in the text.

1). It would be a bonus.

2). seemed more like a human being than a machine.

3)one like Larry who wanted to improve his social position.

4). as a favour

5). She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page.

6)by the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew....

iew “ A biography of Isaac Asimov”(P16)

2. Surf the internet to learn more about robots and science fiction





1. toothpick n. 牙签 (short, pointed piece of wood, etc, for removing bits of food from between the teeth)

2. press vi, vt. (push sth. strongly; push steadily against)

1) 压;按;推 He pressed the doorbell. 他按了门铃。

"Just press this button, and you'll start the engine."


2) 熨;熨平 I've pressed your trousers with the iron. 我用熨斗熨了你的裤子。

3)(常与up, round连用)挤 He pressed his way through the crowd. 他挤过人群。

4)(常与on, upon连用)迫;迫使;进逼 The debts pressed on him. 债务威逼着他。


She pressed her guests to stay a little longer.她极力劝说客人们再呆一会儿。

6)(常与on, upon连用)紧迫 Time presses. 时间紧迫

The problem of fuel presses for solution.这个燃料的问题急待解决。

We'll let you know if anything presses."如有紧急情况,我们会通知你的。"

3. teenager n. (十三到十九岁的)少年(a young person between 13 and 19 years old; aboyor a girl in his or her teens)Sandy is a very busy teenager.山迪是个非常忙碌的少年。

4. throughout adv, prep 各处,到处;遍及;从头到尾;全部时间

He is famous throughout the world. 他闻名于世界。

It rained throughout the night. 雨下了一整夜。

5. add vt. vi.

1) 增加 to add more hot water 多加点热水

Add a few more names of labourers to the list.名单上再加上几个工人的名字。

2) 加;加起来 If you add 4 to 3 you get 7. 四加三得七。

Add up these figures, please.请把这些数字加起来。

3) 补充说; 又说

I should add that we are very pleased. 我要补充的是我们非常高兴。

I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result.


6. latest adj. 最后的, 最迟的; 最新的, 最近的 the latest news最近的消息; the latest fashion 最新式样

7. calendar n.

1) 历法

From January 1st to February 1st is one calendar month.


2) 日历;月历

Their five-year-old son is able to use the calendar to count how many days it

is until his birthday. 他们五岁的儿子能用日历数出离他的生日还有多少天。

8. remind vt. (常与of, to + inf, that连用)使想起;使记起;提醒

1) remind sb. Of / about sb. / sth 使某人想起某人/某事

2) remind sb. To do sth.提醒某人做某事

3)remind sb. That clause提醒某人某事; 使某人想起某事

Remind me to write to Mother. 提醒我给妈妈写信。

This reminds me of last year. 这使我想起去年的事。

Please remind me that I must call her up before nine.请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。

The film reminded him of what he had seen in China.


9. appointment n.

1) 约定(会面时间或地点)

I made an appointment to see the doctor. 我约定好时间去看医生。

2) 职位 the appointment of a chairman 

10. behaviour n. 行为;举动

Everyone praises the children's good behavior. 每个人都赞扬孩子们的好行为。

11. obey vt. vi. 服从;顺从;听话

to obey an order 服从命令

They refused to obey. 他拒绝服从。

12. dare vt

1) 竟敢;敢 Don't dare do that again! 不要再这样胆大妄为!

2) 敢于;敢面对事物 He will dare any danger. 他敢冒任何危险。

3)(与to连用)挑战 He dared me to jump over the stream. 他激我跳过小溪。

13. emergency n. 紧急情况

The hospital has to treat emergencies such as car accidents.


In an emergency, telephone the police. 出现紧急情况时,请给警察打电话。

The patient was asked to ring the bell in an emergency.要求病人在有紧急情况时按铃。 14. whatever adj, pron

1) …什么就…什么

They eat whatever they can find. 他们找到什么就吃什么?

Whatever 常用来引导名词性从句或让步状语从句, 引导让步状语从句时, 可用no matter what替代。

2) 无论什么,不管什么

Whatever(=No matter what)we said, he'd disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。

Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision.


College students are seen doing whatever work they can find.


Do whatever she tells you and you'll have peace.


Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool.


You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。

Whatever you do, I won't tell you my secret.


15. dial vt, vi


Put in the money before dialing.先投钱币再拨号。


How do I dial London? 怎样拨电话到伦敦?

16. unexpected adj. adj.想不到的, 意外的, 未预料到

unexpected guests 不速之客;unexpected results未料到的结果

17.negative adj.

1) 否定的,否认的 a negative answer 否定的答覆;a negative vote 反对票

2) 消极的;无用的;无益的 negative attitude 消极的态度

negative advice that only tells you what not to do 只告诉你不要做某事的消极劝告

3) 没有迹象的;结果为阴性的

The test for bacteria was negative. 细菌试验结果是阴性的。

4)〈电〉阴性的;负极的 negative pole 负极

5) 减的;负的;负值的 a negative profit 减少利润; the negative sign 负号 18. clone n.无性系, 无性繁殖, 克隆; v.无性繁殖, 复制

human cloning 克隆人;to clone sheep克隆羊

19. interview n. 接见;会见

I thank you very much indeed for this interview.非常感谢你这次接见。

2) 采访; 面试 to go for an interview 进行面试

20. department n

1) 部门;部;司;局;处;系

English department 英语系

2)(某些国家的)县; 职责;专长

Advertising is my department. 我负责做广告。

21. electricity n. 电;电力; 电流 make electricity 发电

Do you use electricity for cooking? 你用电做饭吗?

22. planet n. 行星 The earth is a planet.地球是个行星。

23. defeat vt


They were defeated in the football match. 他们在足球赛中输了。

2)使失败;使受挫 Our hopes were defeated. 我们的希望破灭了。

n. 失败;击败

The football team suffered a defeat. 该足球队被击败了。

24. force n.

1) 力,力量 the force of the explosion 爆炸力

You must use force to open that bottle. 你必须用力打开那个瓶子。

2) 暴力

The thief took the money from the old man by force. 小偷用暴力夺走了老人的钱。

3)〈物〉力 the force of gravity 地心引力

The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.地心引力使物体落向地面。

4)(pl) 三军武装力量

The air force is one of the armed forces.空军是武装部队的一种。

25. peaceful adj 安静的; 宁静的;安宁的; 爱好和平的

It's peaceful at home when the children are at school.


26. succeed vi, vt (常与in连用)成功;达到; 完成

He succeeded in the examination. 他考试及格了。

His business has succeeded, and is making a lot of money.


The astronauts succeeded in returning from the moon to the earth according to the plan.



1. stay in touch with = keep in touch with 和某人保持联系;get in touch with与……取得联系;lose touch with… 与……失去联系; be out of touch with与……失去联系;be in touch with与……有联系

2. call for 需要;要求;值得:The occasion calls for a cool head. 这种场合需要冷静的头脑。

3. in case(of) 万一……; 如果发生……; 假使……

in case假使; 以防(万一); 免得。in case可引导一个条件状语从句或目的状语从句,还可单独使用,置于句尾。例如:

In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.如遇火灾,既按警铃。

In case he comes, let me know.如果他来的话,告诉我一声。

You’d better take an umbrella in case it rains.(=It may rain; you’d better take an umbrella just in case.) 可能会下雨,拿把雨伞,以防万一。

4. according to prep. 据;按照; 取决于;视…而定

lives according to her means 按他的方式生活

According to my watch it is 10 o'clock. 按我的表是10点钟。

pay is according to quality 依照质量付费

5.take over 接管;接替;继承

what is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。

Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job).我们的主席走了,因此杰克将接管(他的工作)。

6. break down

1) 破坏;拆散

Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.


The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)据说和谈破裂了。

2)(机器)损坏 Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。

The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。

3) 失败;破裂 Their opposition broke down.他们的反对意见打消了。

4) 精神崩溃;失去控制 He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。

5) 起化学变化 Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化。


1. I should be home in about ten minutes. 再过大约十分钟,我应该到家了。

should 在此的意思为“应该”,但在不同的语境中should有不同的含义,注意下列句子:

You should not use your cellphone in class.你不该在上课时使用手机。(表示要求)

I think you should think it over before doing it. 我认为你应该三思而后行。(表示建议)

We’ve got everything ready. There should be no problem.我们已经准备好了一切。应该不 会有问题了。(表示判断)

2. Modern cellphones are more than just phones—they are used as cameras and radios, and

to send e-mail or surf the Internet.现代的手机不仅仅是电话机—它们也当坐照相机和收音机使用,还可以发送电子邮件和上网。

use A as B 把A用作B。例如:

In ancient times, people used stones as tools for farming.在古代,人们把石头用作耕作的工具。

use sth to do sth用某物来做某事。例如:

In ancient times, people used stones to kill animals for food.


3. The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no

matter where we are or what we are doing.答案似乎是:无论我们在何处或正在做什么,我们都


1) seem 似乎,好像,其用法及搭配有:

seem + adj., 如:

This problem seems complicated, but actually it is simple.


seem to do

I seem to have seen him somewhere before.我好像以前在哪儿见过他。

It seems that…,

It seems that everything is going on well.好像一切正常。

It seems as if…,

It seems as if it’s going to rain.看来快要下雨了。

2) no matter无论,不管,后面常跟疑问词引导的从句,其意相当于疑问词后加ever。如 no matter

what=whatever; no matter where=wherever; no matter how=however; no matter when=


No matter when (Whenever) I meet him, he is always wearing that old hat.


No matter how (However) expensive the cellphone is, I’ll buy it because I need onebadly.


3. She says that her cellphone helps her do whatever she wants to do.她说她的手机能让她想做什么就做什么。


With the money, you can buy whatever you want.有了这些钱,你可以想买什么就买什么。

类似用法的词还有:whoever, whomever, whichever等。如:

Whoever leaves the classroom last should remember to turn off the light before leaving.


You may choose whichever you like.不管你喜欢哪个,都可以选。四、语法



is/am/are/ + being + 过去分词。例如:

A、computer center is being built for the students.

The phones are also being used as cameras and radios.




1. Mum will be back from work _______ half an hour.

A. in B. after C. later D. before

2. ______ the money for protecting wildlife _____ now?

A. Is; being collecting B. Are, collected C. Is, being collected D. Has, collected

3. The old machine _____ our difficulty to finish the work on time.

A. adds up to B. has added C. adding to D. added to

4. ______ home alone after 12:00 in the evening.

A. Do you dare go B. Dare you go C. Dare you to go D. If you dare go

5. He spent what he had _______ a cell phone.

A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. had bought

6. Although they’ve never met, they _____ by e-mail for years.

A. stay in touch with B. get in touch with C. keep in touch D. get in touch

7. Never give up, ______ great difficulty is.

A. whatever B. whoever C. however D. whenever

8. _______ danger, you may call 120 for help.

A. In case B. In case of C. When D. If

9. Mr White is one of the foreign experts who ______ in China.

A. works B. is working C. has been working D. are working

10. The secretary reminded me _____ there was a meeting that afternoon.

A. of B. about C. that D. on


1. A in + 一段时间常与将来时态连用,after + 一段时间或一段时间 + later多用于过去时态。

2. C 本题考查现在进行时态的被动语态结构is/am/are being done,D选项的正确形式应为hasbeen collected。

3. D “这台旧机器增加了我们按时完工的难度。”add to意为“增加”,在句中作谓语,add up to意为“共计”,add…to表“把……加在……里”。

4. B句中dare作情态动词, 其后接动词原形; 若作实义动词, 答案为Do you dare to go. D选项不能构成疑问句。

5. C “他倾其所有买了一手机。”本题考查短语spend…(in) doing/on sth.

6. C stay/ keep in touch (with sb.)意为“保持联系”;get in touch(with sb.)意为“取得联系”。 get为瞬间动词,不能与for years 连用。

7. C “无论困难有多大,永远不要放弃”。本题的考查目标为no matter how引导的让步状语从句,此时no matter how = however,修饰形容词或副词。

8. B in case of 接名词,其余选项接句子。

9. D 本题考查定语从句中的主谓一致。先行词为experts,谓语动词用复数。 

10. C 本题考查remind的用法。that后接句子,其余选项接名词或代词。



1. 我爷爷70岁了, 却终日忙个不停。

My grandpa is _____ ______ ______ all day long though he is 70.

2. 你知道会上正在讨论什么吗?

Do you know _______ _______ ________ ________ at the meeting?

3. 成功需要勤奋。

Success _____ _______ hard work.

4. 无论我说什么,他就是不相信。

_______ ________ _______ I said, he wouldn’t believe me.

5. 听到这个消息,学生老师都高兴。

_______ ________ the students _____ _______ the teacher was happy at the news.

6. 王先生病了, 我已接管他的工作。

Mr Wang is ill, so I’ve ________ _________ his work.

7. 我苦思冥想,却未能想出一个好办法。

I kept thinking hard, but failed to ________ ________ _______ a good idea.

8. 在比赛中,Douglas成功地击败了其他的选手。

Douglas _____ _____ _____ all the other players in the match.

9. 竹子不仅仅用于建筑。

Bamboo is used for ________ _________ building.

10. 他似乎已经听说了这个坏消息。

He _______ ______ have heard the bad news.


Zhang Ge Zhuang Primary School

The village of Zhang Ge Zhuang is far away from the others. So children had to a long way for school, for there was no school of their own in the past.

It was not until 1988 that Zhang Ge Zhuang primary school was set up. Now there are 3 teachers, 48 pupils and 5 classes in the school. Children have 6 subjects - Chinese, Maths, Science, Music, Drawing and P.E. and education is free for all children in the village.
















1. no sooner…than…= hardly/scarcely…when… 一…就, 刚刚…就 (尽量把no sooner, hardly, scarcely 放句首, 句子倒装。如:

Hardly had I gone to the bus stop when it began to rain.

No sooner had we arrived at the supermarket than our kid started to cry for home.

2. not ….until 的强调句型 如:

It wasn’t until his mother came back that he went to bed.

It wasn’t until all the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was.

3. It was(not) / It will (not) be + 一段时间 + before… 过了多久才……(不久,就…) 如:

It wasn’t long before he realized his mistakes.

It was many days before the people found him in the forest.

4. It is (has been ) +一段时间 + since + 过去时 自从… 到现在…如:

It has been two years since he left China. = He has been away for two years.

It is 8 years since I graduated from university. = I graduated from university 8 years ago.

5. used to do ...过去常常…; be used to doing习惯于… 如:

There used to be a small shop around the street corner.

I have been used to living on campus.

6. the more… the more… 越… 越… 如:

The more you read, the better you understand.

The higher up you go, the colder it will become.

7. as /so long as 只要…… 如:

So long as you keep on trying, you will surely succeed.

As long as you stick to your plans, you will make great progress soon.

8. not only…, but also…/ so… that… /only+ 状语倒装句型 如:

Not only can he speak French, but also he has a good command of English.

So fast did he run that we could hardly follow him.

Only when the mother came back, did she stop crying.

9. unless 除非, 如果不( = if … not) 如:

I won’t attend his party unless he comes to invite me in person.

I shall keep my promise unless something unexpected happens.

10. with 独立主格结构; 作定语或状语,(注意此句型的灵活应用) 如:

China is a great country with a long history.

The teacher came in with a book in his hand.

With the Olympic Games to be held, China is getting ready for them.

With his glasses broken, he couldn’t see the words on the blackboard clearly.


1. 请以下列内容为题,写一篇日记。 3 月 15 日,星期一。提示:

今晚,你去参加朋友的生日宴会,大家又唱又跳,玩得很开心。刚刚离开朋友家,天开始下雨, 只好在楼下躲雨。一辆摩托车急驰而过,在十字路口撞倒了一个男孩。摩托车没停,逃跑了。你十分气愤,记下了车号(GH - 2375)后马上打电话报警,并把孩子送往医院。








March 15th, Monday


2. [试题分析]

体裁 日记

类别 记事的文章

时态 过去时




我们把信息点总结为(1)你去参加朋友的生日宴会 (2)在楼下躲雨。(3)一辆摩托车撞倒了一个男孩。(4)摩托车没停,逃跑了。(5)你记下了车号(GH - 2375)后马上打电话报警,并把孩子送往医院。

根据以上信息点我们可以按照事件发生的时间顺序写文章。同时,适当灵活运用一些句式,如:no sooner… than…; so … that …; 同时可运用复合句及其定语从句,使文章顺畅,连贯。

3. [参考范文]

March 15th, Monday

This evening I had a great time at my friend’s birthday party where we sang and danced together happily. Unluckily no sooner had I left my friend’s home than it began to rain heavily, so I had to wait downstairs until the rain stopped. While I was waiting, a motorbike ran by me very fast and hit a boy at the crossing. It was hardly believed that the motorbike ran away without stop. So angry did I feel that I telephoned the police at once because I had written down its number: GH-2375, after which I sent the boy to the hospital.


1.本文用了一些连接词,使文章脉络清晰,逻辑关系流畅。如:where; no sooner… than;

until…; while; so… that…; because…; after which…

2. 恰当应用主语从句,表达情景 It was hardly believed that….

3. 不是照翻原文,而是活学活用,如副词unluckily,使文章读起来很自然,语言精练。




1. 一位年轻妇女坐在车门附近,她的宠物狗违反公交规章也占了个座位。

2. 中途一个老人,拄着拐杖,上了车。

3. 妇女并没有把狗抱开让座。

4. 其他乘客很生气,你把座位让给老人。








March 12th, Monday

Today I witnessed an unbelievable incident when I took a bus home.



March 12th, Monday

Today I witnessed an unbelievable incident when I took a bus home. On the bus, a woman was sitting near the bus door with a dog occupying one seat next to her, which broke the bus regulations obviously. When the bus stopped, an old woman got on the bus with a stick in her hand. To our surprise, neither did the woman give up her seat to the old, nor did she move her dog away from the seat. Seeing this, all the passengers were angry including me. Eventually I asked the old woman to take my seat.



1. 全体教师、学生出席,部分科学家和官员也参加。

2. 校长在讲话中希望全体师生在新的学期中再接再厉取得更大进步。

3. 并奖励三好学生,同时宣布部分同学在各种竞赛中获奖为学校争光。。

4. 著名科学家讲话,他讲述了自己的学习经验及科研成功的经验.他的讲话使我深受感动。








March 1st Thursday Fine

Today our school had an opening ceremony in the school auditorium. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .


March 1st 2007 Thursday Fine

Today our school had an opening ceremony in the school auditorium. All the teachers and students as well as some famous scientists and government officials attended the ceremony. Our principal made a speech, in which he hopes everybody in our school will make greatest efforts and make even more progress in the new term. At the ceremony, “three-good-deed” students were rewarded with prizes and Principal also announced that some honour students had won medals in various competitions, which is the pride of our school. Eventually a famous scientist told the students about his learning experience and how he achieves success in his research work. So moved was I by what he said that I made up my mind to learn from him and study harder in the new term.


假如你是李明,昨天与同学外出野餐,按计划要爬广州白云山; 根据以下内容写一篇日记,内容如下;














March 20th Wednesday Cloudy

Yesterday my classmates and I planned to climb the Baiyun Mountain.



March 20th Wednesday Cloudy

Yesterday my classmates and I planned to climb the Baiyun Mountain. Early in the morning all of us gathered at the gate of our school and we started off at seven but soon it began to have a little rain. It was about one hours’ ride before we reached the foot of the mountain. It wasn’t until the rain stopped that we began to climb. After we reached the top of the mountain, we enjoyed the beautiful view from the top and we also held various activities, such as singing, playing chess, playing games, taking the pictures on the top of the mountain. After lunch we went down the mountain and we arrived home at four, all exhausted.










Sunday, Sept. 10 Fine

Today is Teachers’ Day.



Sunday, Sept. 10 Fine

Today is Teachers’ Day. In the morning, I attended the school celebration, at which several teachers were given medals for having completed 30 years of teaching, including my English teacher, Teacher Liu. After supper my classmates and I went to see Mr. Li. He said that he would devote the rest of his life to the cause of education. He also encouraged us to work hard at our lessons. I was greatly inspired by what he said and made up my mind to be a teacher like Mr. Li when I grow up.











Friday April 26 Windy

Friday again. How time flies! Another week has gone.



Friday, April 26 Windy

Friday again. How time flies! Another week has gone. This afternoon, I was often absent-minded in class, for I was thinking of the film “Gone with the wind”, which would be shown at 7 p.m. As soon as class was over, I hurried out of the classroom. On the way home I saw a little child standing by the roadside crying, who had lost his way. Forgetting all about the film, I went up to him and asked him to tell me whatever he knew about his family .It took me nearly an hour to send him home and I missed the film, but I felt happy.






1. 体现对普通乘客的关心。

2. 大大提高了公交车的速度,节省了时间。

3. 有利于发展公交事业,减少污染。


1. 浪费更多的人力去管理。

2. 下车后不得不穿过机动车道,人行道。








参考词汇:公交快车系统 the bus rapid transit system (BRT system)

According to the Guangzhou government Office, the bus rapid transit (BRT) system will be piloted on Zhongshan Road (from Tianhe intersection to Xiayuan Section) this year. The BRT system will be adopted throughout the city before the 2010 Asian Games, said Mayor Zhang Guangning. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

2. [试题分析]



According to the Guangzhou government Office, the bus rapid transit (BRT) system will be piloted on Zhongshan Road (from Tianhe intersection to Xiayuan Section) this year. The BRT system will be adopted throughout the city before the 2010 Asian Games, said Mayor Zhang Guangning. Many people hold the opinion that the advantage of BRT system far outweighs the disadvantages, because it shows concern for common passengers. What’s more, the performance of BRT system will surely speed up the ride and save much time. Last but not least, it will definitely bring about a great advance of public buses and also reduces air pollution. However, some people hold the opposite opinion that BRT system may give rise to a lot of problems, such as more people needed to manage the traffic. What’s worse, it is inconvenient for people to cross motor and bicycle lanes when getting off the buses.

4. [范文点评]

1)文中恰当地运用了转折,并列的连词,副词,上下衔接自然,如:what’s more;last but not least; however; what’s worse…

2)多种句型表达方式,同位语从句;原因状语从句;形式主语句式等… 如:…hold the opinion (opposite opinion) that…; it is convenient for people to ….

3)文章观点主题句与论据分类清晰,层次分明。如:Many people hold the opinion that the advantage of BRT system far outweighs the disadvantages…… However, some people hold the opposite opinion that BRT system may give rise to a lot of problems,(观点主题句)









1. no sooner…than…= hardly/scarcely…when… 一…就, 刚刚…就 (尽量把no sooner, hardly, scarcely 放句首, 句子倒装) 如:

Hardly had I gone to the bus stop when it began to rain.

No sooner had we arrived at the supermarket than our kid started to cry for home.

2. not ….until 的强调句型 如:

It wasn’t until all the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was.

3. It was(not) / It will (not) be + 一段时间 + before… 过了多久才……(不久,就…) 如:

It wasn’t long before he realized his mistakes.

4. It is (has been ) +一段时间 + since + 过去时 自从… 到现在…如:

It is 8 years since I graduated from university. = I graduated from university 8 years ago.

5. used to do ...过去常常…; be used to doing习惯于… 如:

There used to be a small shop around the street corner.

I have been used to living on campus.

6. the more… the more… 越… 越… 如:

The higher up you go, the colder it will become.

7. as /so long as 只要…… 如:

As long as you stick to your plans, you will make great progress soon.

8. not only…, but also…/ so… that… /only+ 状语倒装句型 如:

Not only can he speak French, but also he has a good command of English.

Only when the mother came back, did she stop crying.

9. unless 除非, 如果不( = if … not) 如:

I won’t attend his party unless he comes to invite me in person.

10. with 独立主格结构; 作定语或状语,(注意此句型的灵活应用) 如:

China is a great country with a long history.

With the 2008 Olympic Games to be held, China is getting ready for them.

With his glasses broken, he couldn’t see the words on the blackboard clearly.











(2) [试题分析]

此题为一篇记叙文,是一则中国古代寓言故事:刻舟求剑。写这篇文章一定要把握好故事的完整性,用五个句子有头有尾描述整个故事,不要增多或随意删减故事情节。应用一些非谓语结构和复合句,注意掌握故事的以下要点,就可写好此篇文章。故事要点:1,掉剑2,刻记号 3,找剑 4,未寻

(3) [参考范文]

Making His Mark

A man from the state of Chu was taking a boat across a river when he dropped his sword into the water carelessly. Immediately he made a mark on the side of the boat where the sword dropped, hoping to find it later. When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to search for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat. As we know, the boat had moved but the sword had not. Isn’t this a very foolish way to look for a sword?




(一) 通知,海报



通知的使用范围很广,凡需特定单位和人员知道、办理的事务均可使用通知。通知分为口头通知和书面通知两种,我们此处所谈的是书面通知。书面通知又分为书信通知和布告,书信通知沿用书信格式;寄出或发送,通知有关人员;另一种是布告式,张贴通知。究竟采用哪种形式,应视实际情况而定。一般说来,被通知对象为少量的分散人员,宜用书信的通知方式,其写法与普通书信的写法和要求相同;如被通知的对象为集中的较大范围内的人员,例如对象为学生、教师、工人、读者和观众等,则宜采用布告的通知方式。在本期中,我们重点讲述后一种。在新的高考作文题型中,由于5句话技术方面的要求,所以很难对通知的格式加以要求,而是更注重文章句子与句子之间的逻辑性与联系,同时要兼顾语言的准确性。 写作通知时应注意:








晚会主题 中秋节英语晚会

时间 中秋节,8:00-10:00

地点 学校操场

节目内容 1. 学生表演的英语短剧,演唱英语歌曲,讲英语故事

2. 邀请外国学生为我们表演中国歌曲

其他 欢迎大家光临晚会,玩得开心








(2) [试题分析]


(3) [参考范文]

In order to celebrate the coming mid-autumn festival, an English Evening party is going to be held by our Students’ Union. It will be held from 8 pm to 10 pm on the mid-autumn festival on our school playground. There will be many activities from the students, such as English short-play performances, English story telling and English songs. What’s more, some foreign students are to be invited to sing Chinese songs for us at the party. You are warmly welcomed to our English party and we are sure you will enjoy yourself.

(4) [范文点评]










b.带客人到接待室(reception room)开联欢会(get-together)。










Boys and girls,

Attention,please.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The Japanese students will leave at about 12:00. That’s all. Thank you.


Boys and girls,

Attention, please. About twenty Japanese students will come to our school for a visit on September 15th. We’ll meet them at the school gate at 8:45 a.m., to give them a warm welcome. Then we’ll take them to the reception room, where we will hold a get-together. After that, we’ll show them around our library, the labs and the teaching building. At 11:30 we’ll have lunch with the Japanese students in the dining-hall, where we will exchange our presents with them. The Japanese students will leave at about 12:00. That’s all. Thank you.



举办单位: 学生会

比赛目的: 提高学生讲英语的能力

报名手续: 凡愿意参加者可到各班班长处报名

比赛时间: 5月6日下午2点

比赛地点: 第一会议室

评比办法: 有五位教师作评判员,前十名将获鼓励奖。








A Poster for an English-Speaking Contest

.All are welcome to be present at the contest.

The Students’ Union

Yucai Senior Middle School


A Poster for an English-Speaking Contest

In order to improve the students’ ability to speak English, an English-speaking contest will be held by our Students’ Union. It will be held at 2 p.m. on May 6th. in No. 1 meeting room. Anyone who is willing to take part please go to your monitor and enter you name for it. Five teachers have been invited to work as judges. The first ten winners will be given awards as an encouragement. All are welcome to be present at the contest.

The Students’ Union,

Yucai Senior Middle School
















Boys and girls,

Attention, please. This is Li Ming from Students’ Union._____________________


Thank you very much.


Boys and girls,

Attention, please. This is Li Ming from Students’ Union. There will be a talk on the education of high school in America from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. on April 25th in our meeting room. The talk will be given by Professor Wang, who has just been back from a visit to America. All students in Senior Three are to attend it. Please be punctual and bring your pens and notebooks with you. Students from other grades are welcome as well. Thank you.



主讲人: 广州大学计算机系的李教授

主题: 关于计算机的用途以及如何利用Internet进行学习

地点: 校图书馆三楼

参加对象: 电脑爱好者

其他: 参加者准备一些在学习中遇到的问题









______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.You will benefit from the lecture and please be on time. That’s all. Thank you.

the Students’ Union



To help students learn more about the computer, our Students’ Union has invited Professor Li from the Computer Department of Guangzhou University to give us a lecture at 2 pm. on 20th April. Professor Li will give us a talk on the use of the computer and how to take advantage of the Internet. The lecture will be held on the third floor of the school library. Any computer-lover is welcome to attend the lecture. Please prepare some questions in computer learning, which will be answered by professor during the lecture. You will benefit from the lecture and please be on time. That’s all. Thank you.

the Students’ Union



1. 集合时间:周三早晨7点。

2. 集合地点:宾馆门口。

3. 活动安排:首先建议去长城。长城是是世界八大奇观之一,有20个世纪的悠久历史。第二天上午参观故宫,它建于14,曾有24位皇帝在那儿居住过。参观它,可以更多地了解中国历史。








Boys and girls,

May I have your attention, please? ________________________



句型1. It happened(chanced)that +clause. = sb. happened /chanced sth. =sb.did sth. by chance. 如:

It happened that he was out when I got there. 当我到那儿时,碰巧他不在。=He happened to be out when I got there.= It chanced that he was out when I got there= He was out by chance when I got there.

句型2、It seems that sb. do/ be doing/ have done/ had done= Sb. seems to do/ be doing/ have done/ had done 如:(还有动词appear可这样使用)

It seemed that he had been to Beijing before.好像你以去过北京。=He seemed to have been Beijing before.

句型3. It is / was+被强调的部分+that(who)+剩余的部分.如:

It wasn’t until he came back that I went to bed.直到他回来我才睡觉。(一定要注意被强调句型谓语动词否定的转移,及形式)。

It was because he was ill that he didn’t come to school today.只因为他有病了今天没有来上学。(只能用because而不能用for, as 或since)

It is I who am a student. 我确实是个学生。(句中am不能用are来代替。)

句型4、It is high time (time/ about time) (that) 主语+should do / did+其它。(注意从句中的谓语动词用的是虚拟语气)

It is high time that we should go / went home.我们该回家了。

句型5、It is / was said ( reported…)+that+从句. 如:

It was said that he had read this novel.据说他读过这篇小说。=He was said to have read this novel.

句型6、It is impossible / necessary/ strange…that clause.(从句中的谓语用should+do / should have done,其形式是虚拟语气。)如:

It is strange that he should have failed in this exam.真奇怪,他这次考试没有及格。

句型7、It is + a pity/ a shame…that clause.(注意从句中的谓语动词用should do或should have done的形式,但should可以省略。)如:

He didn’t come back until the film ended. It was a pity that he should have missed this film. 他直到电影结束才回来。他没有看到这部电影真可惜。

句型8、It is suggested / ordered/ commanded /…that +clause.(从句的谓语动词用should do, 但should可以省略。)如:

It is suggested that the meeting should be put off.有人建议推迟会议。

句型9、It is/was+表示地点的名词+where+从句。(注意本句不是强调句型,而是以where引导的定语从句。)如:

It was this house where I was born.请比较:It was in this house that I was born.(后一句是强调句型。)

句型10、It is / was +表示时间的名词+when+从句。(注意本句型也不是强调句型,而是以when引导的定语从句。)如:

It was when he came back from the United States. 请比较:It was in 1999 that he came back from the United States.

句型11、It is well-known that+从句。如:

It is well-known that she is a learned woman.众所周知,她是个知识渊博的妇女。

句型12、It is +段时间+since+主语+did. 请比较:

It was +段时间+since+主语+had done. 如:

It is five years since he left here.他已经离开这儿五年了。

It was five years since he left here.(同上)

句型13、It +谓语+段时间+before+主语+谓语.( before引导的是时间状语从句。) 如:

It wasn’t long before the people in that country rose up.没有多久那个国家的人民就起义了。

It will be three hours before he comes back.三个小时之后他才能回来。

句型14、It is +形容词+for+ sb.+ to do. 如:

It is impossible for me to finish this work before tomorrow.我明天之前完成此工作是不可能的。

句型15、It is +(心理品质方面的)形容词+of + sb. +to do.=

主语+ be +形容词+to do.(常用的形容词有:kind, stupid; foolish, good, wise等。)如:

It is kind of you to help me.=You are kind to help me.你真好给我提供了帮助。



As we have known, he is a most good student.众所周知,他是个很好的学生。请比较:It is well-known that he is a most good student.(前一个是定语从句,而后者是个主语从句。)


He is a professor, which I have been looking forward to becoming. 他是个教授,那是我一直盼望的职业。(因为先行词professor是表示职业的名词,因此引导词用which,而不用who。(注意:关于which和as之间的比较请看语法的定语从句部分。)

句型18、由where, when引导的定语从句(其中包括限定性的或非限定性的。)如:

This is the house where I used to come.请比较:This is the house which / that I used to come to.

This is the day when I joined the Party.请比较:This is the day which / that I joined the Party on.



句型19、No matter what / which / who / where / when / whose+从句,+主句。注意从句中的时态一般情况用一般现在时态。如:

No matter what you do, you must do it well.请比较:Whatever you do, you must do it well. 无论你做什么,一定要做好。

No matter where you go, please let me know.请比较:Wherever you go, please let me know.你无论去哪儿,请通知我。


注意:I will tell whoever would like to read it. 句中的whoever不能用whomever来代替。因为它即作动词tell的宾语,又作后面从句的主语。


句型20、When / So long as / As long as / Once +从句,+主句。(从句也可以放在主句之后。)如:

As long as you give me some money, I will let you go.只要你给我一些钱,我就让你走。

Once you have begun to learn English, you should learn it well. 一旦你开始学习英语,你应该把它学好。

句型21、主句+on condition that+从句。如:

I will go with you on condition that you give me some money.我和你一起去的条件是你给我一些钱。


I will go there tomorrow unless it rains.我明天去那儿除非下雨。

句型23、祈使句,+and/ and then+主句。(注意:祈使句也可用一个名词短语。)如:

Use your head, and you will find a good idea.动脑筋想一想,你就会想出一个好主意。

Another word, and I will beat you.你再说一句,我就揍你。

句型24、If +necessary / impossible/ important等,+主句。如:

If necessary, I will do it. 如果有必要的话,我来做此事。


句型25、主句+in case+从句。(in case表示以免)如:

I will take my raincoat in case it rains.我要把雨衣带上以免下雨。

句型26、主句+due to / because of / owning to / + the fact that +从句。如:

He did not come to school because of the fact that he was ill.由于他有病了,所以没有来上学。


句型27、When / While / As +从句,+主句。(关于它们之间的区别请看语法。)如:

When I was in the country, I used to carry some water for you.当我在农村时,我常常给你打水。

句型28、主句+after / before +从句. 如:

They hadn’t been married four months before they were devoiced.他们绘结婚不到四个月就离婚了。

We went home after we had finished the work.我们做完此工作就回家了。



I worked until he came back.我一直工作到他回来。

I didn’t worked until he came back.他回来我才开始工作。

句型30、As soon as / Immediately / Directly / Instantly / The moment / The instant / The minute +从句,+主句. 如:

My father went out immediately I got home.我一到家,我父亲就出去了。

句型31、No sooner +had + 主语+done…than +主语+did. 请比较:

主语+had + no sooner +done…than +主语+did. 如:

No sooner had I got to Beijing than I called you.我一到北京就给你打电话了。

I had no sooner got to Beijing than I called you.

句型32、Hardly +had +主语+done…when / before + 主语+did.请比较:主语+had +hardly + done…when / before +主语+did.

Hardly had she had supper when she went out. 她一吃完晚饭就出去了。

She had hardly had supper when she went out.

句型33、By the time+从句,+主句.(注意时态的变化。)如:

By the time you came back, I had finished this book.到你回来时,我已经写完了这本书。

By the time you come back, I will have finished this book.到你回来时,我将写完这本书。

句型34、each / every time +从句,+主句. (这时相当于whenever 或no matter when引导的从句。从句也可放在主句之后。)如:

Each time he comes to Harbin, he always drops in on me.每当他来哈尔滨,总是随便来看看我。


句型35、Where +从句,+主句. 如:

Where there is no rain, farming is difficult or impossible.哪里没有雨水,种庄稼是很难的或者是不可能的。

句型36、Anywhere / wherever+从句,+主句. 如:

Anywhere I go, my wife goes too.无论我去哪儿,我的妻子也去哪儿。

I will go wherever you suggest.你建议我去哪儿,我就去哪儿。


句型37、主句+in order that / so that +从句.如:

I got up early in order that I could catch the first bus.我起得很早,以便能赶上早班车。

句型38、主句+for+sb. +to do.(注意动词不定式复合结构在这儿作目的状语。)如:

He came here for me to work out this problem.他来这儿叫我帮他解出这道难题。


句型39、主句+so that+从句. 如:

It was very cold, so that the river froze.天气很泠,因此河水结冰了。

句型40、So+形容词/ 副词+特定动词+主语+…+that+从句.

So interesting is this book that I would like to read it again.这本书那么有趣,我想再读一遍。


He made such rapid progress that he was praised by the teacher.他进步很快,老师表扬了他。

句型42、Such was + 主语+that +从句.(这是个完全倒装句。)如:

Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken.爆炸力这么大,所有的窗户都被震碎了。


句型43、The +形容词比较级……,(主句)the +形容词比较级+……如:

The sooner you do it, the better it will be.越早越好。

句型44、主语+谓语+as +形容词原级+as +被比较的对象. 如:

He is as busy as a bee.他非常忙。

句型45、主语+谓语+the+形容词比较级+of / between …

He is the taller of the two.他们俩人中他高。


This room is three times as large as that one.这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。(这个房间比那个房间大两倍。)


This city is twice larger than ours.这个城市比我们城市大两倍。

The early rice output in that commune was 200% more than that of .那个公社的早稻产量是的两倍。

句型48、主语+谓语+the size / length/ width/ height +of +被比较的对象.如:

Our building is twice the height of yours.我们的大楼比你们的高两倍。


句型49、It doesn’t matter wh-+从句。如:

It doesn’t matter to me what you will do tomorrow.你明天做什么与我无关。

It doesn’t matter whether you will come or not.你来不来无关紧要。

句型50、形容词/ 副词 / 名词(可数单数)+as / though +主语+谓语,+主句.如:

Young as he is, he knows a lot.虽然他很小,但他知道得很多。

Hard he works, I am sure that he can’t pass this exam.虽然他学习很努力,这次考试他肯定不能及格。

Child as he is, he knows a lot.虽然他是个孩子,但他懂得很多。

句型51、Were / Should / Had +主语+谓语,+主句.如

Were I you, I would have gone there yesterday.如果我是你的话,昨天我就去那儿了。

句型52、Only +状语+特定动词+主语+谓语…

Only by this means can I do this work well.只有用那种方式我才能做好此工作。

Only because he was ill did he not come to school.只因为他有病了才没有来上学。

Only then did I realize that I had been wrong.只有那时,我才认识到我错了。

句型53、Not only +特定动词+主语+谓语…but also+主语+谓语…

Not only did he learned English well but also he spoke French very well. 他不但英语学得好,而且法语讲得很流利。

句型54、whether….or…, neither…nor…, either…or…

句型55、主语+doubt+whether + 从句. 请比较:

主语+特定否定词+doubt+that+从句. 如:

I don’t doubt that he will come this afternoon.我确信他下午一定能来。



由于每年的高考书面表达均采用提示性写作,故属于控制性作文。它对写作目的、对象、体裁、内容等作了规定熕以,认真审题,必须做好三方面的工作: 1.审文体;2.审要求;3.审人称。

1. 审文体


2. 审要求


3. 审人称




1. 列要点


2. 紧扣要点,连词成句


3. 紧扣要点,连句成篇




句子结构实际上是要求学生用英文思维,排除中文的干扰。尽量使用简单句,在有把握的情况下,可以使用一些结构较复杂的句子,如使用定语从句、状语从句等。 如果遇到较难的词汇,可采用变通的办法化难为易,化繁为简。有时也可适当发挥,增减相关细节。



英语作文是英语综合能力的运用,写作前学 生必须具有初步的写作基础,如基本语法知 识,一定数量

的词汇和正确使用标点符号的 能力等。英语作文要求学生除了具备这些基 本能力外,还应该了解作文的过


一、作文的过程 一般说来,作文的过程需经过审题,收集材 料,列出提纲,扩展成文,检查修改和

定稿 这几个阶段。

1.审题 审题是作文的第一步,只有审清题意,才能 按照题意构思具体内容。 审题就是要把握住题

目的中心和范围,确定 文章的体裁,找出文章的主题。如果审题不 当或对题意理解不全面,就会偏题跑题

,甚 至文不对题。以致全功尽弃。 目前高考中常见的是引导式写作题型。题中 的提示语是帮助理解题意

的重要指导,不能 逐字英译,而要按照提示语的规定和暗示进 行扩展引伸,增添细节,构思具体内容。

另外,还应注意作文要求限定的字数,做到 大致相当。字数太少,会辞不达意,言之无 物;字数太多,表

明文章不够简炼,或是把 不必要写的东西写了进去。

2.收集材料 题目审好后,就可根据题目规定的写作对象 和内容范围进行构思和收集材料。构思时要

注意尽可能地抓住要点,不要溢出题外。如 写“Television”就不要把newspaper的内 容也考虑进去,写

“My School”,则不要把 my family也了拉扯进去。在一篇字数有限 的短文里,在收集材料,进行构思的

阶段更 应该严密地防止出现离题偏题的现象。 在构思的同时,我们最好能把可以想到的与 主题有关的素

材记在纸上。譬如要写一篇题 为“My Mother”的作文,我们可能会想到 以下的内容。

(1) Mother's name, age and appearance

(2) Her personality

(3) Her past and present

(4) Her wish

(5) She and my father

(6) Her daily life and her attitude towards life

(7) Her profession and her attitude towards her work

(8) Good neighbourhood

(9) Her kindnesses to her child and to the others

(10) My deep love for her

这些材料还需要加以选择,将那些与主题无关或 关系不紧密的内容删去;对保留下来有用的素材 予以


3.列出提纲 把有关的材料整理好以后,我们就可以按照一定 的逻辑次序把它们组织起来,分别放进

确定的几个段落中去,列提纲。如“My Mother”一文的 提纲可以被列成下面这种样式:

(1) Introduction-my mother is the loveliest person

(2) About her age and appearance

(3) Mother as an outstanding worker

(4) Mother at home

(5) Her relationship with other people

(6) Conclusion-I am proud of my mother 如果文章较复杂,提纲还可以列得更细,在每 个大标题


4.扩展成文 列好提纲后,我们就可以扩充内容,将提纲发 展成文章。动笔之前,应先考虑好如何开

头, 如何发展,如何结尾。开头和结束应力求简单 扼要,正文应具体面充实地表现主题。臂如根 据上例

中的提纲,我们就可以写成下面这样; 篇作文:

My Mother

My mother is the loveliest person in the world. She loves me very much and is always kind

and gentle. She is now 44 years old. As she has been busy ever since she was young, she looks

older than she really is. She is beginning to get wrinkles around her eyes and her black hair

is going grey.

My mother is an old outstanding worker in her factory. She often goes to work early and

comes home late. She takes pains to do her work and achieves big successes at her ordinary

post. Because of this, she is often praised as an advanced worker.

My mother is also a good housekeeper. She saves every penny that she can and keep the

house in good order. She is always busy with this or that, and nobody ever sees her idle. She

has too much to do in bringing me up, yet she never makes a complaint.

My mother is kind not only to her own child, but to all other people. She is warm-hearted

and likes to help anyone who is in trouble. She takes delight in doing good deeds for the

people. It is natural for her to get on well with all our neighbours. My mother is liked and

respected by all woh know her. I always think how fortunate I am to have such a good mother.

5.检查修改和定稿 检查修改是写作的一个步骤,因此也是不可忽视 的。文章即使写得很流畅完美,

初稿中也难免会 有拼写、标点方面的错误,因此写好初稿后一定 要反复修改。 文章的修改可以从文章的

文字规范和文章的结构 商方面着手,下面列出的是文章检查时所必须注 意的要点:




(4)是否为说明文章主题而列举了一定的事实根 据?

(5)文章内容的层次是否有条理?是否还需要重新 组合?









(14)单词拼写、大小写和标点是否正确? 笔迹是否清楚? 在文章交出之前,不要放松任何修改的机会。

经 过多次完善修改,文章就可以定稿了。仔细抄写 后,还要小心地重读几遍,看看有无误抄之处






如人物介绍式书面表达开篇交待句可笼统写成:Li Ping is a middle school student.末尾总结句则应较为详细地写成:Such is Li Ping,a clever and kind boy.单位介绍式书面表达开篇交待句可笼统写成:Our school is a large one.末尾总结句应较为详细地写成:Such is our school,a famous and successful one.


不少书面表达需要使用常识性语句,这些语句虽然原材料中没有反映,但仍很重要,它们既是重要内容,又起着承上启下的作用,对增强文章的可读性很有好处。如在写通知时,结尾部分可使用常识性语句“Don't forget the time and address.”,“I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.”或“I'm sure you'll have a pleasant time.”,“That's all,thank you.”;写参观欢迎词时,开头部分可使用常识性语句“You're welcome to visit our city.”,“Now,let me tell you something about our school.”或“Let me introduce something about our school to you.”,结尾部分可用“I'm sure you'll have a pleasant journey.”,“That's all,thank you.”;写人物介绍和单位介绍时,开头部分可使用常识性语句“Now,I 'd like to introduce something about our school /Li Ping to you.”,介绍结束时可用“That's all,thank you.”;写信时可在结尾部分使用常识性语句“Please give my best regards /love /wishes to your parents.”或“Remember me to your parents!”,“I hope to hear from you soon.”或“Waiting for your early reply.”等。


为了增强文章的逻辑性,同学们应学会使用过渡性词汇,因为过渡性词汇可使文章结构更紧凑,上下文更连贯,逻辑性、可读性更强。同学们除了掌握足够的表示各种逻辑关系的连词之外,还应特别注意使用表示因果关系的thanks to(多亏了),as a result(of)(结果),表示并列关系的as well(as)(和),表示对称关系的on one hand...on the other hand(一方面,另一方面),表递进关系的 what's more(更何况),what's worse或worse than all,worse than ever,worse still,to make the matter worse(更糟糕的是),以及过渡性插入语As we all know(众所周知),As far as I know(就我所知的而言),I'm sure(我确信),I'm afraid(恐怕)。这些过渡性词汇使用场合十分广阔,使用前景十分看好,只要同学们掌握其使用特点,并增强其使用意识,在绝大多数场合都可以有选择性地将其派上用场,从而为增加书面表达得分起到立竿见影的作用。


高考英语书面表达最高要求就是要求考生用一些高级语法来提高文章的档次,提升文章的品位。当然,高考英语书面表达还不算是完整的文章,还只是写作片段,不需要同学们挖空心思,一味追求新、奇、难的语法。同学们应掌握一些表达效果好、使用场合广、操作简便易行的较高级语法,如现在分词作句首状语或句末状语,强调句、感叹句、with复合宾语句型、such as列举句型、Such be总结句型等。这些句型相对简单易学,表达效果也不错,更重要的是,只要同学们掌握其用法特点,并有意识地加以使用,高考一定能巧妙地将其派上用场并为文章增添风采。下面介绍一下这些高级语法的使用特点。


Seeing a yellow car drive up Third Street,I made a right turn into Park Road.(NMET2000 书面表达参考范文片段)


I don't know about others,but I used to work even at weekends,doing endless homework and attending classes as well.(NMET2000 书面表达参考范文片段)



It is English and computer classes that I like best.(NMET96 书面表达参考范文片段)




How time flies!(NMET98 书面表达参考范文片段)


4、with +名词+复合宾语句型的恰当使用也可以增加被描绘内容的生动性和趣味性,从而增强文章的感染性,该句型适合对细节性动作进行描绘。

My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind.(NMET97 书面表达参考范文片段)

析:该句巧用了“with +名词+复合宾语”句型作伴随状语,形象地描绘了我兄弟载我骑车时的“潇洒”姿态,暗示着他这次违章载人难逃警察的干预。

5、such as列举句型是使用场合最广的句型,该句型结构精巧,对称协调,是一个难得的好句型,而且只要有强烈的使用意识,同学们在绝大多数高考中都可让其一展风采。

不过such as句型的技术含量高,一定要稔熟其用法。such as列举句型往往用来强调人或物的个数多,需要不完全列举所有事例。该句型使用时前边先用一个总述句说明人或物的个数多,后边列举二至五个不等的并列成分,这些并列成分应短小精炼,对称协调,通常为一个词或一个短语,而不能为一个句子。

I studied quite a few subjects such as Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry and computer.(NMET96书面表达参考范文片段)

析:该句用such as列举句型说明了我的学习科目很多,而且结构巧妙,对称和谐。

I can follow my own interests such as reading books,visiting museums and taking computer lessons.(NMET2001 书面表达参考范文片段)

析:该句巧妙运用了such as列举句型,结构精巧工整,意义明确协调,堪称上乘佳句。

6、Such be总结句型适合使用于人物/单位介绍式书面表达的末尾对人物或单位进行总结,只要做有心人,在高考中使用该句型的可能性也是很大的。

Such be后边需接名词,名词后边需接同位语,同位语和被修饰名词之间常用逗号隔开。

Such is Sun Shuwei,a hardworking and successful diving star.(MET91 书面表达参考范文片段)

Such is our present life,a happy and colorful one.(NMET2001 书面表达参考范文片段)

析:该句巧用了Such be总结句型,表达了减负后学校生活的重大变化,使读者对减负给学校生活带来的变化有了一个更全面、更准确的了解。

写作:结构需严密 行文要连贯




Sample WritingI(2000)

①At 7:15 a.m. on the morning of Feb.8th,2000,I was heading east on the south side of the Park Road,taking my morning walk as usual.②I saw an old man on the other side of the road outside the gate of the City Park.③He was just crossing the street when a car on the 3rd Street made a sudden right turn at the crossing.④The car was so fast that the old man even didnt have time to dodge and the car hit the elderly hard.⑤I thought the driver would have stopped to help,but she didn't.⑥Instead,she just drove off,leaving the old man still lying on the ground in pain.⑦Fortunately,I noted down the details:it was a yellow car,the plate number of which was AC864,and the driver was a young lady.⑧After that,I went over to check out the old man.(30分)

Sample Writing II(2001)

①I'm very pleased to tell you the change s of my life since reduction of learning load was brought in.②But before that,I was often exhausted at weekends.③I attended school and had classes the whole day.④In the evening,I was often forced to do my boring homework and I could not go to bed until 11:30.⑤Since the program of reducing learning load was introduced,my life,however,has been much more interesting.⑥I frequently pay a visit to museums,drop in at computer rooms and draw pictures in my leisure(=spare)time.⑦After lunch,I watch TV,read stories and look through newspapers to enrich my horizon.⑧No longer do I stay up;on the contrary,I go to bed at about 10p.m.⑨Inshort,I am quite satisfied with my life now.(25分)

















第一句:You want to know what is going on in schools in china?对应对方的询问,运用一般陈述句式的疑问句。

第二句:In short,things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learningload.总括减负带来的变化,短语call on运用得体。

第三句:I don`t know about others,but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well.说白天减负前的情况,句末as well用得语言很娴熟。

第四句:Now I have more free time.可起到承上启下的作用。

第五句:I can follow my own in terests such as reading books,visiting museums,and taking computer lessons.

第六句:In the evenings I can watch news on TV or read news papers.晚上减负后的情况,省略减负前的“做作业”的内容。

第七句:What`s more,I can go to bed earlier.体现概括能力。避免重复介绍两个就寝时间。

第八句:As far as I know,everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.总结全文。As far as I know表达准确。




因为英文日记记述当天已发生的事情,因此在时态上体现一般过去时的特点,根据实际需要有可能个别句子使用过去进行时,同学们一定要熟悉这一时态特点,将一般过去时的时态落实到所适应的每个句子中去。但是日记的最后有可能交待写日记时的感受,可用一般现在时,如日记末尾常出现Now I feel very glad because I have done a good deed.之类的句子,不过该内容也可理解为所述事件发生时的感受,从而表达为:At that time I felt very glad because I had done a good deed.这两句中的时间状语Now和At that time表明两句所用时态是完全正确的。

日记多记述当天发生的有意义的事件,因此常可使用一些具有自我特色的单词、短语和句型,如:hold(举行)、attend(参加)、be present at(出席)、be divided into a few groups to have a discussion(分组讨论)、on one's way to(在某人去某地途中)、happen to(事件发生在……身上)、cross the street(过街)、help sb.to do sth.(帮助某人做某事)、be thankful to sb.或 express one's thanks to sb.for sth.或thank sb.for sth.(因某事对某人表示感激)、be late for(迟到)、do a good deed(做一件好事)等。同学们一定要熟悉这些显示英文日记自我特色的单词、短语和句型,并将这些单词、短语和句型稔熟于心,同时还应加强使用意识,确保在适当场合有选择地加以运用。


英文日记往往记述一件特别有意义的事件,因此开篇交待句可简单介绍一下这一事件,如:Today I visited a farm.(NMET98书面表达参考答案开篇交待句)英文日记也可以记叙重大节日的活动,因此其开篇交待句可简单介绍一下这一节日,如:It is Tree Planting Day today.英文日记的末尾总结句往往交待从所述活动中获得的收获,其末尾总结句往往简单介绍这一收获,如:Today Ifeel very glad because Ihave learned a lot from the visit.I feel very glad now because this activity benefits me very much.I decide to do more good deeds for people.


不少同学写英文日记时,只重事件的表达,而忽略语句的连贯,他们往往记不得使用或不会使用具有自我特色的过渡性词汇,结果写出来的文章缺乏连贯性和逻辑性,影响了文章的可读性。显然,同学们应学会使用过渡性词汇。英文日记以记述事件过程为主,因此往往以时间为写作线索,所以同学们应着重使用表时间的过渡性词汇,如first,then,at last/finally;at that time,now;in the morning,at noon,in the afternoon等;介绍在某一地点从事某活动而交待位置变化时,同学们应着重使用表地点的过渡性词汇,如:here /there,on either /every side of或on both /all sides of,on the one side,on the other side。


不少同学写英文日记时句式单调,枯燥乏味,缺乏美感,缺乏醒目性。显然,为提高书面表达醒目性,同学们应大胆使用一些常见但较高级的表达方式。同学们可使用感叹句,如:Whatan interesting and instructive day today!同学们也可使用with复合结构,如:I rode my bike across the street with my brother sitting on the back.同学们还可使用强调句型,如:It was early in the morning that we started.


Twenty-word formula (英语写作20字诀)

Agreement: 主语和谓语在人称、数上的一致,关系代词与先行词的一致。

Ambiguity: 尽量不去使用可能引起歧义的词语或句子。

Brief: 文章“简为贵”,要抓住要点,简明扼要。

Coherence: 文理通顺,前后连贯。

Development: 主题的发挥应当充分、合理、正确。

Division: 词汇、句子、段落要分配使用得当,划分要清楚,避免使用重复字句和种子片段。

Figures: 正确合理使用各类修辞格式。

Inflated diction: 不使用做作的语言。

Key: 用适当的关键词突出主题,每段都应有主题句。

Logical: 内容要符合逻辑。

Message: 信息要新鲜、确实、可信。

Omit: 合理删除多余的不必要部分。

Proposition: 主张、观点、论述要清楚肯切、合情入理。

Punctuation: 正确适时使用标点符号。

Relevant: 文章一定要要题。

Sentence pattern: 句型要尽量多样化。

Strait: 开门见山,直来直去。

Style: 文体恰切,适合内容要求。

Tense: 动词时态要正确、一致、变化合理。

Theme: 选题得当,主题突出。


高考书面表达题的目的是为了测试考生的英语表达能力,看其是否能够运用学过的英语知识和掌握的技能进行书面思想交流。从近年高考英语试题来看,书面表达为“情景作文”、“控制作文”或指导性写作,即根据所给情景和提示(包括图画、图表、提纲和短文)写一篇 100字左右的短文,内容涉及一般人际交往和日常生活,体裁通常为书信、日记、通知、简介和描述故事等。









(一) (NMET2001)





生词:减轻学习负担-reduce learning load


Dear Dick:

How nice to hear from you again. You want ① know what is going on in schools in China? In short, things have begun to improve ② when schools were called on to reduce learning load. I don't know about ③ the others, but I used to have to work even at ④ weekend doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have free time. I can follow my own ⑤ interest such as reading books, visiting museums, and taking computer lessons. In the evenings I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. What's more, I can go to bed earlier.

As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.

Best wishes


Li Hua



【点击】want后不能直接跟动词原形作其宾语,应接带to的动词不定式。本句还可以这样表达:Would you like to know what is going on in schools in China? You want to know something about our studies in schools in our country?




Great changes have taken place in our studies since schools were called on to reduce learning load. Things have been quite different in our studies since our schools were demanded to reduce learning load.





Before reducing learning load,I had to not only do a lot of homework but also attend classes at weekends. Only after calling on to reduce learning load can we have our own weekends, because we had endless homework to do and many different classes to attend at weekends before that.
















Warm up

Daily oral practice

T:Good morning!

Ss:Good morning!

T:Sit down,please.

Ss:Thank you!





1.head ear eye nose face mouth




2.认读这些单词并且分清my 与your

借助表情与动作,指着自己的头说:my head ;指着学生的头说:your head 等




教师摸自己的头Touch my head .然后摸着学生的.头Touch your head .


TPR 教学法的简单运用













听录音Let ‘s do























(1) 知识目标:了解新题型语法填空的命题特点、解题方法及技巧。

(2) 能力目标:熟练掌握常考的语法点,正确运用八条解题思路及备考策略。

(3) 情感目标:揭开语法填空的神秘面纱,使学生树立信心,从容应对。







Step 1 Introduction


Step 2 Main content























1. 考查语法。每一个空格的设置都必定涉及到某一条或某几条语法规则,不会单纯考查单词的拼写和词组的用法。

例 1 In Greece, women had little freedom. Wealthy women hardly left their houses, but they____ (allow) to attend weddings and some festivals.


allowed;由had, left可知be是一般过去式;主语是复数they,be的过去式是were,答案是were allowed。


例 2 The ____ why I was sad was that he didn't understand me.

解析:因为why 引导的定语从句,前面的先行词一定是reason。



例3 It was ___(笨拙的) to use as one of the points of reference was the moving ship itself.



2. 考虑语境。既然采用短文的形式来考查语法,其目的就是要利用短文有较强语境的特点来命题,否则,就不如用单句来考查语法了。也就是说,考生要填出正确答案,至少需理解整个句子的意思或各分句之间的逻辑关系,或者需要理解前后几个句子,甚至整个段落或篇章。

例4 Several changes have brought wild animals to the . Foremost, air and water quality in many cities have improved as a result of the 1970's pollution control efforts…




例5 I should have known when to hold fast and when to let go, which can help me avoid __ (feel) great pressure and upset.


点评:只要知道avoid 后接动词的-ing形式,就可填出答案,考生无需理解上下文,也无需理解本句句意即可填出答案,即解答此题无需考虑语境。

3. 考点分散。基本上一个空格代表一个语法点,10个空有可能涉及到10个语法点,至少也得有7个语法点。笔者认为,即使对一些非常重要的语法项目,如动词时态、非谓语动词、不定代词等,单独一项也可能是一空,至多两空,设三空的可能性是极小的。

4. 适当提示。

例6 Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, (reach) a record US$ 57.65 a barrel on April 4.


例7 It would be _____ (believe) that such an honest fellow

should have betrayed his friends!

解析:因为在系动词be后作表语,要用believe的形容词形式believable;由句意“这样一个老实人竟会出卖朋友,真难以置信!”可知,还要在前面加上表示相反意义的前缀un,答案为 unbelievable。

Step 3 Explanation and deduction



Eric Clapton is one of the most __36_(success) rock stars of alltime. He has sold millions of copies of his records_37______ has

appeared in concerts all over the world.

Clapton was born in 1945 in a small town, __38__ is near London. When he was only two years old, his mother left him. Eric was brought __39__ by his grandparents. Until he was nine he believed that they were his parents and it was __40__ terrible shock when he found out that they weren't. But his grandparents treated him well. They paid for him _41_(go) to art college. __42___ Eric had already become interested in music and he started

playing the guitar in bars and clubs.

Clapton first became famous when he started a group __43__ (call) Cream. Not only __44 he play the guitar and sing but also he could write excellent songs. But while on stage he was the brilliant guitar-playing superstar, his private life was falling apart. __45_ his marriage broke off, he started taking drugs.


36. successful 37. and 38. which 39. up 40. a

41. to go 42. but 43. called 44. could45. After

本篇文章粗略地介绍了超级摇滚巨星Eric Clapton的生活。

36. 此处应该填形容词successful.

37. 他已经出售了成百万张唱片,而且也出现在全世界的音乐会上。前后两部分在语义上是并列关系。因此填and.

38. 此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是地点在从句中缺少主语,故用which.

39. 当他两岁的时候,他妈妈就离开了他。Eric当然是由爷爷奶奶抚养长大。因此我们填brought up. 此处是被动语态。

40. 当他了解到他们不是(他的父母亲时),那是一个非常糟糕的打击。shock 在这里是抽象名词具体化,因此用不定冠词a.

41. 但是爷爷奶奶对他很好,他们出钱让他去美术学院。Pay for sb. to do sth.

42. 但是Eric已经对音乐产生了兴趣,他开始在酒吧和夜总会弹吉他。此处表示转折关系,用But.

43. 他创办了一个名叫Cream 的乐队,由此就成名了。a group 和call 之间是动宾关系,因此我们填called,过去分词短语做后置定语。.

44. 根据后半句也可知。他不仅能边弹吉他边唱歌,而且还能写优秀的歌曲。

45. 在舞台上,他是一个才华横溢的超级巨星。(但是)他的私生活却在逐步的土崩瓦解。在他的婚姻生活结束之后,他开始了吸毒。根据文章的意思,此处应该用介词after.




A proverb says, “Time is money”. But in my opinion, time is even 1 precious than money. Why? 2 when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is 3 , it will never return.

4 is known to all that the time we can use is limited.

Therefore we should make 5 use of our time to study hard so as to serve our country in 6 future.

But it is a pity that there are a lot of people 7 do not realize the value of time. They 8 ___ their precious time smoking, drinking and playing.

In a word, we should form the good habit of 9 (save) time. Do not put off what can be done today 10 tomorrow.

1. 根据语法知识进行填充


第7题,因there are…是个句子,do not…应是一个定语从句,缺主语,先行词是人,应填who。

2. 根据逻辑关系进行填充



3. 根据语篇标志进行填充

语篇是指比单个句子长的语言单位(句群、段落、篇章等)。语篇间往往有标明内在联系的词,我们称这些词为“语篇标志词”。如表示结构层次的有first, second, third, finally等;表示逻辑关系的有thus,therefore,so等;表示转折关系或变换话题的有however, but, by the way等。“语篇标志词”对迅速理清文章的脉络,弄清上下文关系很有帮助。



4. 根据固定词组进行填充

熟练掌握一些常见的词组,如as a matter of, be proud of, by the way, come from, congratulate…on…, devote…to…, earn one’s living, keep one’s word, make up one’s mind等,对解题很有帮助。

第6题,表示“在将来”是固定词组in the future。

5. 根据句型搭配进行填充

就是根据一些常用的句型搭配,如so/such…that…, it is…(for sb.) to do sth., There is no doubt that…, there is no sense in doing sth.等来解题。


6. 根据词汇知识进行填充

指根据某些词语在用法上的特殊搭配来解题。如下列各类动词必须牢记:只能接动词的-ing形式作宾语的动词,只能接to do作宾语的动词,接to do作补语的动词,接do作补语的动词,接doing或done作补语的动词,对句式搭配要求较为特别的词语,等等。

第8题,由time smoking可想到是spend time (in) doing句型,这是由spend的用法特别所决定的;这里是一般现在时,主语是复数,填spend。


7. 根据生活常识进行填充


8. 根据文化背景进行填充


如After the flood Mr. Deng was as poor as a church_______.

这句话的意思是“水灾后邓先生一贫如洗了”。as poor as a church mouse(一贫如洗),所以此处填mouse。

又如Nobody wants to go out, for it is raining cats and ______ now.

这句话的意思是“因为外面大雨滂沱,没有人想出去”。It rains cats and dogs.是“大雨滂沱”之意,故此处填dogs。


语法填空 仔细阅读下面短文,短文中有10个空格。请按照每小题的语法要求,完成语法填空或词形变换。

Experiments have proved that children can [1] (instruct)in swimming at a very early age. At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at [2] their breath under water even before they can walk. [3] of two months old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water. It is not long [4] they are so accustomed to swimming [5] they can pick up weights from the floor of the pool. A game that is very popular with these young [6] (swim) is the underwater tricycle race. Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water. The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool.

Many pedal their tricycles, [7] most of them prefer to push or drag them. Some children [8] (情态动词)cover the whole length of the pool [9] (介词)coming up for breath even once. Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions, only time will

tell. Meanwhile, they should encourage [10] (代词) among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air.


1. be instructed 因instructed与children是动宾关系,要用被动语态,即“be+动词的过去分词”,情态动词后用动词原形。

2. holding 由under water可知是“屏住气”,固定搭配hold one’s breath;又因在介词(at)后要用动词的-ing形式。

3. Babies 由上下文可知是指“二个月大的婴儿”,baby的复数是变y为i再加es。

4. before 因it is not long before…(不久以后就)是固定句型。

5. that 因为so…that…(如此……以致……)是固定句型。

6. swimmers 由with可知,后接的是名词,又由young和句意可知是指人,即“游泳者”,且为复数。

7. but 前后是转折关系。

8. can 由语境可知空格单词意思为“能够”。

9. without由语境可知是“不用冒出水面呼吸”。

10. those 由语境,特别是among us和后面的who引导的定语从句可知,指“那些人”。

Step 4 Homework and consolidation exercises

补充: 语法填空应测试的能力


[主旨]这是一篇故事。作者讲述自己驱车在赶往the Taiyetos Mountains的半路上,在一个穷乡僻壤的山村附近,汽车却意外得出了毛病,适值太阳正要落山,正在进退两难之际,作者被一群乐于助人而又好客的村民相救的难忘经历。



题号 赋分 答案 注解(此栏为本文作者添加)

31 1.5分 broke 原文提供原形动词break

32 1.5分 who 宾语从句引导词

33 1.5分 as 介词

34 1.5分 settled 原文提供原形动词settle

35 1.5分 a

36 1.5分 where 状语从句引导词

37 1.5分 Other

1.0分 Some

38 1.5分 merrily 原文提供形容词原级merry

39 1.5分 for 介词

40 1.5分 her 定语从句的宾语


I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting when my car 31(break) down near a remote and poor village. Cursing my misfortune, I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to 32 should have the honor of receiving me 33 a guest in their house. Finally, I accepted the offer of an old woman who lived alone in a little house. While she was getting me 34 (settle) into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to 35 small town some 20 kilometres away 36 there was a garage.

I had noticed three hens running free in my hostess's courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table. 37 villagers brought me goat's cheese and honey. We drank together and talked 38 (merry) till far into the night. When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village, I wanted to reward the old woman 39 the trouble I had caused 40 .





从答案形式来分析,原文提供三个词供考生变化(31题的break, 34题的settle, 38题的merry),两个须填理解句子成分的从句引导词(32题的who, 36题的where),两个需要理解上下文才能填的代词(37题的Other, 40题的her),两个接近于是固定搭配的介词(33题的as, 39题的for),关键在于理解句意。












In the United States, there were 222 people ____1____ (report) to be billionaires(亿万富翁) in . The __2_of these is Bill Gates, worth at least $ 41billion, who made his money ____3___starting the company Microsoft. Mr. Gates was only 21 years old ___4_he first helped to set up the company in 1976. He was a billionaire __5__the time he was 31. __6_, there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even ___7__(young) ages. Otheryoung people who have struck it rich include Jackie Coogan and Shirley Temple. ___8_ of these child actors made over a million dollars ___9____ (act) in movies before they were 14. But ___10___ youngest billionaire is Albert von Thurn und Taxis of Germany, who, in , inherited (继承) a billion dollars when he turned 18!


Finishing their shopping at the mall, a couple discovered that their new car ____1_____ (steal) .They filed a report____2____ thepolice station and a detective drove them ____3___ to the parking lot to look for evidence. To their ____4____ (amaze), the car had been returned ___5_ there was a note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your car. My wife was having a baby and I had to rush her to the__6__. Please forget the inconvenience. There are two tickets ____7____ tonight's Mania Twain concert.” Their faith in humanity restored. The couple attended ____8____ concert. But when they returned home, they immediately found ____9_____ their house had been ransacked (洗劫). On the bathroom mirror was ____10_ note: “I have to put my kid through college somehow, don't I?”


People __1__(live) in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred __ 2_ in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four ___3_ five hundred thousand words. But we do not need ____4___ these. To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words. ____5___ you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more. The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary ______6__ (big). Read as many books as we can. There are a lot of books _____7____ (write) in easy English. You will enjoy them. When you meet _____8__ new word, look it ____9____ in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your _____10_____ (much) useful book.


When you are in England you must be very careful in the streets ____1____ the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street you must look to the right first _2___ then the left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from __3____, the streets are very busy. Traffic is most ___4___ (danger) then. When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, ____5____. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. _____6____ (have) a look first, or you will go ____7____ wrong way. In many English cities, there are big buses ____8_____ two floors. You can sit on the ______9____ (two) floor. From ____10_____ you can see the city very well. It’s very interesting.


__1 artist had a small daughter. Sometimes he painted women ___2__ any clothes on, and he and his ____3___ always tried to keep the small girl out____4___ he was doing this, “She is ____5_____ young to understand,” they said. But one day, when the artist ____6____ (paint) a woman with no clothes on, he forgot to lock the door, and the girl suddenly ran into the room. He mother ran up the stairs ___7__ her, but when she got to the room, the little girl was already in the room and looking at the woman. _____8___ her parents waited for her to speak. For a few seconds the little girl said ____9____, but then she ran to her mother and said ____10_____ (angry), “Why do you let her go about without shoes and socks on when you don’t let me?”


Most Americans don’t like to get advice ____1___ members of their family. They get advice from “_2___(strange)”. When they need advice, they don’t usually go to people they know. __3_ many of them write letters to newspapers and magazines ___4 give advice on many different subjects ____5___ (include) family problems, the use of language, health, cooking, child care, clothes, ____6___ even on how to buy a house or a car. Most newspapers ____7__ (regular) print letters from readers with problems. Along with the letters there are ____8_ written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems. Some of these writers are doctors, ____9____ are lawyers or educators. But two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special ____ 10___ (train) for this kind of work.


Without proper planning, tourism can cause_____1____. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places ___2____ are also enjoyed by the inhabitants(居民) of a country. If tourism create too much traffic, the inhabitants will become ___3__ (annoy) and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists __4__ to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the country’s economy. _____5____ is important to think about the people of a destination country and ___6__ tourism affects them. Tourism should help__7__ country keep the customs and beauty that attracts tourists. Tourism should also advance the wealth and ___8_____ (happy) of local inhabitants. Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism __9__ (grow) too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work____10_____ the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the country’s economy can suffer.


Why is setting goals so ______1____? Because goals can help you do, be, and experience everything ____2____ you want in life. Instead ___3____ just letting life happen to you, goals allow ____4_____ to make your life happen. ____5_____ (success) and happy people have sets lots of goals to help them reach their aims. By setting goals you aretaking control of your life. It’s __6___ having a map to show you ____7____ you want to go. Winners in life set goals and follow through with them. Winners decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and _____8___ (set) goals. Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren’t difficult to set, and ____9____aren’t difficult to reach. It is up to you to find out what your goals really are. You are ___10_one who must decide what to do and in what direction to aim your life.

参考答案 :

(1) 1 reported 2 richest/wealthiest 3 by 4 when 5 by

6 However 7 younger 8 Both 9 acting 10 the

(2) 1 had been stolen 2 at 3 back 4 amazement 5 and

6 hospital 7for 8 the 9 that 10 another

(3) 1 living 2 languages 3 or 4 all 5 Before 6 bigger

7 written 8 a 9 up 10 most

(4) 1 because 2 and 3 work 4 dangerous 5 too 6 Have

7 the 8 with 9 second 10 there

(5) 1 An 2 without 3 wife 4 when/while 5 too

6 was painting 7 after 8 Both 9 nothing 10 angrily

(6) 1 from 2 strangers 3 Instead 4 that/which 5 including 6 and 7 regularly 8 answers 9 others 10 training

(7) 1 problems 2 that/which 3 annoyed 4 and 5 It

6 how 7 a 8 happiness 9 grows 10 in

(8) 1 important 2 that 3 of 4 yourself 5 Successful

6 like 7 where 8 setting 9 they 10 the




Elephants are the biggest animals ___1____ live on land. Some whales are bigger than elephants ___2___ whales live in the sea. When ___3____ (bear), a baby elephant ____4___ (weigh) about 91 kilograms. That is the weight of a ___5___ (grow) man. It is about 91 cm high. At the age of six, it is about 183 cm high. It is not until it reaches the age of 12 that it ___6___ growing. It may be 320 cm high. African elephants are bigger than Indian elephants. African elephant have much bigger ears. Elephants have very long noses ___7____ we call trunks. Elephants have longer noses than any ____8___ animal. The elephant can use ___9___ trunk to smell things and it can pick up things ____10___ the tip of its trunk. The tip of its trunk can be used like a hand. Can you do that like an elephant?


1.that 2 but 3 born 4. weighs 5 grown

6 stops 7 which 8. other 9. its 10 with

I.语言结构2 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


If the population of the Earth keeps on ____1____ (increase) at its present rate, there will ____2____ (event) not be enough resources left to support life on the planet. By the middle of the 21st century, if present trends continue, we ____3____ (use up) all the oil that drives our cars, for example. Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race, the crowded conditions on Earth will make it ____4___ for us to look for open somewhere else. But ___5___ of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at present. One possible solution to the problem, ___6___, has recently been suggested by an American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan. Sagan believes that ____7____ the Earth’s resources are completely ____8____(exhaust) it will be possible to change the atmosphere of Venus and ___9___ create a new world almost as large as Earth itself. Something is difficult. Venus is much hotter than the Earth. ___10___, there is only a tiny amount of water there.


1. increasing 2 eventually 3 will have used up 4 necessary 5 none

6. however 7 before 8 exhausted 9 so/therefore 10. Besides



On the coast of Cuba ___1___ an old fisherman. He was thin and had many deep lines in the back of his neck. His skin was very brown, and his ___2___ were marked by pulling heavy fish at the end of ropes. But all these marks were old. Every part of him seemed old ____3___ his eyes. These were cheerful and the same color ___4___the sea. For 84 days the old man did not catch any fish. People said that he was ___5___(luck). ___6____the old man still loved the sea. He was still strong and a good fisherman. On the 85th day the old man sailed farther out to the sea than ___7___ of the other boats. He sailed to ___8___ the water was very deep. Then he felt fishing-line ___9____(pull)gently by a big fish which ___10___(swim) very deep in the water.


1. lived 2. hands 3. except 4 as 5. unlucky

6 But 7. any 8. where 9. being pulled 10. was swimming



Dolphins ____1____(become) a popular attraction at zoos in recent years. They are more interesting than lions and tigers ___2____ they are livelier and perform tricks, like circus animals. But ____3____(连词)they are more willing to cooperate with the trainer than other mammals in captivity, they get bored if they ___4___ (ask) to do the same trick twice. This is one reason ___5___ believing that they are very intelligent.

Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them helping ____6___(drown) sailors have been common ___7___ Roman times. We now have more reliable evidence of their ___8___ (use) than sailors’ tales. In South Africa, two dolphins have been trained to help swimmers ___9___ difficulties and drive sharks___10___ from the beach.


1. have become 2 because 3. although/though 4 are asked 5. for

6 drowning 7 since 8. usefulness 9 in 10 away

I.语言结构5 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Is it possible for people to live on Venus in the future?

____1___ the experiments are successful, life will become possible there. ___2___ it will not be pleasant at first. ___3____ they go to Venus, the first colonists will have to take plenty of water with them and get used to days and nights ___4___ (last) 60 earth-days. But there will also be some ____5___. The colonists will live longer because their hearts will suffer ___6___ strain than on earth. ____7_____ that, they will be exploring a new world while ___8___ still on earth are living in closed, uncomfortable conditions. Perhaps, it will be the ___9____ way to ensure the ___10___(survive) of the human race.


1 If 2 But 3 When 4. lasting 5 advantages

6 less 7 Apart from/ Besides 8 those 9. only 10 survival



Increasingly, over the past 10 years, people---especially young people---have become aware of the need ____1____(change)their eating habits, ___2___ some of the food they eat, particularly ____3___(process) foods, is not good for health. Therefore , there has been a growing interest in ___4___(nature) foods: foods ___5___ chemical additives and unaffected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in ___6____(farm)today.

It is significant ___7____ nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy ___8___. In white bread, for example, the fiber has been removed. But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries ____9____ the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis ___10____ (place) on the eating of wholemeal bread and more vegetables by modern experts on ‘health eating’.


1. to change 2 because 3 processed 4 natural 5 without

6. farming 7. that 8. diet 9. where 10. is placed



Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruits and grains grown in soil ____1___ is rich in organic matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished ___2___ unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. ___3___ in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of ___4___ is to increase the amount---but not the ___5____ ---of foods ___6___ (grow) in commercial farming areas. Natural foods, scientists believe, are healthier and safer.

Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures. Compare this with ___7___ happens in the mass production of poultry: there are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and ___8____(feed) on food which is little ___9___ than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only ___10___(taste) as food; they also produce eggs which lack important vitamins.


1. that 2. by 3 This 4 which 5 quality

6 grown 7 what 8 are fed 9. better 10. tasteless

I.语言结构8 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


The Second World War came in 1939. It was the war more than ____1___ else which _____2_____(quick)the development of plastics. Scientists all over the world worked harder than they _____3____ (work) before. Plastics and plastic fibers were needed by every wartime department. So it was largely ___4____ the wartime ___5____ we have so many different plastic materials today.

But will the spread of plastics mean the end of natural materials? One day, perhaps, ____6___ might happen. Artists as well as manufacturer are now working with plastics. ____7___ many people still prefer the look and feel of natural materials. The trouble with plastics is ___8____they are ---at the moment---too perfect. Their surfaces are too smooth. Two plastics ____9___ come from the same mould look exactly the same. But two objects made of wood ___10___ look quite the same, even if they have been made by machines in a factory.


1. anything 2. quickened 3 had worked 4. because of / thanks to / owing to 5 that 6 this 7. But 8. that 9. which 10. never



It is not likely ___1____ plastic fibers will ever completely take the place of natural fibers. Materials made of plastic fibers are not quite as beautiful to look at ___2___as silk, or quite as soft as wool – at least, not yet. ___3___, clothes made of pure plastic fibers do not ‘breathe’ ___4___ clothes made of natural materials --- at least, not yet! They make the ___5____(wear) feel hot and sticky. ____6___ cloth manufacturers now usually mix cotton or wool with the plastic fibers.

Perhaps we could call ____7___ the Plastic Age. Certainly more and better plastics ___8____(make)in the future. The Germans have manufactured a car which is almost completely made of plastics. The famous British engine builders, Rolls Royce, have produced an aero plane engine, made mostly of plastics. But it is nice to know ___9____for a long time ___10___ (come) sheep will continue to give us their wool, and that the cotton pickers will continue to sing their songs under the sun in the cotton fields.


1. that 2 as 3. Besides 4. like 5. wearer

6. Therefore/So 7. this 8. will be made 9. that 10. to come



Sports help people to live happily. They help to keep people healthy and feeling good. ____1___ they are playing games, people move a lot. ____2___ is good for their health. ____3____(have) fun with their friends makes them happy. Many people enjoy sports by watching others play. In small town, crowds meet ____4____(watch)the bicycle races ___5___ the soccer games. In the big cities, thousands buy tickets to see a baseball game and an ice-skating show

What are your favorite sports? Is the climate hot ____6___ you live? Then swimming is probably one of your sports. Boys and girls in China love to swim. There are wonderful beaches along the seashore and there are beautiful rivers and lakes across the country. The weather is also good ___7___ swimming. Or do you live in ___8___ cold climate? Then you would like to ski. Here are many skiers in Austria where ____9___ are big mountains and cold winters. Does it train often ____10____ you live? Then kite flying would not be one of your sports. It is one of favorite sports of Thailand.


1. When 2. This 3 Having 4 to watch 5 or

6 where 7. for 8 a 9 there 10 where



There is one holiday in the year, which is completely American, Thanksgiving Day. It is the day ___1___ everyone goes back home to spend the day ___2___ his family.

___3___ is a story of Thanksgiving Day and of one’s efforts to carry on these traditions. Old Pete took his seat this day on his usual bench in Union Square. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years Pete ____4___ (take) this same seat exactly at one o’clock, and each time the same pleasant thing had happened. ___5___ this time Pete had come here ___6___ from habit than from hunger.

Certainly today Pete was not hungry. He had just had a dinner so enormous that he could ____7___ breathe. The buttons on his ragged shirt and coat were about ___8___ (burst). He was ___9___ full of soup, oysters, roasters, roast turkey, apple pie, ice cream and a dozen other rich foods that the November breeze and the first light fall of snow ___10___(feel) cool and pleasant to his face.


1. when 2. with 3. This 4. had taken 5. But

6. more 7. hardly 8. to burst 9. so 10 felt



Can you believe it? There’s a world paper shortage, there’s a national bottle shortage, and we’re running out of raw materials ___1___ timber and tin---or so the papers say. Well. I’ve just ___2___(empty) my shopping basket after my weekly shopping trip and it was full of things made from these scarce materials. Half of ___3___ I’d bought I threw away at once: all those ___4___(necessary) paper bags, plastic bags, fresh wrapping paper and old newspapers they put the food in nowadays.

You can’t ___5___ buy a loaf of bread without getting a piece of paper round it---that’s if you can find a loaf ___6___ hasn’t already been sliced and then wrapped. Supermarkets are the worst offenders. Pieces of meat are put on small plastic trays and ___7___ wrapped in polythene; cartons of cream are put in extrapaper bags at the checkout point, fruit and vegetables ___8___(pack) in plastic bags, cheese is sold ___9___(wrap) in polythene and eggs come in special cardboard ___10___ plastic boxes. Some things are double-packed by the maker: tins of fish come in small cardboard boxes, breakfast cereals are packed in plastic bags inside cardboard containers.


1. like 2. emptied 3. what 4. unnecessary 5. even

6. that 7. then 8. are packed 9. wrapped 10. or




One day in 1848 a carpenter named Marshall, ___1__(引导词) worked in a saw mill on the American River in California, made a remarkable discovery. He noticed some bight yellow particles in the water, bent down to ___2__ them ___2___(动词短语) and took them to his partner, a Mr. Sutter. ___3___(代词) was the beginning of the Californian Gold Rush. Sutter was a Swiss. The man had come to America some years earlier to make his fortunate(4合并为一个句子). The governor of California had given him permission to found ___5____(冠词) settlement in the Sacramento Valley and his ___6____(determine的派生词) and energy had made him rich. He had built the mill in partnership with Marshall ___7____ (make的正确形式) use of the abundant natural resources of his land.

The news spread across America to Europe and thousands of people joined in search. Those which went by ship had to sail round Cape Horn to reach California but some chose the overland route across America and wagon trains were formed for travelers to make the journey(8改正错误). Even then there were some who _____9______ (prepare的时态) to cross the terrible desert of Death Valley in order to reach the gold a few days ___10____(介词)the rest.


1. who 2 pick up 3 This

4 Sutter was a Swiss, who had come to America some years earlier to make his fortunate. 5. a

6 determination 7 to make 8 which ---who 9 were prepared 10 before



During World War II some men made a ship of ice. They wanted it to carry planes. This idea coming from the Eskimos who sometimes froze thick pieces of Arctic plants into the ice which they used to build their ice houses(1改正错误). _______(2代词)plant material greatly increased the strength of the ice blocks. It also prevented them from melting early in the spring.

During the early days of World War Ⅱ, the British and Americans tried mixing crushed wood material from paper mills with water and freezing it. It was very strong,they found.(3合并句子) A stick of this ____4____ (用strengthen适当的派生词填空) ice and inch thick would support the weight of six men. A sheet four inches thick would ______ a shot ____(5短语动词)a gun. It could not be cut with a single blow _____ (6介词) an axe. The wood material formed a protective blanket ______ (7引导词)stopped the ice from melting. A five-foot block of this ice was boiled in water for four days ______ ( 8连词) it melted. It _____(9用动词的适当形式填空)for weeks in ____ (10冠词) lake water at sixty degrees Fahrenheit without melting.


1. coming---came 2 This 3 They found that it was very strong 4 strengthened

5 stop from 6 from 7 which/that 8 before 9 was floated 10 /



Our modern world is founded on science and on technology too, which is the application of science ___1__(介词) everyday affairs. Mostly everything we do depends on our modern devices such as automobiles, record players and TV sets(2改正错误), and ___3___(代词) in turn depend on scientific principles. Our future will depend on computers, robots, nuclear power and rockets ships, all of them only make sense if we understand science(4改为定语从句).

If a person ____5____(not understand的正确时态) what makes these things work, they might as well be magic. People without ___6__(冠词) understanding of science live in a world that makes no sense. They might say, “So what? All I want to do is make a living, have a family and look at the scenery”. This is not so easy. They may find (7合并为一句).

Surely, it will be ____8____(increase的正确派生词) important, as the years pass, for people to understand science if they are going to be expected to help ____9____(make的正确形式) intelligent decisions about how to use science to save the world and not to destroy it.

That is ___10___(引导词) it is important to study science even if one is not going to be a scientist.


1. to 2 Almost 3. these

4. all of which only make sense if we understand science. 5. does not understand

6 . an 7. They may find (that) this is not so easy. 8. increasingly 9 make 10. why



The Chinese first made paper about years ago. China still has pieces of paper which were made as long as ___1___. But paper was not made in southern Europe ___2___ abut the year 1100. Scandinavia---which now ___3___(make) a great deal of the world’s paper---did not begin to make it until 1500. ___4___ was a German named Schaeffer who found out that one could make the best paper from trees.

Paper is very good for ___5___ (keep) you warm. Houses are often insulated(使绝缘) with paper. You have perhaps seen ___6____(home) men asleep on a larger number of newspapers. We ____7____(have) paper cups, plates, and dishes for a long time. Now chairs and ___8___ beds can be made of paper. We hear. ____9___paper boots and shoes, you can wear paper hats, paper dresses, and paper raincoats. When you have used them once, you throw them away and buy new ____10___.


1. that 2 until 3. makes 4. It 5. keeping

6 homeless 7 have had 8 even 9 With 10 ones



The pyramids were built on high ground, above the highest point __1__ the Nile flood water ever reached. The pyramid builders first built a slope ___2__ the Nile bank to the place for the Great Pyramid. Making this road and preparing the ground took 10 years. After that, ___3___ (build) the great Pyramid itself took 20 years. And ___4___ was possible only because the Pharaoh of Egypt used a very large number of people for the work. Some of them were prisoners of war and other captures people. ___5___ many of them were the Pharaoh’s own people---the farmers of Egypt. ___6___ the Nile flood began in September and their fields were ___7___ water, the pharaoh’s servants ordered them to go to work at the pyramids.

By the end of the great period of pyramid building the rich country of Egypt ___8__(become)poor. Why did the Pharaohs do it? It was a time of change in their religion. At the beginning of the period, the Pharaoh ___9___ (expect) to live in his tomb after death. His life there, he thought, would be like his life ____10___ death(10合并为一句).


1.that 2. from 3. building 4. this 5 But

6.When 7 under 8.had become 9. expected 10 before


Getting paid to talk about the World Cup is a great job. I’m not a football commentator, though just an English teacher in Japan.

I came to Japan two years ago, and didn’t think I would stay, but Japan has that effect [1]______(介词) you. People often end up living here [2]______(long) than they planned. I think it’s best to teach in a bigger city [3]______(引导词) there are other foreigners to mix with. Rather than a small town where English teachers often complain of [4]______(feel) like a goldfish in a bowl. Many people choose to live in Tokyo, of course, which is good for the nightlife factor. But I’d say that for general quality of living, cities of neither too large [5]______(连词) too small, like Sapporo where I live, are better choices.

I teach English [6] ______ (private), which means I’m my own boss. If you want to devote yourself to private teaching, it’s well worth doing a TEFL course first, because your lessons will be much better for it. The problem with private teaching is finding students. It took me a year to build up [7]______(冠词) full schedule(日程表) of private lessons. I started out teaching in schools part time.

Most of my foreign friends here work full time for big English conversation schools. The salary is fine to [8]______(动词短语). [9]But whether you can save money depend on how much going out and traveling you do here.(改正错误)

The schools are reluctant to take time off---even teachers with tickets for the England-Argentina game had trouble [10] ______ (get) the day off.


1. on 2. longer 3. where 4. feeling 5 nor

6. privately 7. a 8. live on 9. depend 10 getting


The world ____1___(run) out of oil and energy experts believe that there could be serious shortages in ten years’ time. Not only is each individual using more oil than ever before, as the standard of living in industrialized countries rises, but the population ____2___(explode) means that each year ____3___ more people will be using oil in some form ___4___ other. Until recently we took oil for granted: it seemed it would never stop flowing. It was ___5___ cheap and plentiful that the whole world came to depend on it. Government neglected other ___6____ of energy: electricity was generated from oil and power stations were fired by it. It found its way into many of the products of light industry. Many people are surprised ___7___ they learn how many items in their homes contain oil.

The increase in the price of oil has brought the world to its senses. Governments are searching for a suitable alternative, ___8___ so far in vain. They are considering ___9___ they can make better use of the two other major fuels, coal and natural gas, but they have found that ___10___ can take the place of oil in their economics.


1. is running 2. explosion 3. many 4. or 5. so

6. sources 7. when 8. but 9. how 10. neither



Pete sat on the bench now, ___1___ able to move. He was too tired. He happened to look to the left ___2___ there in the distance he saw the Old Gentleman coming toward him. He wanted to get up and run, but he was so full of food that he stayed right there. Every Thanksgiving Day ___3___ nine years, the Old Gentleman had come ___4___ and found Pete on this same bench, and then taken him to a restaurant and bought him a ___5____ dinner. It was a kind of tradition ___6___ the Old Gentleman, __7___ had no family and lived alone, had tried to continue. The old man was tall and thin and 60 years old. He was noble looking and he always ____8___ (dress) in black. His hair was whiter and thinner than it ___9___ (be) the year before, and he leaned _____10____ (heavy) on his cane than he used to.


1.hardly 2. and 3. for 4. there 5. Thanksgiving

6. which 7. who 8 dressed 9. had been 10. more heavily



How much paper do you use every year? Probably you can’t answer that question quickly. In 1900 the world’s use of paper was about one kilogram ___1__ each person in a year. Now some countries use as ___2___ as 50 kilograms of paper for each person in a year. The amount of paper a country uses shows how far advanced the country is, some people say. It is difficult to say ___3___ this is true: different people mean different things ___4___ the word ‘advanced’. But countries ___5___ the United States, England and Sweden certainly use more paper than other countries.

Paper, like many other things ___6___ we use today, was first made in China. In Egypt and the West, paper was not very ___7___(common) used before the year 1400. The ___8___ wrote on papyrus; Europeans used parchment for many hundreds of years. Parchment was very strong; it was made from the ___9___ of certain young animal. We have learnt some of the most important facts of European history from records that ___10___(keep) on parchment.


1. for 2. much 3. whether 4 by 5 like

6. that 7. commonly 8. Egyptians 9. skin 10 were kept



Only one of the ‘seven Wonders’ of the ancient world remains: the pyramids of Egypt. The ___1___(famous) of the Egyptian pyramids are the pyramids of Giza. These pyramids were built more than 5,000 years ago. The biggest of ___2___ was the ‘Great Pyramid’, the pyramid of Khufh. It was 146 meters high, and each of the four sides ___3___(measure) 230 meters and faced exactly north, south, east or west. It was made of about 2,300,000 blocks of stones, all exactly the ___4___ shape. The ___5___ of each block was about 2.5 tons.

The ancient Egyptians had ___6___ like our machines to lift heavy things. They used sledges, levers, and rollers. They were very clever ___7___ these things. The power ___8___(supply) by hundreds or thousands of men. To move a big block of stone to a position 100 meters up, they ___9___ built up a long slope from the ground to that position, then they used levers and rollers to put the block on a sledge, and many men polled the sledge ___10___ the slope.


1. most famous 2. them 3. measured 4. same 5. weight

6. nothing 7. with 8. was supplied 9. first 10. up



In Tokyo there are always too many people in the places ___1___ I want to be. That is the important fact for me. Of course there are too many cars. The Japanese drive very fast when they can but in Tokyo they often spend a long time in traffic jams. Tokyo is not different from London, Paris and New York ___2___ that. It is different ___3___ one wants to walk.

At certain times of the ___4___ there are a lot of people on foot in London’s Oxford Street or near the big shops and stores in ___5___ great cities. ___6___ the streets near the Ginza in Tokyo always have a lot of people on foot, and sometimes it is really ___7___ to walk. People are very polite; there are just too many of them.

The worst time to be in the street is at 11:30 at night. That is when the night clubs ___8___(close) and everybody wants to go home. There are 35,000 night clubs in Tokyo, and you do not often see ___9___ that is empty. Between 11 and 12 everybody is looking for a taxi. Usually the taxis ___10___(share) by four or five people who live in the same part of the city.


1. where 2 in 3 when 4 day 5 other

6. But 7 difficult 8 are closing 9 one 10 are shared

语言结构24 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


In the old days an Eskimo boy went out ___1___ with the men at the age of twelve. At twenty, he was an ___2___(experience) and skilful hunter. He brought home seals, birds, caribou, polar bears, and even whales. When he married, he chose a wife ___3___ was skilful in many ways, ___4___(special) in making clothes and other things ____5___ skins.

The Eskimos taught their children with great care. The old stories ____6___(tell) in words which never changed and the children had to tell them again and again ____7___ they knew them perfectly. They learned the old Eskimos songs and dances which ____8___(express) their ideas about nature and the spirit world. And most of all they learnt the skills which kept the Eskimos ____9___ in a hard land---the skills ___10___ used every part of the animals, birds and fish and the few plants and trees.


1. hunting 2. experienced 3. who 4 especially 5 from

6. were told 7. until 8 expressed 9. alive 10 which



Many small ___1___ (culture) groups live in places far away from modern cities. Some of these tribes have never had any communication outside of their small geographical areas. When they do contact the outside world, their lives usually change. ___2___(learn) how to change ___3___ losing the best of their own cultures is a problem for them. How can primitive cultures learn to live in a technological world? How can they do this without becoming ___4___?

One native tribe in New Guinea has a difficult situation. The people of the tribe ___5___(pull) in two ways. First of all, copper has been discovered under the land ___6___ they have lived for centuries. ___7___(develop) want to take the copper out of the ground, to mine it. The tribe needs the money ___8___ a copper mine would bring. The problem is that the copper is directly under the ___9___ (important) buildings of their society. These buildings are a necessary part of their religion. How can the copper ___10___(mine) without changing the group’s religion?


1. cultural 2. Learning 3.without 4. lost 5. are being pulled

6. where 7. Developers 8. that 9. most important 10. be mined


Lesson 21

Word presentations:

1.G_______your toys up.

2.I’ve tried all sorts of medicines to get r ___of this cold.

3.The dustmen come on Thursdays to collect the r___________.

4.It looks as if it isn’t clean enough to b _____here.

5.Don’t r _________me of that awful day.


1.Where did the conversation happen?

2.What did they want to do there?

3.Why couldn’t they have a swim in the sea?

4.How did the sea become polluted?

Language points:

1.Mr Zhu is taking a school party to the seaside.

party :a group if people doing something together

A party of schoolchildren is going to the beach.

The search party found the missing child.

A rescue party has been sent out to bring back the injured workers.

There are fifty in all in the party traveling in Beijing.

2.It looks as if it isn’t clean enough to bathe noise.

(1).It looks as if +clause.

It looks as if there will be a storm.

It looks as if we shall have to walk home.

It looks as if she didn’t know anything about the secret.

(2).not +adj./adv.+enough+to do sth.

He is not old enough to go to school.

The coat is not large enough for you to wear.

The book isn’t easy enough for him to read.

3.It seems that there is a big waste pipe coming down from the town.

It seems + that –clause.

It seems that everything is ready for the travel.

It seems that no one is against the plan.

It seemed that life for her was rather hard.

4.No matter how much you want to bathe, it just isn’t safe.

No matter 这个词组意为“不管”,“无论”,常与疑问词who ,what, when, where, how等连用,引导让步状语从句。

No matter how late he goes to bed, he always gets up early.

No matter who knocks, don’t open the door.

No matter what she says, I won’t believe her.

No matter where you go, I’ll go with you.

5.Gather round and listen carefully.

(1).gather round “集合起来”,“集合在---周围”。

The headmaster asked the teachers to gather all the students round.

Gather round , and I’ll tell you a story.

(2).gather “集合,采集,逐渐加强或加快”。

We’ll gather at the gate of the hotel at a quarter to eight.

This year we gathered a rich harvest of grain.

The train was gathering speed as it left the station.


gather 把分散的东西集中在一起,collect精心的有选择地收集。

You should collect your thoughts before you speak.

He gathered his books and notes books and left the classroom.

6.Let me remind you what we are looking for.

(1).remind sb.of sth./sb.

I was remind of my promise.


She reminded me that I hadn’t watered the flowers.

(3).remind sb.to do sth.

I reminded him to work hard.


1.You can give the book to ______you like .

A. who

B. whom

C. whoever

D. whomever

2.There are many clouds in the sky. It looks as if it ______rain.

A. is going to

B. will

C. were going to

D. would

3.It _____that he ran across a friend of his when he needed help.

A. seems

B .appears

C. happened

D. looks

4.________it is to see him stand on his head for an hour.

A. What a pity

B. What a shame

C. What a fun

D. What a wonder

5.It is difficult to ____her. She likes gossiping very much.

A. smooth

B. get rid of

C. remind

D. punish

5.It is difficult to ____her. She likes gossiping very much.

A. smooth

B. get rid of

C. remind

D. punish


1.Finish off workbook exercises.

2.Preview Lesson 22.

Lesson 22

Dealing with waste

Word presentations

sts are moving u________.

2.Will the president s _________re-election at the end of his term of office?

3.Although he is over 80 , he is still very a___________.

4.Children need a happy home e___________.

5.Spending on military equipment has m ______________in the last five years.

6.Farming on such bad land is a struggle against n__________.

Answer the questions:

1.Why do you think waste must be treated?

2.If waste is poured into rivers or seas without being treated, what will happen?

3.What kind of waste is not allowed to be thrown into the sea?

4.How is dangerous waste usually dealt with?

5.Is radioactive waste allowed to be thrown into the sea? Why not?

6.What problems does throwing away rubbish cause in western countries?

7.What is the situation like in China?

8.What has been done for environmental protection?

9.Do you have any suggestions for reducing waste and controlling pollution?

Language points:

1.Dealing with waste

“deal with”作 “处理”解。deal的过去式 dealt。

(1).How shall we deal with the problem?

(2). There are many difficulties for us to deal with.

(3).Don’t worry! That matter has already been dealt with.

deal with “对待”;“对付”。

(1).This book deals with problems of pollution.

(2).He made a speech at the conference, dealing with fork music.

2.How to get rid of waste is a great problem for the world today?

How to get rid of waste “疑问词+不定式”结构。

(1).How to deal with the problem puzzles us.

(2).When t o start for Shanghai is not yet decided.

(3).Where to store the waste is still a problem.

get rid of “排除”“摆脱”“处理掉”。

(1).You must get rid of all your worries and have a good rest.

(2).We shall have to get rid of these old pictures.

(3).How can I get rid of the pain in the leg?

3.In many countries with sea casts, human waste is piped directly into the sea without being treated.

Without +being done “未经/被-----”的意思。

(1).He left the classroom without being permitted.

(2).She walked away from home on a dark night without being seen.

(3).He was lucky; he escaped from the burning house without being injured.

4.Although the sea breaks up the waste, beaches may become polluted and fish may not be safe to eat.

break up:(1)scatter;

(2)separate or become separated into parts by breaking;


(1).The police came and broken up on the rock.

(2). Sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases.

(3).The ship was broken up on the rock.

5.A better method is to take the waste far out to sea in ships where the wind and waves break it down.

break sown “分解”

(1).After many years, rocks break down into dirt.(物理变化)

(2).Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.(化学变化)

break: separate into parts by brea


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