
趣祝福 · 圣诞节祝福语 · 平安夜收到祝福语




3、送你棵坠满礼物的圣诞树,顶上最大最亮那颗是我的真心,下面挂的是我的痴心,丝带里缠绕的是我的一颗不变心。圣诞快乐! Im giving you a Christmas tree full of gifts. The largest and brightest one on the top is my sincerity, while the one hanging below is my infatuation. The ribbon is wrapped around my unchanging heart. Merry Christmas!

4、又该迎接新的一年了.我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的圣诞祝福,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,幸福美满! The welcome the new year again. We send you and your loved ones have the best christmas blessing, wish you in the new year be filled with happiness!

5、圣诞节日好热闹,人来人往大街绕。圣诞礼物送亲友,美满幸福吉祥照。甜甜蜜蜜全家笑,围坐一起举杯邀。传扬美德好风尚,善举济世美风貌。圣诞快乐! Christmas Day is so lively, with people coming and going around the streets. Christmas gifts for family and friends, happy and auspicious photos. Sweet and sweet, the whole family laughed and sat together, toasting and inviting. Spread virtues and good customs, and do good deeds to bring beauty to the world. Merry Christmas!


7、朋友就是:一份理解,一份支持,一分关爱,一句问候,一些取舍,一片真诚,一种默契,一些惦念,一定难忘~祝我的朋友圣诞快乐! A friend is: one understanding, one support, one care, one greeting, some choices, one sincerity, one understanding, some thoughts, definitely unforgettable~Wishing my friend a happy Christmas!

8、祝你圣诞节快乐,生活有滋有味! Wish you a happy christmas and a wonderful life!

9、圣诞节,圣诞老人携着我的祝福飞翔,收到的人喜事临门,阅读的人四季好运,储存的人情长意深,转发的人来年提级加薪事事都顺!祝圣诞快乐开心! Christmas, Santa Claus carries my blessings and flies. Those who receive them have good luck all year round. Those who read will have good luck, and those who store their emotions will have a deep meaning. Those who forward them will have a promotion and salary increase next year, and everything will go smoothly! Wishing you a happy Christmas!

10、烟花的一瞬是快乐,流星的一瞬是祈愿,思念的一瞬是感动,而我只想让你在看到短信的一瞬间能够明白:我是真心的祝你一生幸福!圣诞节快乐! The moment of fireworks is a moment of happiness, the moment of shooting stars is a prayer, the moment of missing is a moment of emotion, and I just want you to understand at the moment you see the text message: I sincerely wish you a happy life! Merry Christmas!


12、圣诞到,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!心情天天好!圣诞快乐! Christmas arrives, let happiness embrace you gently, let difficulties see you obediently, let troubles slip away secretly, let auspiciousness take special care of you, let happiness smile on you forever! Good mood every day! Merry Christmas!


14、春有百花,秋望月。夏有凉风,冬听雪。心中若有烦恼事,便是人生好时节。愿你:晨有清逸,暮有闲愁。梦随心动,心随梦求。圣诞快乐 In spring, there are a hundred flowers, and in autumn, the moon looks on. There is a cool breeze in summer and snow in winter. If there are troubles in the heart, it is a good season in life. May you: In the morning, there is tranquility, and in the evening, there is leisure and sorrow. Dreams follow the heart, the heart seeks after dreams. Merry Christmas

15、用虔诚的心灵,用实诚的心情,用祈愿的心声,用祝福的心态,点燃圣诞神灯;许一个心愿,求一个福愿;送给圣诞节的你,祝你好运连连,愿你幸福平安! With a devout heart, a sincere heart, a voice of prayer, and a mindset of blessings, light the Christmas lamp; Make a wish and seek a blessing; To you at Christmas, I wish you good luck and wish you happiness and peace!

16、寒冷的冬天有个浪漫的节日是圣诞,浪漫的圣诞里有个祝福的信息在传遍,传遍的信息里满满的是平安,平安的传递里是你的健康我的祝愿。祝圣诞快乐! In the cold winter, there is a romantic holiday called Christmas. In the romantic Christmas, there is a message of blessings spreading everywhere, filled with peace. In the transmission of peace, it is your health and my wishes. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

17、圣诞树上挂满了长长的思念,结出温暖的果实。圣诞颂歌诠释快乐的旋律,为你创造快乐。的氛围;圣诞苹果注满深深问候,为你一生平安保驾护航;圣诞短信写满真挚祝福,祝你圣诞节快乐! The Christmas tree is filled with long thoughts, bearing warm fruits. Christmas carols interpret joyful melodies and create happiness for you. The atmosphere; Christmas apples are filled with deep greetings, providing you with a safe and secure life; Christmas SMS filled with sincere wishes, wishing you a happy Christmas!


19、亲爱的,尽管我不能陪你度过我们的第一个圣诞节,但是我还要送给你我深深的祝福,愿你明天更美丽! Dear, although i cant be with you through our first christmas, but i will send to you my deep blessing, wish you more beautiful tomorrow.

20、做一回平安夜的使者,向你报一声平安,做一回圣诞节的圣诞老人,向你派发回快乐;做一回梦幻里爱的天使,向你播撒回幸福;做一回无所不能的神灵,实现你的心愿吧!圣诞快乐,马上许愿吧! Be an ambassador for Christmas Eve, declare peace to you, be Santa Claus for Christmas, and send you joy back; Be an angel of love in a dream, sowing back happiness to you; Be an omnipotent deity and fulfill your wish! Merry Christmas, make a wish now!





25、对不起,没法给你送上一份圣诞礼物,其实那夜我真的去了,可是我带了太多的祝福就被卡在烟囱中间了,所以现在只能给你一份迟到的祝福:圣诞快乐! Im sorry, I cant give you a Christmas gift. Actually, I did go that night, but I brought too many blessings and got stuck in the chimney. So now I can only give you a late wish: Merry Christmas!

26、Wishing you a blessed christmas and a new year filled with happy surprises. 祝圣诞平安,新年中有意想不到的收获!


28、May the glow of christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your new year bright. 愿圣诞的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦。



31、铃儿叮当响,圣诞祝福忙,祝你平平安安走四方,事业红火放光芒,爱情和美蜜如糖,身体健康更强壮,家庭和睦又吉祥,幸福生活万年长。预祝圣诞快乐! Bells jingle, Christmas wishes are busy, and I wish you peace and prosperity in all directions. Your career shines brightly, love and beauty are like sugar, your body is healthy and stronger, your family is harmonious and auspicious, and you live a happy life for thousands of years. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!


33、第一个想到的是你,第一个爱你的是我,让我们第一次在一起过圣诞节,圣诞节快乐,宝贝. The first think of you, the first is i love you, let us together at christmas for the first time, merry christmas, sweetheart.



36、驯鹿雪橇,苹果礼物,快乐圣诞树。贺卡一张,文字祝福,恭贺圣诞节。平安健康,顺利吉祥,福禄无限。白昼夜晚,青春暮年,随你到永远。圣诞快乐。 reindeer sled, apple gift, happy Christmas tree. A greeting card with words of congratulations on Christmas. Safe and healthy, smooth and auspicious, with unlimited blessings and rewards. Day and night, youth and old age, accompany you forever. Merry Christmas.

37、圣诞到了,聆听钟声,心情悠扬;静看飞雪,喜笑颜开;戴上帽子,鸿运当头;披上外套,福运无边;送上祝福,锦上添花:祝圣诞快乐,天天开心! Christmas is here, listening to the bells and feeling melodious; Quietly watching the flying snow, smiling with joy; Wearing a hat, good luck comes first; Put on a coat, good luck knows no bounds; Wishing you a Merry Christmas and happiness every day!


39、问候平淡如水,很清;祝福寥寥数语,心诚;摘一颗星,采一朵云,装入平安的贺卡送给您,让健康幸福时时围绕您。圣诞快乐! Greetings are as plain as water, very clear; Blessings in a few words, sincere in heart; Pick a star, pick a cloud, and send you a safe greeting card, so that health and happiness always surround you. Merry Christmas!


41、洁白的雪花,五彩的圣诞树,绚丽的烟火一起映衬出多彩的圣诞节。我把我的祝福写成诗、绘成画都不能表达我的心意,我决定用短信祝福你:圣诞快乐。 The pure white snowflakes, colorful Christmas trees, and splendid fireworks complement the colorful Christmas. I cannot express my wishes in poetry or painting, so I have decided to send you a message wishing you a Merry Christmas.

42、雪花飘飘,是我的思念;彩灯闪闪,是我的祝福;清风缕缕,是我的拥抱;快乐连连,是我的礼物,祝你圣诞快乐! Snowflakes drifting, its my longing; The sparkling colored lights are my blessings; The gentle breeze is my embrace; Happy and continuous, its my gift. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!


44、把圣诞节成果挂在树枝上,把圣诞快乐填满胸前,把圣诞礼物放在枕头上,把圣诞短信发到你手里,把圣诞温暖放在你心里,希望圣诞节那天你会更加开心。 Hang Christmas fruits on tree branches, fill your chest with Christmas joy, place Christmas gifts on your pillow, send Christmas messages to you, and keep Christmas warmth in your heart. I hope you will be even happier on Christmas Day.




48、纷飞的雪花,昭示吉祥;温馨的灯火,透着浪漫;五彩的礼花,交相辉映;平安的钟声,远播万里;高大的驯鹿,马不停蹄;真挚的祝福,源源不绝:朋友,祝你圣诞快乐,好运无穷! The flying snowflakes signify auspiciousness; Warm lights, exuding romance; Colorful fireworks complement each other; The sound of peace bells spreads far and wide; Tall reindeer, without stopping; Sincere wishes, endless: Friend, wish you a Merry Christmas and endless good luck!

49、不幸地告诉你,接到此短信的瞬间你已中了地球上最可怕的巨毒!我拜访了银河系所有星球都无用,唯一办法是在圣诞夜接受我的关爱。圣诞快乐! Unfortunately, by the moment you receive this message, you have been hit by the most terrifying poison on Earth! I visited all the planets in the Milky Way, but the only way was to receive my love on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!(03KkK.COm 零思考方案网)

50、圣诞节就快到了,我把收藏了一年的喜气、福气、财气、瑞气、运气统统装进一个精美的盒子里,在圣诞节那天,让圣诞老人带去送给你,祝你圣诞快乐! Christmas is coming soon, and I have packed all the blessings, blessings, wealth, luck, and good luck that I have collected for a year into a beautiful box. On Christmas Day, let Santa Claus bring them to you and wish you a happy Christmas!




54、把记忆叠成小船,飘荡在思念的心上;把思念寄托风铃,摇曳学校的回忆;把回忆串成故事,写满真挚的祝福;把祝福融入短信,老师,祝您圣诞快乐! Fold memories into small boats, drifting in the heart of longing; Placing longing on wind chimes, swaying memories of school; String memories into stories and write sincere blessings; Incorporating blessings into text messages, teacher, wish you a Merry Christmas!



57、烦恼不理你,健康暗恋你,快乐是你的左膀,幸福是你的右臂,让我的祝福化作真情,流露我的真心,对你说声:“圣诞快乐!” Worries ignore you, health secretly loves you, happiness is your left arm, happiness is your right arm, let my blessings turn into true feelings, reveal my sincerity, and say to you, "Merry Christmas!"



60、都说流星有求必应,我愿意守在星空之下,等到一颗星星被我感动,划破长空,载着我的祝福落在你枕边,祝你圣诞节快乐! It is said that meteors always respond to your requests, and I am willing to stay under the starry sky. When a star is moved by me and cuts through the sky, it carries my blessings and falls on your pillow. Wishing you a happy Christmas!


62、Numerous loving wishes for my wife who will always be my valuable christmas gift and everything to me. 无尽的爱恋与祝福,献给我的爱妻,你永远是我珍贵的圣诞礼物和我的一切!

63、平安之夜的使者,向你报一声平安,带这盈盈的相思,带着温馨的祝愿,祝福你圣诞快乐!! The emissary of the night of peace, report a peace to you, with this full of acacia, with warm wishes, wish you a merry christmas!!


65、圣诞老人圣诞鹿,圣诞袜子圣诞树。圣诞钟声圣诞歌,圣诞大餐秉火烛。圣诞卡片写吉祥,圣诞口袋装礼物。圣诞气氛渐渐浓,圣诞祝福别耽误! Santa Claus, Christmas Deer, Christmas Socks, Christmas Tree. The sound of Christmas bells and Christmas songs, the Christmas feast with candles. Christmas cards are written with auspiciousness, and Christmas pockets are filled with gifts. The Christmas atmosphere is gradually getting stronger, dont delay Christmas wishes!



68、雪花纷飞,飘落了吉祥;驯鹿飞驰,驮来了好运;铃声叮当,传来了喜讯;圣诞到了,送来了祝福:祝你圣诞快乐,心想事成,阖家幸福,天天开心! Snowflakes are flying and falling with auspiciousness; Reindeer gallop, carrying good luck; The bell jingled, bringing good news; Christmas has arrived, with blessings: Wishing you a Merry Christmas, your dreams come true, your family is happy, and you are happy every day!



71、圣诞乐,圣诞乐,快乐心涌,祝福手中握,条条短信是礼物,条条短信是快乐!礼物堆成堆,快乐汇成河。圣诞老人在说话,圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, with a surge of joy in your heart. Grasp your blessings in your hand, messages are gifts, messages are happiness! Gifts pile up, happiness flows into a river. Santa Claus is talking, Merry Christmas!








79、平安夜刚过,平安相陪伴;圣诞节来到,祝福早起草;短信准备了一条又一条,只是为了把心意表。在欢乐的节日里,传递出我的真诚问候:圣诞快乐!永远幸福! Just after Christmas Eve, be safe and accompany each other; Christmas is here, and wishes are drafted early; I prepared one message after another just to express my feelings. In the joyful holiday season, convey my sincere greetings: Merry Christmas! Forever happiness!

80、心情还好么,圣诞祝福给你好心情,身体还好么,圣诞问候送你健康,事业还顺么,圣诞问候送你平安,梦想还远么,圣诞快乐伴你身边,圣诞节到来,愿你开心快乐,吉祥如意。 Are you in a good mood? Christmas greetings bring you good mood and good health. Christmas greetings bring you good health and your career is going smoothly. Christmas greetings bring you peace and your dreams are still far away. Merry Christmas is by your side. With the arrival of Christmas, I wish you happiness and good luck.



83、从洁白的雪花上复制快乐,粘贴到你心上;从飞驰的雪撬上复制好运,粘贴到你身上;从圣诞老人的胡子上复制祝福,粘贴到你手上。雪花飘飘,圣诞快乐! Copy happiness from pure white snowflakes and paste it into your heart; Copy good luck from the speeding sled and paste it onto you; Copy blessings from Santa Clauss beard and paste them into your hand. Snowflakes fluttering, Merry Christmas!




87、在这白色的季节里充满我短短的祝福,带着紫色的幸运带迎向未来美好的日子。君临在大地的祥和慈祥天空里的笑容。犹如幸福般的天使遗落在这人间天空。圣诞节快乐! In this white season, it is full of my short blessings, with a purple lucky belt welcoming the beautiful days of the future. The smile of King Lin in the peaceful and compassionate sky of the earth. An angel, like happiness, is left in this earthly sky. Merry Christmas!


89、偶尔的繁忙,不代表遗忘;圣诞即将到来,愿你心情处处开朗;曾落下的关怀,此次一并补偿;所有的问候,凝聚一条短信,愿你幸福健康。圣诞快乐! Occasional busyness does not mean forgetting; Christmas is coming soon, may your mood be cheerful everywhere; The care left behind will be compensated together this time; All greetings, condensed into a short message, wishing you happiness and health. Merry Christmas!


教师实习期总结 09-28


早晨问候语励志句子 鞋店宣传口号 09-28


腊八粥祝福语短信 学生腊八节文案 09-28


幼儿园排队 幼儿园排队口号 09-28


勤俭发言稿 09-28




三年级名言 三年级写信作文 09-28


征兵标语 09-28


加工协议书 02-17


老师毕业生寄语 毕业生寄语 09-28


教师个人格言语句 教师祝词 09-28
