
趣祝福 · 作文 · 重阳节贺词

趣祝福作文(编辑 悠游诗人)一眨眼到了年初八,春节就结束了,人人都回到了正常的轨道上,该上班的上班,该上学去上学了。新的一年开始了,人们纷纷向新的生活、新的目标进发、努力了。

介绍重阳节作文100字 篇1

As time goes by, I have grown up and my Mid Autumn Festival night has also changed.

Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. On August 15 of the lunar calendar, it happens to be the autumn of the year, or the middle of August, so it is called "Mid Autumn Festival". On this evening, we will feast and enjoy the moon.

That autumn night, I stood on the balcony and looked up at the sky, gazing at a full moon. But its not the bright moon we often talk about, the full moon of this year is like a shy little girl. There are layers of clear clouds in the sky, like smoke and mist, permeating the moonlight. Suddenly, a gust of autumn wind blows, and the cold is still shallow, making me intoxicated in the palace of autumn, unable to help but recall the past Mid Autumn Festival.

Su Shi once said, "In this life, this month is not good. Where can I see the bright moon and tomorrow?" Now my memory is still very clear. I remember the Mid Autumn Festival in my hometown before. Every Mid Autumn Festival, my grandparents, parents, and I always put a big table outside the door with various things on it, such as pears, apples, mooncakes, etc. After a certain amount of time, they will set off firecrackers. "Three, two, one, were going to set off firecrackers!" Dad said. I was so scared that I ran back to the room and covered my ears with my hands. The sound of firecrackers kept clattering incessantly. After its over, Ill come out and see what Change really looks like. The moon is like a big disk, casting its bright and gentle moonlight on me. After enjoying the moon, my mother said, "Lets start eating mooncakes." I jumped off the sofa, happy like a three-year-old child. The fragrance of moon cakes wafted inside and outside the house. Then our family watched the Mid-Autumn Festival program and played for a whole day. I was tired and couldnt open my eyes. Then, accompanied by the fragrance of moon cakes, I gradually fell asleep.

I hope people will last for a long time and share the beauty of a thousand miles. The moonlight is still as bright and clear as before, except that the people under the moonlight have changed and become different. Now that my parents and I have arrived in the new city, we rarely go home to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. I place my longing for my loved ones in the moonlight.






介绍重阳节作文100字 篇2

The Mid Autumn Festival may be the festival with the deepest imprint of the Chinese nation. From the Tang and Song dynasties, literati and courtesans, to todays family reunions and joyful family gatherings How many years have passed! Mid-Autumn Festival, full of historical time and space, brings people endless dreams and imagination. And the moon, because of this beautiful festival, appears mysterious and charming, warm and romantic.

I have had countless dreams. Dreaming of a deep courtyard that can hide the moon; Dreaming of the tired moon hiding in the clouds, leaving only a few stars seemingly on lookout; Dreaming of Changes beautiful face and icy skirt; Dreamed of the osmanthus tree transmitting the eternal fragrance; Many uncommon family members reunite and spend the Mid Autumn Festival together

Night is extremely quiet. The full moon travels through the clouds, casting a silver hue on the earth. Looking up at the bright moon, bowing my head to think of my hometown. The more I enjoy the silver glow of the moonlight, the more I miss my distant hometown.

"The night sky is as cool as water, sitting and watching the morning glory of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl." The quiet night sky is like a soft and smooth blue silk, and a full moon like a jade plate sprinkles its bright radiance. Moonlight cascaded down through the mottled tree crevices, spreading a layer of broken silver on the ground, and every green leaf seemed to be quietly immersed in milk. The flowers at the foot of the wall are draped in a light veil like water, swaying slender branches like red clouds, emitting a intoxicating floral fragrance.

"When will the bright moon appear?" Zizhan asked the moon as he drank. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, brothers separated and there was no news. Only the bright moon and solitary shadows accompany, dancing and playing with the clear shadows, unable to sleep all night. Alright, what if we cant meet again? "I hope people will last for a long time and share the beauty of a thousand miles." Under the full moon, even if separated by thousands of miles, it can still be considered a kind of reunion!

Appreciating the moon during the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon can also be read, thought about, and tasted. The full moon and the absence of the moon are the most wonderful transformations in nature, constantly moving back and forth. Isnt life like this? Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and both good and bad coexist. People often lose themselves in the fields of fame, fortune, and social media, indulging in extravagance when they are pleased, and sympathizing with others when they are disappointed. And the moon, still hanging in the sky, silently carrying out its own cycle, seems to be telling people something







介绍重阳节作文100字 篇3



介绍重阳节作文100字 篇4


放学回家,我一个人在家里写作业。晚上,语文试卷刚写完,爸爸就来电了:“晚上十点去西樵山登高。”时间只剩下几分钟,在我们装备一些衣服时。咚、咚、咚的声音传来,我开门一看,是人口普查的叔叔、阿姨。真是的',偏要这个时候来!填完表了,我们赶紧下楼出发。[工作总结之家 m.dg15.COM]



介绍重阳节作文100字 篇5





介绍重阳节作文100字 篇6

Today is the Double Ninth Festival, during which there is a custom of climbing mountains and heights. So, on this special day, our family came to Deshengyan to climb the mountain.

After buying good things, our group started hiking. Look, the big cousin is leading the way, followed closely by my sister and cousin, followed by me and my little cousin. My little cousin and I are really ashamed. We are older and taller than our little cousin, and we cant even catch up with her while climbing mountains; But what impressed me the most was my grandfather. Today is my grandfathers 70th birthday, and I saw him carrying a big bag, holding his little cousin in his hand, and occasionally helping his grandmother. Looking at my grandfathers agile steps, he didnt look like a 70 year old man at all. In my imagination, he looked like a young young man.

Along the way, there were still many people selling drinks and food, and I saw many people carrying burdens climbing up. I thought to myself, these people carrying burdens, we didnt take anything, and our feet were like water, making it difficult to walk. They carried burdens and climbed up step by step. Of course, they were even more tired than me, but from their step-by-step footsteps, I truly admire them.

Halfway up the mountain, I met my classmate Zhu Jianli. From our conversation and laughter, I became even stronger, so I made up my mind to climb to the top of the mountain. Perhaps it was my determination that moved the heavens. In no time, we climbed to the top of the mountain. Standing on the top, we looked down, and the gentle breeze blew in. It felt really good.

We went down the mountain and sat in the car. I turned back time and time again, thinking to myself: the custom of climbing and climbing on the Double Ninth Festival is still passed down around us, and I must come back next year.






传统节日的介绍英语作文 1

Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.

I love Spring Festival.



介绍重阳节作文100字 篇7

重阳节,我和妈妈到紫金山登高望远。 我们沿着盘山石板路,信步向天文台走去。路的右边是茂密的树林,临终有松树,有竹子,还有一些灌木。轻风吹过,树林里发出了哗啦啦的声音。



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介绍重阳节作文100字 篇9






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